Chapter Fifty One

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Taylor's P.O.V

The plane hit the tarmac hard making Aubree shudder beside me and turn and say, "bad plane mommy..." I smile at her and ruffle the light curls atop of her head.
"Yes baby, bad plane. Did you hurt yourself?" She shakes her head and cuddles her giraffe closer to her. It still makes me laugh that after all this time, she still takes that thing everywhere. She has no idea that her mama gave it to her, before she even became her mama. I love the fact that Karlie has and will always love her and Noah. Nothing is going to change that, but I've changed. I look around the plane that I've had since my third album came out and I have to wonder if it was all worth it. The late nights that tore my emotions to pieces and it makes me wonder if it was all worth it. If now suddenly after all this time I've actually lost my emotions and it's making me cold towards Karlie. "Mom, can we get off now?" I turn and see Noah holding his phone and gesturing to the tarmac where my parents are standing there trying not to look worried. "How long have we been here for?" I question Noah, "About twenty minutes..." he states looking out the window. I nod and look at Aubree who is playing with her shoe laces I smile at her as she looks at me when I move and sees it as a golden opportunity to get out, rushing past me before I can even stop her. Matt one of our security men stops her and she giggles thinking that it's funny. "Aubree..." I state making her look at me and reach out. I laugh at her and take her into my arms as Noah gathers his backpack and follows me out of the plane. I turn and thank the pilots as Aubree wriggles and so I put her down and she rushes after Noah and latches onto his leg, his good leg. I sigh and turn and watch as my parents laugh as Noah continues to walk and ignores the fact that his little sister is latched onto his leg.

It isn't until Noah reaches my parents that he puts his backpack down and pretends to itch his leg, like normal and instead he tickles Aubree who breaks off his leg and sits on the ground giggling in laughter. I quickly pull out my phone and snap a quick video of the two of them giggling about and it makes me smile. "It's nice to see you smile Mrs Swift-Kloss," I turn to Matt and nod at him, "It's good to be able to put L.A behind me." He nods as I walk over to the kids and smile at them before leaning in and kissing my mom's cheek and hugging her tight. "Hey mom, how are you?" I question pulling back. "I'm well. In good health." I nod,
"I'm glad," I turn to my dad and hug him as he kisses my head. "How are you dad?"
"Good, I'm good. I've got a new sign for you to see." I pull back and look at him.
"Sign?" He grins at me and hands me a picture of a wooden outline of Noah and Aubree together. "Oh my god, dad you made another grandcats sign?" He looks at me and shrugs,
"I've had spare time lately. Your mom's been busy organizing for your visit and I've been at a loss so I've been crafting..." he trails off. I smile at him as my mom hugs the kids tight.
" guys are really big now..." my mom states as she lets Noah go and takes Aubree into her arms and Aubree who loves hugs latches on and doesn't let go. Noah and dad share a hi-five and he then collects Aubree from mom before hugging her tight too. It doesn't take long for our luggage to be taken off the plane and put into the SUV so we can drive home. Aubree's carseat is installed and we pile into the SUV before going to my parents place. Noah immediately searches the fridge for food and Aubree goes straight for the toy box in the corner of the living room. I sit down and watch her as mom and dad sit down with me.

"So what's going on Taylor?" Mom questions looking at me.
"Ugh, I really don't know. I guess we just need time apart. We both agreed on it." I say as mom and dad look at each other. "What?" I question as Noah walks in with a large sandwich and mom looks at dad. "Noah, come check out the new cut-out in the garage, plus I found some of those vintage car things you like to collect." I turn and watch Noah's eyes light up as dad mentions the vintage cars. He quickly puts the plate down and then quickly rushes out the backdoor. My mom turns and looks at me and she sighs as she looks at Aubree, "your father and I have been wondering how things were between the two of you considering that you two did suffer a miscarriage but at the same time we can't help but notice how absent Karlie has been in your life lately. We have to wonder why this hasn't happened sooner?" I look at my mom and sigh, "We agreed to see a therapist and down the line a couples therapist and so after the image of Karlie and Toni surfaced things just got crazy." My mom looks at me,
"Crazy how?" She questions looking at me.
"Tree called me into the office a few nights ago and Karlie's manager was there, we started to talk but it was clear to me that those two had met up prior. The whole time Karlie's manager for IMG I think her name was Zoe and Tree were talking about our marriage and how we had rushed into it far too quickly and that this was the fallout. It didn't make sense to me and I couldn't really do much because I had Aubree with me." My mom looks at me in shock and says,
"So you're listening to a woman that you've never met before or know very well and you're letting them get into your head." I look over at Aubree who is content playing with blocks in the corner. "What am I supposed to do mom, I've given up my life to have a family that family includes my wife but I can't ignore Tree's advice either." I state exasperated that I've had to bottle this up for a few days but I'm also disappointed that I felt that I couldn't speak to Karlie about it either. "Well I guess it all comes down to one thing sweetie," mom states.
"What is that mom?" I question not knowing what she could possibly say.
"What do you want? More than anything else in the world?" It throws me back, my head falls backwards onto the couch cushions. "Family, my wife, my kids...well that's not true, my wife and our kids." My mom smiles at me.
"I guess you have your answer then, so I guess you could either listen to Tree and Zoe or you listen to yourself." Mom states standing up with a smile and kissing my forehead, she pull backwards and grabs my chin to make me look at her as she says, "your kids deserve the best and at your best, you and Karlie are unstoppable and a winning combination. The thing that you need to think about is, can you both work past Alannah and get back to your old lives..."
"Or..." I state leading her on. Mom looks at Aubree and then at me and says,
"Or you both walk away. But you need to remember that it's not just about you and Karlie anymore. You two have two of the most amazing kids and they depend on both of you." I nod as mom walks over to Aubree and scoops her up with talks of strawberries and banana which quickly attracts Aubree's attention leaving me to my thoughts.

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