Chapter Forty Eight

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Taylor's P.O.V

The following few months were tense in the house, we stayed in L.A and Noah returned to school the week after we lost Alannah, it's been difficult but we're all still here together. Karlie and I have a stone that we had especially made to have at the house, so we would remember. But I don't think that I'll ever forget. Even now I sometimes find myself staring at the urn of ashes on the dresser in the bedroom and I get stuck wondering what we did to deserve this, but like Tracy told me the day it happened that Karlie and I together would find a way through this, and we have. Small steps because for the first week I would hardly sleep or let Aubree and Noah out of my sight, the therapist that was assigned to me assured me that it was normal behaviour but I still couldn't get over how clingy I was, and then with Karlie it was taken to the next level. I had to be where she was, I couldn't handle not knowing and the fretting that something was wrong. A few times Karlie had to travel into L.A for a shoot and Aubree and I ended up going with her otherwise I would sit at home and wonder what was happening so it just became easier. But it's now Noah's birthday, he's turning sixteen which is crazy to think about but it's given me the time to think about something other than Alannah which has been nice.

The day of Noah's birthday is a busy one because it also happens to be a swim meet day with a rival school and despite only having been back for a week the swimming programme is full speed ahead. But I know that before Karlie and I go to the meet we have to stop and pick up Noah's present. We decided a long time ago that when Noah turned sixteen that he could go for his permit and as long as he passes he can have his present. But just so he's not disappointed we got him a lacrosse stick and new boots for it. "Taylor are you ready to go?" Karlie questions walking into the room her eyes stuck on her phone. "Yeah sure babe." I state expecting her to turn around and kiss me like she always does but she doesn't. "Karlie?" I question as she turns to face me.  "What?" she questions looking at me and watching me up and down. But I heave and sigh and shake my head, "never mind." She nods and then walks away. "Aubree..." I call across the lounge and Aubree sticks her head up and stands up to move towards me with a big smile. "There's my favourite girl..." I coo scooping her up and walking out to the car so we can go to pick up the stuff for Noah. It takes us less than ten minutes to get there and because I rang ahead of time and they agreed to box it and wrap it for me. "Hey I'll go grab it." Karlie states leaving the vehicle before I can say anything or argue with her. "Mama..." Aubree states pounding her fists on her car seat. I turn and look at her and she stops because she knows not to do that. The moment that Karlie opens the boot and puts the gift inside Aubree is as happy as can be and I have to wonder, why she loves Karlie more than she loves me?

Noah's P.O.V

I'm really nervous, I know that mom and mama are going to be here and I guess they'll bring Aubree too. "Swift-Kloss!" Coach yells from behind me as I look out at the crowd gathering around the pool area. "Yeah coach?" I question looking at him. He comes up to me and looks me over making me shiver in my team jacket and pants. "You feeling okay?" He questions making me shrug. I suppose I'm feeling okay although I know that I'm not at my best right now. "You sure that calf's not bothering you?" I look down and shake my leg out.
"Yeah it's okay." I say sitting back on the seating behind me so I can talk to the coach who sits next to me. "Look Noah, you put 100% into every training but I don't want you to ruin your chances of college swimming through an injury which can be prevented now." He states looking at me with his serious eyes. "I know coach but I have to swim." I state making the coach shake his head. I have no idea what he's thinking and I really don't want to know because no doubt he thinks I'm a fool for even swimming with this injury and in many ways he's right. "Okay, well get ready and we'll be headed out soon. Those Hill Crest boys won't wait forever." I nod and the coach pats my shoulder before he walks off probably to check on everyone else. I turn back and watch the crowd get bigger and just as I'm about to turn back the other way I see my family walk in, well mama walks in first and then mom with Aubree in her arms afterwards and I sigh and lower my head. Things at home haven't been the best lately, ever since mom lost Alannah mama's been working more leaving mom at home and although I know she tries to hide it I see it all the time. She's upset and she's still trying to cope but mama has no idea because she's never home. "Noah! Go time!" Hamish, one of my team mates comes and tells me. I nod and turn away and follow everyone out of the sheds.

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