Chapter Nineteen

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Taylor's P.O.V

"Karlie..." I hiss as she stands and moves behind me, pressing her hands gently on my shoulders,
"It's okay, open it. I'm just here to catch up with Aubree." She states as she moves back and continues to play with Aubree as I move towards the door as the knocking continues. "One second," I call out. Double checking myself in the mirror by the door, I know the second that I open the door I will be opening myself up to something. "Tree," I state stepping to the side and letting her in. I go to shut the door after her but she stops me. "You've been called to a conference call with management. It's out of my hands but it's been summoned." She states looking past me at Karlie. "You're needed right now." She states as I turn to Karlie sitting with Aubree, reading a story.
"I'll stay with her." Karlie states from the chair as Aubree turns to play with her face. I look at Tree who nods and I quickly thank Karlie before grabbing my key, phone and leaving.

On my way to Tree's room I try and make conversation with her but she seems tense so I give up. I gathered that Karlie being there wasn't a complete shock to her but something seemed off. "What is this really Tree?" I question standing in front of her room while she stands to my side, breathing deeper than usual. She turns to me with tears in her eyes and says, "I honestly have no idea. They called me and said they had something to discuss so here we are." I nod and allow Tree to let us into the room where her laptop is already set up. "Just sit here," Tree states as I move into the room. "They will be up in a few minutes." I nod and sit down as she grabs a bottle of water, offering me one and then sitting down next to me. I sit quietly until the incoming call flashes and within seconds Tree accepts the call and we are facing my management team in Nashville. "Good evening guys," one of the directors Mike states. "Hey guys," I state with my happiness brimming over the top. "What's happening?" I question as they all look at each other with questioning looks.
"Oh, we thought Tree would have already filled you in...." they state as I look at Tree, shocked that she lied to me. "No, what's this about?" I question once more as Tree fidgets.
"I wasn't going to tell her something that was and is your idea Mike. You want this so you tell her." I look back at the screen and seem all moving awkwardly so I stare at Mike and within a few minutes he is explaining what he wants to do. "It's just that you've been away for so long from relationships so we've reached out and found you someone to date." My mouth drops open in shock,
"What?" I'm totally shocked and blind-sided. "What do you mean, you've found someone already?" I state getting mad, Tree breathes in and I can feel that she is about to tell me that I need to calm down but I can't calm down, I've just been told that I need to date someone because I've been away from a relationship for too long and people are talking about me possibly being bi-sexual or lesbian. I don't really know what I am right now, but I know that I don't want to be in a relationship at the moment. "That's a little too far Mike," Tree state speaking for the first time in several minutes.
"It is, what it is Tree. We've been in contact with Ellie Goulding's people and they've put us onto a lovely guy..." my ears tune in at the mention of an ex-friend. "Why Ellie?" I find myself questioning out loud, "pardon Taylor?" Mike questions looking at me through the camera.
"Why Ellie's people, you all know that I'm not talking to Ellie or Selena right now because of the reaction I got from both of them about Aubree so my question is why go to someone who I'm not friends with?" I question slowly, making my point known. They all look at each other and then begin to speak. "Listen, we got good publicity when you and Harry dated a few years ago but that's old news and you need someone new so we spoke to a friend..."
"Ex-friend." I interrupt as Mike nods and continues to talk.
"Yes, 'ex-friend', and they put us in contact with this guy, he seems great." I roll my eyes as Tree says, "okay well send us the stuff and we will get back to you after the fashion show." Tree states but before we can go Mike make sure to add in, "Okay, that's fine. But it's already a done deal. Signed and everything, all ready to go when we decide." My mouth drops open in shock as Tree hurries to end the call, sensing my anxiety.

The minute that Tree has ended the call I'm up and pacing while muttering to myself and trying to control the tears as I think about Karlie and all the effort we have gone to, to be where we are right now. For gods sake she's in my hotel room, with my daughter because we like each other a lot and are prepared to do something about it. Sitting down quickly Tree looks at me while flipping through her emails on her phone, "what's got you so upset Taylor?" she questions looking at me as I look back and grimace. "I have to tell you something." I say as she nods and I launch into mine and Karlie's story over the past six months as Tree listens intently and after I finish she sits still for five minutes processing. "Okay, so you two have been together recently and today you kissed," she questions as I nod and then look away as she breathes in a sigh, "oh Taylor, I'm so sorry about all this." I wave her away and she sits back as I contemplate what to ask her next, settling for questioning her as to why they are pushing a man now. "Why now? Why not six months ago when Aubree and I were getting used to one another, why now do I have to fake date someone and let Aubree get attached to them only to break up with them as soon as possible."
"I really don't know why now, or why for Ellie but that was why I suggested fixing the relationship between you two. There's obviously some communication between her management and yours and we need to know what that communication is," Tree states as she moves to her computer and begins to download the file. "Wait!" I yell as Tree freezes and turns to look at me,
"I want to wait until after the show." I state as Tree freezes and turns to look at me.
"Why?" She questions as I smile.
"I want to have that one perfect moment with Karlie, before it all comes crashing down. I plan to throw everyone into a frenzy and then turn them the minute that I start dating someone. I'm not on board with this. So I don't plan to make it easy," I smile as I cross my arms and settle in for Tree to lecture me but instead she nods, "okay. That's fine with me. You should probably go and talk to Karlie and I'll be around early tomorrow to collect Aubree before she show and I'll have her backstage. I'm hoping to set up a meeting with Ellie but you never know what to expect from the Brits." She states as I nod and stand to return to my room.

Upon re-entering my suite I notice how quiet it is and I only get a few steps in when a pair of long arms start to wrap themselves around me, I fight the giggles as a warm breath, breathes into my ear sending chills down my spine in a good way. "Taylor," she breathes as I sigh and groan out as her arms hug me close to her slender figure. "We have to talk, Karlie." I manage to breathe out as she laughs and lets me go, taking my hand and leading us to the couch. "Okay, talk to me. I'm guessing something is wrong for you to act like that, all cold. What's up buttercup?" she questions as I quickly launch into what just happened and I try not to get upset but before I finish Karlie is already handing her a box of tissues from the table in front of us as I thank her and we discuss what has happened. When I finish I expect her to stand and leave but instead she stays and sits. I look at her and see a massive grin on her face and I'm confused. "What's the grin for?" I question as she laughs and says, "well if this is going to be our first and last public appearance for months on end. We should make it special," she claims as I nod liking her plan already.
"I'm up for that, what's your plan?" I question as we start at song one that I'm performing and we decide to be as touchy feely as possible and hope that we don't actually leak the fact that we've kissed once at Lily's and lots more over the past 24 hours. We don't want Tree's job to be harder because one day we will need her. "I like you a lot Karlie and I can't bear to lose you. Aubree can't lose you." I state hugging her as we sit content after our talk and knowing what we have to do at the show. I've convinced Karlie to stay with us for the night because we both have to be at the show early for make-up tomorrow. "I know babe, I like you too but for right now we are confined to private moments like this in total secrecy and if you can handle that then I can too." She states as I nod with my head against her shoulder already content with the situation and happy about what we have decided to do in terms of us at the Fashion Show, hopefully it doesn't come off as slutty or terrible. It sounds sophisticated and lady-like so I can't wait.

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