Chapter Forty Nine

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Tree's P.O.V

"Is Karlie Kloss a cheat?" I look up at my TV from my desk where I keep it on E! Channel so I can be on top of any incoming news about any of my clients, I know that any breaking news about Taylor will come across here and now because her and Karlie got married I look out for Karlie too, despite her not being my client. I know that Taylor appreciates it when I look after her so I try my best to keep up with both women. I turn the TV up as I focus in on it but as I look at the image they have onscreen my mouth drops open in shock. "Holy mother of god!" I state throwing my hand over my mouth. Almost as soon as I look at the TV again I can hear my phone ringing, looking down I see it's Karlie's agent. "Hello?"
"Hey Tree, have you seen E!?"
"I'm looking at it now. Is this for real or another fake story?" I question genuinely wondering if this woman even knows what her own client is up to, a married client no less. "I think it's true. I haven't talked to Karlie in the last two weeks she's been dodging my calls and skipping gym sessions. I know that she's upset about Alannah and I don't blame her but I don't know. What do we do now?" she questions and I'm wondering why she is asking me, I obviously don't have the answer. "I have no idea. You really need to get in contact with Karlie though because if this turns out to have some truth behind it then it's going to wreck Taylor." I hear her hum that she agrees and we both hang up. I decide not to do anything until I hear back or if Taylor calls me so as at right now all I can do is wait.

Noah's P.O.V

"Hey, Noah is your mom not good enough for your mom?" I turn and see Pete the school asshole standing surrounded by his mates. "What are you running your mouth about again?" I question stopping near him. "You heard me," I look at him and as he pulls his phone out I roll my eyes, "Don't you roll them eyes at me boy." He states as I turn and look at him,
"Dude it's California, not Texas. Get used to it." His eyes narrow but I know he's not about to hit me considering we play lacrosse together and I'm one of the best right side attacker that the team has, Pete plays left side attacker. "Well at least my mom's not stepping out on anyone." Pete snarls as I watch him thrust his phone at me. I look down at the picture on the screen and say, "no..." I shake my head pushing the phone back and rushing towards my locker. Pete yells after me, "what you don't want to stay and prove me wrong?" I turn to him and walk back.
"I'd tread carefully Pete. I know lots of things about you and your friends that I doubt you'd want the athletic department to know about." He looks at his friends and gulps. "That's what I thought." I state rushing back to grab my longboard and slamming my locker shut. I walk past glad that my last period is a free period so I can leave. Adjusting the backpack on my back I turn and skate for home. It's only a 15-20 minute skate so I'm not bothered by the fact that my calf muscles will be burning, the physiotherapist that mom's been taking me to said I can start to work the calf and suggested the skating to get it moving. I start back at swimming next week and we will train for state finals which are in two months time. Our school hasn't won the trophy in five years but I'm hoping that this year will be our year.

Walking into the house I put my board down and say, "mom? I'm home." Aubree comes rushing in, "Oah, Oah..." I scoop her up and rest her on my hip as I walk into the kitchen and see mom sitting there at the table. "Is everything okay mom?" I question as she looks up and nods but I know it's a fake one. "You don't have to lie, I've seen the picture." She gasps and doesn't say much as I sit with Aubree and eventually rise up to get food handing Aubree some washed grapes I found in the fridge, she goes and sits at her little kids table in the corner where she eats her snacks. "I've got to see Tree." Mom states from behind me.
"Okay, is she coming over or are you going out?" I question biting into an apple. Mom looks at me and I can see the devastation in her eyes. "I'm dropping Aubree with Uncle Austin whose doing a few acting classes so he said he'd take her and then I'm going to the office." I nod and realise that means I can stay home. "What if mom comes home?" Mom shrugs and looks at me,
"I don't know if I actually care anymore." My mouth wants to drop open but I don't want her upset if she's driving across L.A in traffic. "Well I mean, there are good times but what does this mean?" She looks at me and sighs, "I really don't know Noah. I'd love to take you guys away for awhile but you're busy with school so we can't. This is one of the reasons why I've always been reluctant to have children and now because of Alannah this is happening." I lower my head so mom won't see me almost cry. "It's alright Noah. It's not your fault, or Aubree's or Alannah's or even mine. It's just how I feel right now. Dr Marshall says I'm doing better with the loss now." I look at her and take her hand across the table just to show support for her. "That's good, I'm pleased." I tell her as she nods and gathers herself, calling to Aubree when she's ready. "Will you be alright?" she questions looking me over. I nod at her. "Yeah I'm gonna pull some shorts on and watch some TV." She nods but says,
"Fine with me, no gym. I'll bring pizza home for dinner." I fist pump the air as she kisses my cheek and leaves, Aubree waves bye as they go and I wave to her as well. I'm hoping that whatever they decide at Tree's office doesn't affect the family like Alannah's death did.

After changing into a pair of black Nike basketball shorts and green singlet I jog downstairs still being careful of my torn calf muscle. It's heaps better than it was so I forgave the coach for telling mom about it after the meet. I'm only halfway into the new episode of Law and Order SVU when the front door opens and the sound of keys in the bowl attracts my attention. Pausing the TV mom comes around the corner and says, "where's mom and Aubree, the car's gone." I don't say anything and instead ignore her and turn back to the TV. It doesn't take her long to come and stand in my line of vision, snatch the remote off me and turn the TV off. "Hey, what was that for?" I question glaring at her. "What's the attitude for?" she rebuts,
"I don't know maybe because you haven't been here." She looks shocked at my accusation and sits down in the chair near me. "What do you mean, I've been here." I roll my eyes.
"Sure you have. Just like you stayed my whole swim meet and just like you've been here for mom." She looks taken back at me speaking to her like I am but I'm really mad, she missed my birthday too and so I doubt she even knows I got my permit. "I've always been here for your mom, she's been through a lot recently I was giving her space and I had to go and work the day of your meet." I look at her and say, "really, so you had to work but you knew about that meet since the day you enrolled me. It was your idea to go to that school and you missed my first meet...also maybe mom did have a miscarriage but you sure haven't been taking her to her counselling sessions, Paul and John have. Three times a week. It was every day for three weeks and now it's scaled back. But you didn't know because you're not here." I state making her stand up so I stand up too. I hate people who stand and tower over me just because they're taller. "I have been here. Earning a living to feed and dress you." I look at her and raise my eyebrows, I know that we have heaps of money from all of mom's tours. "Well I've been away a bit, but tell me why she's with Tree." Mom asks and I'm starting to get really mad at her so I say, "she's there because you got caught out kissing Toni Garrn today mom..." I pause and look her up and down, "wearing that exact outfit too. Geez wonder how you're gonna explain that." I say walking away. "Wait, stop there." She says but I keep walking.
"Why, gonna tell me it's a mistake and it's wrong. It's you and it's new. Now mom's with Tree trying to figure out what comes next. But I guess you can guess that yourself. I asked her point blank this afternoon after I found out about if what I should do if you came home and mom said 'I don't think I care anymore.' So I think your toast. She blames herself and that's because she thinks you don't want her, that you don't love her and that you don't even care about Alannah..." I look down at her stopped behind me. "...and you know what? I think she's right. You don't care."
"I do care." She states getting choked up behind me and this forces me to turn and look at her.
"Really? Because if you cared, what were you doing kissing another woman's cheek when you're married." She goes silent as I turn and continue to walk upstairs and for once I don't feel bad for speaking to mom like that. She needs to wake up and realise that there are issues at home that she needs to help mom with. They need to deal with Alannah's death together, not separately. Hopefully Tree doesn't encourage a separation, despite it being obvious they need one. I think that one would make things worse now. Hopefully things slow down. I drop onto my bed and pick up the remote to my TV turning on my XBOX I get lost in the world of games for a few hours until I hear mom home and yelling pizza. Hopefully mama is still here after my talk with her, well my voiced opinions to her.

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