Chapter Seven

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Dear Readers, this chapter has been EDITED. Slightly different to what it was before. Some of the readers commented on how the relationship between Karlie and Josh progressed too fast in the last paragraph of the original update so I deleted this part of the chapter and it will be written into a later chapter.

Karlie's P.O.V

Packing my suitcase to head to Nashville for a party was really easy, I had no concerns about the party or the long night ahead and I was hitching a ride with Taylor who was travelling with Aubree and was planning to stay an extra week while I had to fly out to L.A the day after the party. I was nervous about flying with Taylor because this would be Aubree's first flight and I knew that Taylor would be nervous about her flying as well, but hopefully we all love the flight and have a great time at the party. I had no idea where I was going to stay while in Nashville because Taylor was planning to stay with her parents and I didn't want to stay there so I would probably crash at a hotel or on Lily's couch, providing the party allowed me to leave and sleep. I remember the last one was pretty wild but that was in the days before she became a mom too, so fingers crossed the night wasn't too bad so I wouldn't look awful turning up to my meeting in L.A. I had no idea that Taylor had been invited until she told me she was taking Aubree to Nashville for a week, I had assumed she would eventually but when I questioned why so soon she mentioned a party in Nashville, "Lily right?" I questioned her over the phone as she confirmed it and then invited me to fly with her and Aubree. "Are you sure?"
"Sure I'm sure. You're my best friend Karlie. Why would I make you pay for a flight I'm taking myself? Makes no sense, so come with Aubree and I, although I can't tell you that the flight will be calm because I have no idea but hey at least we're cute." She stated as I agreed without hesitation and Taylor got a little flirty with me, "so you think I'm cute Kloss? That's cute." I blushed and then smiled remembering she couldn't see me. "Are you there Karlie?" I confirmed and we talked for a little but until I packed and cleaned my apartment considering I wouldn't be here for a few weeks, due to assignments in L.A for companies wanting me. I loved my job some of the time, other times it could be stressful and demanding but at least now people called and wanted me as previously they never called and I had to fight everyone for a piece of the limelight. Taylor had text and told me she would be at mine to pick me up at 11.00am but she asked that I just came downstairs when she got me because she was hoping that Aubree would be asleep to make the take-off a little easier. Thankfully the news of Aubree had been well accepted and most people were leaving her, but to be sure Taylor was meeting her plane on the tarmac, already having cleared it with air control. The minute we arrived at the tarmac Aubree began to cry and scream, I thought it was to do with the noise but as soon as we were in the plane and Taylor held her she stopped crying, and as I looked at Taylor in amazement she just said, "my arms calm her down." That made me smile as we settled back into the short four hour flight to Nashville.

Getting off the plane proved to be easier as we simply walked through the airport and I breathed out a sigh of relief, it had been a long time since I last had no paparazzi when I arrived somewhere and to be honest it's really nice. Josh is always talking about how people don't really care about him when he travels alone and I always say how nice that must be, but he always comes back with. "Well it's nice because when I'm with you it's terrible." That always makes me sit back dead in my spot. I know that Josh hates the paparazzi but it's a part of my job, has been since I was a kid and starting out. They have gotten worse over the past few years thanks to Victoria's Secret that seems to have turned me into some type of glam lady but I love my job and my life. There are only some occasions that I wished Josh could see how my job benefits people, think of all the lunches I'm providing with Karlie's Kookies but Josh doesn't see that. I'm hopeful that he doesn't cause too many issues due to this impromptu party but to be honest after the things he said the other night he should have been lucky that I called him. I decided not to go and see him because I was hurt that he left without saying goodbye, I know that he is his own boss and he can afford to be away for short periods of time. Such as his business trips but he doesn't really care about what I think or what I want. He only assumes and it's one of his biggest faults. After Taylor made me come with her to drop off Aubree I'm sitting and watching the wide spaces of Nashville pass me by, I know that her parents still live her but according to Taylor it's not in the city where her apartment is. I know that the house they live in is one that she brought for them to show her appreciation for what they have done for her and I know that Scott and Andrea do appreciate it because Taylor appreciates everything she is given too. So she had to learn it from somewhere, or someone.

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