Chapter Thirty Three

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Sorry it's a bit late guys, i was having internet issues.

Taylor's P.O.V

It's been almost two months since the tour started and Karlie still hasn't returned any of my calls or returned to New York and my patience is running thin with her. I have no idea where we stand or what is going to happen to us when she does return but for now my days are constantly busy with Aubree and practicing the guest appearance songs for that night. There have been many good guest performances lately but with summer ending within the next week or so I've decided that with a gap between tonight's' concert and the one next week that it's time I paid a visit to Karlie. I'm about to leave for the plane after the concert when Tree stops me. "Taylor you can't go to St. Louis." I pause from picking up the mess Aubree made. "Why not?" I question not really understanding why Tree is stopping me from leaving when she's never stopped me travelling backwards and forwards from tour to Aubree before. I watch Tree look downwards and then I notice a letter in her hand with a familiar scrawl on it. "Tree, is that?" I see her look down and then look away like she is afraid to tell me something. "Yes, this letter is from Karlie. One of your security men dropped it off and I was under instructions via this letter to not give it to you until this concert. I don't know why but I've followed the instructions." I fall down into a nearby chair and watch Tree approach me with the letter in her outstretched hand. "Please Tree, don't do this." I beg watching her hand me the letter and when I fail to take it she places it in my lap and pats my shoulder. "I know you don't want to read what's in this letter and I know that you were planning on going to St. Louis tonight to confront Karlie. But before you leave you need to understand why you haven't heard from her and that's only going to happen if you read this letter first." I look down into my lap at the offending letter and when I look up Tree is gone and the room is empty.

I can't remember a time when I'd ever felt more alone before and so without knowing what else to do I call my mom. "Taylor? Aren't you on the plane yet?" I sniffle and realize that I'd been crying. "Taylor, honey what's the matter, is it Aubree?" I shake my head but remember that my mom can't actually see me. "No, it's Karlie."
"Oh, well I thought that you were going to see her, or get answers or something." I nod,
"I am, well I was about to leave when Tree came into the dressing room with a letter from Karlie. She told me I needed to read it but I don't know if I can mom, I don't know if I can handle it if it's a breakup letter and she wasn't strong enough to tell me in person."
"Taylor, stop it. Anyone who has ever seen you and Karlie interact would know that you two are perfect for each other. You've had your ups and downs but at the end of the day you were there for Karlie when her relationship with Josh ended and you were there when she wanted a distraction and you and Aubree allowed Karlie to join you and for a little while you allowed her to forget and she was able to get passed the pain. But I don't believe that letter is anything less than an explanation and deep down neither do you." I nod hearing the words that I'm thinking being vocalized by my mother. "But what if it's not that?" I hear my mom sigh on the other end of the phone and then she says, "if it's a breakup letter you will continue to do what you have done all the other times someone has broken your heart, from a phone call to a text message. I don't underestimate your strength Taylor because that's what it is. Strength and it's that strength that you are passing onto your daughter, just earlier today I caught her trying to walk up the steps in the lounge to dining room area and she fell over but do you think that stopped her?" I breathe out and then admit that she would have gotten back up and tried again. "Too right she tried again Taylor, your baby tried again because she never sees her mom or Auntie Karlie give up. But right now you need to use your strength to open that letter because you don't know what it is, and if you don't open it you'll regret it." I know exactly what my mom is getting at and in a round about sort of way she is calling me out right now. "You're right, thanks mom. I'm still going to St. Louis whether this letter is a breakup note or not."
"That's my girl. I love you and Aubree loves you too." We hang up and I eye the letter knowing that I have no choice but to be brave and open it.

Tree's P.O.V

Every time I watch Taylor mope around the house with Aubree following her I'm so tempted to tell her the truth and give her the letter that Karlie made sure made it to me but at the same time I know that it's not time yet. It's not the correct date and I'm trying my hardest to do exactly what Karlie has asked me to do, because she respected me enough to listen last year when I asked her to only be seen as a prospective aunty for Aubree until Taylor was ready to go public and I hoped that Karlie wouldn't force her and she didn't and now with Karlie gone I'm scared for Karlie. I always thought that they would be together forever but now with Karlie having to go to St. Louis I've seen Taylor sink, sink lower than she was when I met her in 2013 after the horrible year she had in 2012 between dating Harry Styles and being linked to Conor Kennedy and the Kennedy family after being snapped at their house during Summer.

Dear Tree,

Taylor has no idea as that I'm writing this letter to you and I don't want her to know until she has been on tour for at least two months, probably when she's in Portland for that night so unless she goes downhill quickly please make sure that you keep what I'm about to tell you quiet. I'm sick Tree, my last check-up with my doctor in New York found a lump in my left breast and I tried to keep it as quiet as I could, I even made sure that the most intimate that Taylor and I have gotten over the past few weeks is make outs that were steamy to a point. I've contacted my doctor in St. Louis and I'm leaving to go back to get chemotherapy so I want to ensure that Taylor is protected. I know that the minute that I tell her that I have breast cancer she will drop the tour and drag Aubree to St. Louis so she can be with me while I go through treatment but that's the last thing that I want. So please keep my girls safe and don't tell Taylor until it's essential.

When the time comes please give this letter to Taylor so she understands why I've practically gone off the planet without telling her where I'm headed. She thinks that I'm headed back to St. Louis to identify Josh in a car crash and while Josh was involved in a fender bender he was released a few hours later and boarded a plane to L.A where his new girlfriend and baby boy are living. He was in St. Louis dropping off stuff to his mate Patrick when it happened but Taylor doesn't know that and it seemed like a better cover than a fake modelling job. I know that I'll miss them almost as much as they will miss me, but due to there being two of them there will be twice the heartache and twice the love radiating from New York.

I'll keep in contact as often as I can but sometimes it will be my siblings so don't freak out if a strange number calls you. I'll try to remind them to call using my phone but I have no idea if they will actually listen so don't bank on it. I'm trusting you with this secret Tree, I know that Taylor is going to be really upset and mad and she will not understand why I'm doing this but it's for the best that this tour continues and I know eventually I'm going to see my girls again but hopefully she's not too mad to get rid of me. I love her Tree and one day I'm going to make her my wife and we are going to have more siblings for Aubree to boss around because no doubt she will be as in-charge as her mother is.

But to Taylor, if you're reading this then you're probably really mad and you probably rang your mom before you even opened this letter but I mean every word I said, I love you and one day I will make you mine and then I will have to answer to you every time I leave but until we meet again just know that I love you and Aubree and I'm coming back to you. Please don't worry because I'll be fine. If you need to and want to visit then you're more than welcome to. Call Tree and she will tell you where I am. I love you baby, talk soon.

Love Karlie xx

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