Chapter Forty Five

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Karlie's P.O.V

It's been six months since we moved to L.A, six months since Aubree and Taylor celebrated their birthdays and six months since our first family holiday which was Christmas and the first time I've ever celebrated a New Years with having my own kids. It was a surreal feeling but it felt amazing and ever since New Year's it's felt like a dream because I take Noah to school every day, I usually pick him up unless Taylor's out and about with Aubree and in that case she gets him and as a family we've been to swim meets for him, Aubree always gets excited when she sees him in his swimming trunks. I think it's because they are pink since he accidentally asked Aubree what colour while we were in the shop and Aubree had just learnt a new word, pink. So pink it was, he has his black and green ones for competitions at school but for his general swim meets with Blue Dolphin club he wears pink.

But even as I look around our shared New York apartment, a quick stop before we head to the Rhode Island house I can't help but feel that our story began here, and I know that someday Taylor and I will come back here, but until that day happens we...

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But even as I look around our shared New York apartment, a quick stop before we head to the Rhode Island house I can't help but feel that our story began here, and I know that someday Taylor and I will come back here, but until that day happens we have our two kids, hopefully we can add more. But every time I ask Taylor about sperm donors she looks at me slyly and tells me to be patient, which I can't exactly understand. We've been and gotten tested, both of us but Taylor has decided to carry our next child first and I'm happy with that because by the time we possibly will want to go again Noah will be away at college and Aubree isn't one to get too grubby outside so I can carry then. But for right now whenever Noah's not at the pool or in school we toss around a football, shoot hoops or hit the gym. Together it's our time and then he basically becomes a female for his mom when she wants to binge watch TV, which is during Aubree's bath time and then bedtime which I seem to do lots of. "Mom, have you seen my phone charger?" Noah calls walking into the lounge making me turn, "nope sorry kiddo. Is the camera charged up?" He nods as Taylor walks in and states, "babe, we're using the yeah..." I blink at her and she looks at us confused for a second. "Wait, you're talking about the wedding right?" Noah bursts out laughing as Karlie joins in. "No baby, sorry we were talking about the go pro so we can record Noah's workout session so it still counts for B.D.C (Blue Dolphin Club)" Taylor nods,
"Oh right, gotta clock in that gym session right?" She questions Noah who groans but nods,
"Yeap, worst part of swimming. I'm gonna grab my shoes and change quickly, leave in ten?" I nod and he rushes off. The moment he's gone I wrap Taylor into my arms and turn us so we are looking out the window and onto the busy street beneath us. Snuggled in beside Taylor's ear I whisper into her ear, "isn't it strange that tomorrow we will be headed to Rhode Island and in two weeks we're getting married there?" I feel Taylor's breathing slacken for a second but she regains it. "I know. It's super crazy. There's so much to do and so little time to do it in."
"You need to chill out, your parent's are already in Rhode Island, mine are arriving tomorrow. We have a wedding planner, the best one and you know it because Beyonce and Jay Z recommended her to us and we also have the secret wedding lady, we can't cross her." I state hugging her closer and she knows about our little red haired secret lady, Tree Paine. It's crazy to think that in a few weeks we will officially be off the market, no longer single, no longer dating, no longer engaged but fully married. To each other for all of eternity and that's insane to think about but then I think about everything we've been through and times we've had to go through to get to where we are now and I'm so glad.

Taylor's P.O.V

The moment Noah and Karlie are out and hitting the gym I'm calling the doctor. "Hi this is Taylor Swift, I'm calling to speak to Dr White. She told me to call." I wait patiently as there is heaps of shuffling before the nurse says, "one moment please..." but before I know it I've carried out my surprise and Dr White loves it. She thinks that it's totally possible and the fact that in two weeks I'll be married and off on my honeymoon with Karlie and I can't wait. "Okay, so I'll come in later today say 5.00pm?" She confirms and looking at the clock and seeing that it's only 3.00pm I know that the gym bunnies will be back soon but just so I can ensure that I'm on time I text Karlie and she tells me that she will be home in 20 minutes. I rush off and get ready while Aubree has her daily nap, since turning two her vocabulary has gotten better, she doesn't stumble when she walks and she's got good listening ears for a two year old. She's a great kid but still needs a nap each day, even if it's only an hour it still helps her. Karlie is right on with her timing and within 20 minutes she is home with Noah. I tell her that Aubree is still napping and she nods taking the waterproof baby monitor that we have so that if only one of us is home we can still shower and listen out for Aubree. "Okay, well I should only be gone for an hour or two." She nods and kisses me without worrying about where I'm headed too and at least I'm not being questioned because I'd crack, I'm a terrible liar, can't do it at all and everyone knows it. But I guess Karlie's tired from the gym, no doubt her and Noah were challenging each other.

The moment that I'm at the doctors I feel really nervous because the first time I was here I was with Karlie so it's nerve wracking, "Taylor Swift." I hear and as I turn around and see Dr White standing there with a big smile on her face, the same smile she seems to wear every time I come in here. "How are you Dr?" I question standing and moving towards the doctor with my hand outstretched and she takes it without hesitating and leads me to her backroom. Once I'm settled on the chair she looks at me, "so why are you here tonight, and why without your other half?"
"Well I tested positive on four ovulation sticks and I just want to make sure that I'm actually ovulating that way I can track my cycle over the next few weeks while we're leading up to the wedding." I state as she nods and moves towards her needles and I hitch up my sleeve and squeeze the ball that she gives me to squeeze as the needle drains a little blood from me. "I can call you with the results later..." she states. But I roll my sleeve down and say,
"Well I really want to surprise Karlie so I was hoping that if I was ovulating that maybe we could do the implant tonight." Dr White spins and looks at me,
"You sure that's what you want." Dr White states turning to look at her files so she can get the right donation of sperm if I am ovulating. "Yes I'm sure."
"Well that sounds like the ultimate wedding present to me, but are you sure you're not going to be too stressed over the next few weeks because if you are then it's not going to take." She stresses to me, "yes I'm sure I'm not going to stress. The wedding's planned and our parents are taking all of the responsibility onto their plate because they know that I'm planning this, if I am ovulating." I state as Dr White nods. "Okay, well let me go and check and then we can go from there." In the two minutes that she's gone I start to freak out a little but the moment that she steps back into the room with a piece of paper that she's looking at I can't help but feel that it's a negative. "Is it?" I question as she nods, "I'm sorry Taylor. It's positive. You're ovulating." My eyes bulge and feel like they are trying to escape off my face. "Are you serious? Right now?" She nods, "Yes, so if you're serious then we can do it right now." My heart pounds as I weigh up all the possibilities and then without even second guessing I nod and say, "yes, I want to. Let's do it." She smiles at me and nods and before I know it, it's all over and I'm heading home with the high chance that I could be carrying our next child inside me. But I also can't help but smile because this is it, the next phase of our life has already begun.

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