Chapter Eight

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For those of you who have read chapter seven before today, may not be aware it has been changed at the end as of today, four hours prior to posting this. I would reccomend you re-read the tail end of chapter seven (Karlie's P.O.V) to understand this chapter and how it's changed.

Taylor's P.O.V

June 2014

It's been weeks since I last heard from Karlie, well weeks since that awkward kiss at Lily's party. I knew that going to the party was a massive risk considering how drunk or tipsy I would get which usually leads to me doing stupid things. But for days afterwards I tried to text Karlie to get her to call me, then when that failed I tried to call her over and over again until I was told her voicemail box was full. This started a mini rage within me and the minute that I arrived back in New York I asked Lena to watch Aubree while I went to sort out this issue with Karlie and I. Lena took Aubree easily for the morning but upon arriving at Karlie's and seeing the build-up of papers on her doormat I guessed that she wasn't there and after considering what I was about to do I reached into my handbag and pulled out the silver key she gave me to her place when we became firm friends in February. We both loved to hang out and even more since Aubree since Aubree loves Karlie to pieces and they've really bonded together. For that reason I am mad at Karlie, because I have my little girl and I know she loves Karlie but Karlie is ignoring me and therefore I can't arrange for a time for her and Aubree to catch up, it's special. The bond that they have and I would really love it if they continued to bond but as long as Karlie stays away they won't.

I let out a long sigh as I let myself into Karlie's apartment, looking around everything is in the same place it used to be except that everything is dusty like no one has been here for a week or two. I look and everywhere I can see things of Karlie's that she hasn't put away. Her running shoes lying by her couch because she would have gone to the gym that morning that I picked her up when we went to Nashville, her hoodie that she always wears when she goes but never when she leaves because she is always hot and sweaty. I lift it up and fold it nicely before placing it on her couch. I resist the urge to change her couch cushions so they all have the picture out but I do decide to sit and think at her breakfast bar. I begin to think about all the good times that Karlie and I have shared since we first met, the countless shopping trips that led to lunches out together to the simple hangouts at either of our houses, mainly when Josh was away and Karlie had no one. I on the other hand was always alone until Aubree which was another thing that we bonded over. That day in target, Karlie had never met her but she insisted on buying Aubree the jungle play mat that she loves so much and I would send her pictures of Aubree and she would text back saying that Aubree looked adorable, then there was the harmless flirting all the time but we both did it so I never saw anything wrong with it and that was when it hit me that, if Karlie had a big issue with it she would have told me to stop. My mind flashes at all the innocent touches, moments photographed by paparazzi and made into headlines because we touched hands and it was then that I realised Karlie never said no, she would always smile and look at me like there was nothing in the world she would rather be doing. This same thing happened in Nashville when we were getting ready and she was playing with Aubree like there was nowhere else she wanted to be and that is why I find her not talking to me confusing. 'Did she hate me or blame me for that kiss?' I couldn't help but wonder but due to the fact that it had been three weeks since I last heard from her I decided to take out a pen and paper and write her a letter that she would get upon arriving home.

"Dear Karlie, I've tried to contact you and this is really a last ditch effort. When I first met you I thought you were the most amazing woman in the world, you were so beautiful and confident in the way you moved that I couldn't help but be jealous and I was expecting you to be rude but the minute you started to speak I knew that you were a kind person. This made me feel terrible because I was expecting the worst in you but you turned out to be not what I imagined you would be, and so we became friends. The cooking parties, late night texting and sometimes calls when Josh was away but now there's nothing. You don't text me back and you don't return my calls and I'm beginning to wonder if I really knew you at all. I'm hoping that I do but in case I don't I just want to say that you have been the best, best friend that I've had since Abigail when I was fifteen. I know that Abigail and I are still friends but you became my best friend when you convinced me to live in New York and we solidified our friendship when I adopted Aubree and without you knowing her you brought her, her favourite toy in the world which is her jungle themed play mat. I know that kiss wasn't what either of us expected but maybe that's what life is Karlie, expecting the unexpected. I never expected to be a mom, and I never expected to kiss you and have it feel like static hitting me, but I did kiss you and it did feel like static but now you're not talking to me and I have no idea what else to do except say goodbye. So goodbye Karlie I wish you all the best for your future. – Taylor x

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