Chapter Three

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Taylor's P.O.V

Sitting and waiting for what seemed like an eternity until finally an older woman around my mom's age bursts through the door, disturbing the baby and making her cry again. I have no idea what to do as the woman glares at me before blinking and then shuffling awkwardly into the room, given the amount of paperwork she is carrying. "Taylor Swift, right?" She questions walking towards me. I nod and hold out my free hand, considering the baby is holding the other one. "Yes that's me." I sit back down as she looks at the baby before taking out paperwork and filling it in, the air becomes uncomfortable so I do what I do best and I fill it with words. "So what will happen to her?" I question looking at the social worker who glances up and sighs. "Well, she's only about a month old so she will probably go into care now." I smile. "That's great, a couple will get her and care for her." I state smoothing her hand with my thumb as she falls back asleep. "Excuse me, but do you know much about the system?" the social worker questions me. I look at her and shake my head, "not really. Children get fostered and grow up in good homes right?" I question as she social worker shakes her head at me and I feel dumb really quickly. "That happens to 2% of children in care before they are five but the reality is that once a child is at school and develops their own ideas and individuality then they become less desired by people. It is rare here in New York that children get fostered or adopted at all, less than ten children will be adopted or fostered in New York this year, that's compared to the one hundred, sometimes more children who will need to be put into the system. The fact is Miss Swift that people don't want to foster or adopt anymore but the demand on needing people to do that continues to grow. This child will not be fostered but instead will be sent more than likely to an orphanage, it is hopeful that she will be adopted but unlikely. She will most likely live her eighteen years in the orphanage and then will move on." My heart races, "Move on?" I question. The social worker nods her head and goes onto explain that at eighteen the child is told to leave, find a job, a place to live and ways to live on their own because their bed will be needed for other children in the system. I'm absolutely horrified but this happens apparently regularly. I sit there as she continues to work on the paperwork but then suddenly I speak up, "I want her." I state as the woman stares at me. "What?" she questions as I look at her with what must be a stunned face. "The baby, I want her. I would like to adopt her." The woman smiles at me, looking at the baby, "Are you sure, it's not like a pair of shoes you can give back." I look at her and nod, I'm sure of this. "Okay then," she states pulling alternate paperwork out of her bag, "can you sign these forms?" I nod and reach for them as the doctor comes in to take the baby away for follow up checks.

As I sat with the social worker whose name I learnt was Laura, she walked me through everything I would need to know about the baby and as we were nearing the end of the process we reached a page where it asked for the name of the adopter (which was me) and the adoptee (baby) and it was here that Laura looked at me. "Well, she doesn't have a clear name so what would you like to call her. I sat back and thought for a minute before saying, "Aubree, her name is Aubree. Aubree Alison Swift." I declared naming her after my middle name, I usually found it annoying when parents named their kids after themselves but I didn't see the harm in passing on 'Alison' to her. I watched Laura smile as she filled in the last of the paperwork, buzzing for a nurse to bring in the sheet that covered the tests that the baby had done, mostly stating allergies and such. It was clear that she had none so I relaxed. Once the papers were signed Laura informed me she would be catching up with me in five days' time to give me time to get home, settled in and feeling confident with Aubree. I smiled and assured her that I would be settled by then. Turning to Tom I began to make a list of stuff that would be required and in that time the doctor came back with Aubree and offered her to me instead of lying her back in the plastic bassinet. I took her and spent over an hour going over each and every inch of her body, from her tiny toes to her cute nose. Doctors came and checked her over and said she could leave later on which excited me but then I realised that I had nothing at the apartment for her. After talking to a few doctors and nurses I decided to go and get everything and then come back and get Aubree. Kissing her forehead as she slept I laid and extra cardigan down next to her so she could still smell me and hopefully wouldn't get too upset by me not being there.

Rushing home with security I began to search up places to buy things, I decided to go to places like Target because it would be easier and by the time we pulled up I knew exactly what I was purchasing. Walking in people stopped me for pictures and things but mostly left me alone. It took me less than an hour to decide on the major basis that I needed. Including a bassinet, crib, changing table, bath, car seat and stroller. The other little things like bottles, nappies and wipes were also thrown in before I stood for almost ten minutes deciding what baby cream to get for her bottom. I send all this back to the apartment using a delivery truck and then I moved onto shopping for the fun stuff. Mid-way through and under the watchful eye of Paul, another member of security who I've had for years, I was hugged. A massive hug that paralyses me with fear before I realise that I know the person hugging me, recognizing the scent of her shampoo I turn around and hug Karlie back. Long arms reach around as we both fight to be the best hugger, but eventually due to me being exhausted I give up. "Hey Taylor, what are you doing out and about?" Karlie questions as her green eyes light up with happiness. "You know shopping..." I state carefully as she stares at me probably wondering if I'm being serious or not. "I got that much, but why are you in this aisle?" she questioned gesturing to the baby necessities aisle that I was standing in while holding two different brands of bottles for newborns. "Oh uhm, well shopping for a baby actually..." I drift off as I turn to put back the ones that have animals on the side because it will make it hard to know how much is in the bottle. "Whose it for?" she questions looking through the stuff I've already collected. When she scoops under the animal baby blanket I picked up a few minutes ago and finds diapers and wipes she stops and looks at me. "Are you adopting the baby boy?" Karlie questions as I smirk and decide to have a little fun with her. "Nope I'm not." Karlie looks bummed for a second but then looks at the stuff again, seeing pinks and purples in there she looks at me, "no way was it actually a girl?" I smile and she leaps over and hugs me again. "Wow, that's so cool. Are you adopting her?" She questions putting emphasis on the 'her' this time. I smile and nod again, "Can I help?" she questions gesturing to the shopping trolley, I decide that there is no harm so I let her and we spend ages hunting for the best things for her as I tell Karlie what her name is and we think about a nursery theme and I decide to just keep the pale green walls that were once in Karlie's room that she uses in the apartment but it will now be Aubree's room because it's the closest one to mine. An hour later we are done and we part ways as I head back to the apartment and walk in too see my extra security helping set things up, Matt is setting up the swinger that I got her in the lounge as Tom is dictating where things are going. They move the furniture from the bedroom upstairs and put it into their apartment across the hall.

Walking into the newly refurbished room I see her crib is already set up as Ryan and Rick are putting the changing table together, the drawers are already to go and they have a load of washing on for the sheets and stuff. I smile at them as they say they have it covered. I tell them where I want the crib to be and they nod and move things around. The chair and glider have arrived too and are being set up near the crib as I head to my room where Ryan tells me they put the brown bassinet so I can have her near me for the first few months. I look around and realise how quickly my life has changed and will continue to change but that doesn't really bother me because I think that Aubree will make my life better. Collapsing onto the bed for five minutes I change where the bassinet is before dressing in some sweats and a t-shirt and going to sort the washing and eventually making the bassinet and crib up and making some dinner for the guys before I head back to the hospital to bring Aubree home. While we are all feasting on food I explain that I will be staying home for a few days and that my parents and publicist will be arriving, it's also where Tom tells me the car seat is installed and is good to go. I change and go and dress and by the time I'm back the dishes are done and the house is clean and two hours later I open the door and bring my little princess through into her new home.

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