Chapter Thirty Four

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Taylor's P.O.V

The letter sits on my lap as I sit in bed. I'm nervous to read it but I know that it's the only way that I will ever find out what happened to Karlie, and why she had to leave. I'm nervous as anything and I know with Aubree dead asleep I have no excuse. Tree showed extreme emotion when she handed me the letter and I knew that she wanted me to read it and after what I told my mom, I knew that no matter what the letter said I would be on a plane to her. No matter what, because I love her and over the past few months without her it's been hard I know that Aubree has adjusted to life without Karlie but the way that she carries around her giraffe I know that she still misses Karlie and I can't continue to live without knowing one way or another so I take a deep breath and slide the envelope open.

Dear Tree,

Taylor has no idea as that I'm writing this letter to you and I don't want her to know until she has been on tour for at least two months, probably when she's in Portland for that night so unless she goes downhill quickly please make sure that you keep what I'm about to tell you quiet. I'm sick Tree, my last check-up with my doctor in New York found a lump in my left breast and I tried to keep it as quiet as I could, I even made sure that the most intimate that Taylor and I have gotten over the past few weeks is make outs that were steamy to a point. I've contacted my doctor in St. Louis and I'm leaving to go back to get chemotherapy so I want to ensure that Taylor is protected. I know that the minute that I tell her that I have breast cancer she will drop the tour and drag Aubree to St. Louis so she can be with me while I go through treatment but that's the last thing that I want. So please keep my girls safe and don't tell Taylor until it's essential.

When the time comes please give this letter to Taylor so she understands why I've practically gone off the planet without telling her where I'm headed. She thinks that I'm headed back to St. Louis to identify Josh in a car crash and while Josh was involved in a fender bender he was released a few hours later and boarded a plane to L.A where his new girlfriend and baby boy are living. He was in St. Louis dropping off stuff to his mate Patrick when it happened but Taylor doesn't know that and it seemed like a better cover than a fake modelling job. I know that I'll miss them almost as much as they will miss me, but due to there being two of them there will be twice the heartache and twice the love radiating from New York.

I'll keep in contact as often as I can but sometimes it will be my siblings so don't freak out if a strange number calls you. I'll try to remind them to call using my phone but I have no idea if they will actually listen so don't bank on it. I'm trusting you with this secret Tree, I know that Taylor is going to be really upset and mad and she will not understand why I'm doing this but it's for the best that this tour continues and I know eventually I'm going to see my girls again but hopefully she's not too mad to get rid of me. I love her Tree and one day I'm going to make her my wife and we are going to have more siblings for Aubree to boss around because no doubt she will be as in-charge as her mother is.

But to Taylor, if you're reading this then you're probably really mad and you probably rang your mom before you even opened this letter but I mean every word I said, I love you and one day I will make you mine and then I will have to answer to you every time I leave but until we meet again just know that I love you and Aubree and I'm coming back to you. Please don't worry because I'll be fine. If you need to and want to visit then you're more than welcome to. Call Tree and she will tell you where I am. I love you baby, talk soon.

Love Karlie xx

By the time I reach the end of the letter I can feel big ugly tears running down my eyes and sooner than I could realize tear drops begin to drop onto the letter making the ink of the pen run. I still had a high regard for people who write hand written letters and this letter only made me love Karlie more, but I still can't believe that she left me due to having Cancer, but she still felt like she couldn't tell me. I never believed for a second that Josh had been involved in a car accident and had been killed, I knew that because of the way that it never came out publically that it hadn't been Josh involved in the crash, if there had ever been a crash at all. I'm deeply ashamed that I never caught onto the fact that Karlie was sick, but thinking back I noticed that we never got deeply intimate in the last few weeks before she left. She's right about one thing that she wrote in her letter, and that's that I would have left the tour. I would have ensured that we came out and that I went to St. Louis, wherever Karlie needed to be that's where Aubree and I would have been because at the end of the day I loved her, we loved her. Aubree and I loved Karlie and I know that Karlie loved us too.

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