Chapter Twenty Eight

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Karlie's P.O.V

The next few months pass by uneventfully as Taylor and I settle into life in New York. For some unknown reason the paparazzi leave us alone and that worries me. Taylor tells me not to worry too much but as I sit and watch Aubree play with her blocks in the corner while Taylor showers upstairs can't help but wonder as to why no one is bothering us. As I go to walk into the kitchen to make breakfast Aubree stands and tootles after me, making me smile. She's come along with her walking and now prefers it to crawling around or even being carried apart from when she is tired. I can hear her feet on the hardwood floor behind me and as I stop at the sound of the doorbell Aubree immediately latches onto my halted leg. I place my hand on her head and run my hand through her hair that's beginning to grow longer with every day. "It's okay baby, just the door. Want to come with me?" I question.
"Up." I immediately bend over and lift her up and rest her on my hip as I reach for my phone and notice a text from security. They know to text both Taylor and I when we are upstairs because they never know who is up with Aubree or who is busy and who isn't. Today I guess I have to get the door as I see the text that states that Tree is coming up. I look at Aubree before I open the door, "who is it?" I question as Aubree cranes her head around to see through the small gap that I allowed. Her infectious giggle makes me smile as I allow Tree to push the door open. "It's Aunty Tree!" I state as Aubree smiles, claps her hands and then curls into me before demanding to get down through her squirming. "She's active now." Tree states as she closes the door behind her at the same time I set Aubree down and watch her tootle off after Olivia who is headed to eat. "Aubree leave the kitty alone." She looks at me but doesn't listen as Olivia turns and Aubree takes her chance to stroke Olivia. "Where's Taylor?" Tree questions as we settle onto the couch so I can keep an eye on Aubree, "Oh she's showering, should be down soon." Tree nods and I offer her tea which she accepts.

Within ten minutes Taylor is downstairs on the couch next to me as Tree laughs with Aubree who is busy handing Tree toys, so far Tree has been given Griffin the Giraffe, three teddy bears and multiple blocks in either pink or purple which happen to be Aubree's favourite coloured blocks to play with. "Okay so do you need me to leave with Aubree so you two can talk?" I question as Tree looks between us and then at Aubree playing on the floor. "No, if Taylor is fine with you staying then it's fine with me too." I look at Taylor who looks at me and slightly nods as if to say its fine. "So what's this about?" Taylor questions.  "Well it's about you two actually, there's been some developments and a few issues have developed." I am wondering when the next kicker is going to arrive but I don't have to wait long. "What's the issue?" Taylor questions as I sit quietly not wanting to even imagine.
"It's your relationship,"
"What about it?" I question hoping a roadblock is not about to be placed on us.
"We need it to stay hidden for longer. It's not something that we want to happen but it needs to happen and I can't do anything to prevent this. You're management is insisting that this happens."
"What!" I state standing up and looking at Tree as Taylor sits frozen in her place.
"It's what needs to happen Karlie. I don't think you have another choice."
"What do you mean I don't have a choice. Taylor and I are in this together so it's not just my choice anymore, it's our choice. Our choice Tree." Tree looks taken back and I'm slightly shocked that Taylor still hasn't said anything yet. Looking down at Taylor who is still frozen and not moving, "Tay?" I question as she looks up at me. "Yeah Karls?" she states back at me as she stands and we look at each other. "Don't you have anything to say?" I question as she looks at Tree and then back at me and instantly I know that she is siding with Tree without even allowing Tree to say anything. "Are you serious?" I question looking at her as she looks to the side and Tree retreats into the kitchen as I keep looking at Taylor. "Look Karlie, we don't even know why at least we should know."
"Taylor, we've been together fully since the start of the year and now five months in as we've just planned our Summer vacation you've decided that you want to go with Tree."
"Karlie, I can't accept what Tree's saying without thinking about it. But first I have to know the whole truth." I stare at her.
"Taylor, she's wanting us to not come out together in public. I know that we've had a good run with the paparazzi lately but I want to know how long this is going to continue for. How long will we be a secret known only to friends and family who can be trusted. Your fans are wanting us to be together, we are together and living together in one of the most vibrant cities in the world." I state trying to make Taylor understand that I don't want us to forever be a secret. "What do you want me to do Karlie? Ignore the wisdom of Tree?" I start to get really mad and then I can feel it slipping the curtain that we have been living behind and that's when I decide that I can't do this anymore. Without waiting I move towards the stairs in the main foyer and begin to walk up them, I know the impact of what I am doing and I know that I am doing something that Taylor begged me not to do and what I promised her I would never do but I can't be what Taylor needs right now. "Karlie where are you going?" She questions walking and following me. I stop at the foot of the stairs a mere metre from her. "You tell me Taylor. All I've done since we became a real couple is try to ensure that you're happy and I'm wondering if I've simply made your life more complicated. You told me when we first met about how complicated your life was when you involved other people and now you've got Aubree and I'm wondering if you and I being together is making your life too complicated. You shouldn't have to choose between me and your publicist. Tree's right, we should stay a secret, at least for now." Taylor walks towards me and cradles my head in her soft hands. "But what about us, where does that leave us?" She questioned putting the ball in my court. I smile at her and kiss her forehead as I whisper, "I don't know," before turning and continuing up the stairs.

Taylor's P.O.V

I watch Karlie walk up the stairs and then I hear a door close before I turn towards a creak at the doorway to the lounge where I just left. There standing there is Tree, her mouth is hung open in shock as I turn away from her, already feeling my eyes tearing up. I can't believe that this is what it comes down to, Karlie leaving me. "Taylor...I...uhm...well I couldn't help but overhear." I turn sharply towards Tree, "what did you hear Tree, did you hear me fighting with a friend or my girlfriend?"
"Does it make a difference, it's the same thing." I look at Tree.
"I guess you're right. But it makes a difference to me." I look at Tree before looking back up towards the second floor where Karlie had taken off to. "And if I don't do anything about this then I'll lose her, forever. No turning back this time. She will leave." Tree sighs but looks at me.
"You have to decide Taylor. You are now at the same cross road you were once at, you're a different person now, you have different obligations now because you're a mother first. But this is your life and you have to decide what you want. I've set out what needs to happen but the next move is up to you." I look at Tree and hear small steps and I look behind me and see Aubree standing in the doorway holding her giraffe. It's her favourite toy and she plays with it all the time and seeing her standing there looking so much bigger than when I first got her has made me realise that she won't be small forever and my life can not continue to be the same forever. I need to make a choice, it's a career or a chance at a life that I never thought possible but for some reason that decision in itself scares me. I'm scared of choosing wrong and regretting my choice but at the same time I can't walk two paths at the same time, I must choose one and it must be a choice made from my heart.

What should Taylor do? Should she choose her career or the life she has always wanted? Comment below if you wish. You'll find out next chapter what she chooses to do.

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