Chapter Twelve

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Taylor's P.O.V

I can hear Aubree crying from the foot of the bed in her travel crib and this causes me to let out a massive sigh, I've been up to her several times overnight she just wouldn't settle. I tried everything from cuddles to feeding her to just letting her cry but by the time she was ready to fall asleep it was nearly 4.26am and we had to be up and ready to go by 11.30am to be at the lunch that was set up for the guests. Last night we had the rehearsal dinner that I was invited to and I ran into Lily who apologized and I accepted it knowing that she meant well but it was still driving me insane that she had actually gone behind my back and tricked me when she knew that I didn't want to talk to Karlie until this wedding weekend. Heaving I say out loud, "okay Aubree, mommy's coming to get you." I say exasperated that she simply will not sleep and then like magic she quietens down. I sit up quickly and walk towards the end of the bed and peer over the edge and lying there with her mouth open and eyes closed is Aubree I watch her and then discover she is actually asleep. For the first time since 5.30am she is back asleep. Glancing at the clock I see it's only 7.00am so I decide to get ready, order some breakfast from room service and leave her to sleep.

By 9.15am Aubree has woken up, been bathed and dressed and ready to go. I gave her some oatmeal and some pieces of fruit that I ordered from room service and she was happy as can be. I had to feed her in her car seat though because we didn't have a highchair for her to use and because taking care of Aubree usually means that I miss out getting ready it was nice to relax back into the hotel suite I had managed to get last night thanks to Tree and her magic. It wasn't exactly a shock to have been put in the worst possible accommodation because Josh and I don't like each other but I did expect more from Karlie which is probably what hurt the most and I still can't figure out what Tracy said, I mean I know that Karlie and I kissed and I expected her to tell someone but to lie to people and claim that I practically threw myself onto her is a bit of a stretch even for her, but I guess considering her behaviour towards the rooms a few days ago should have been a wake-up call that Karlie is either a good liar or has no idea what she is doing and isn't focused on anything to do with Josh not liking me which is probably more true that anything.

I don't really have a specific reason as to why I don't like Josh and I have no idea as to why we don't get on but that's just how it is so we accept it. I am on edge for this wedding and it doesn't help when Lena keeps texting me and saying things like, "please don't let this become your song," and "don't speak now. Hold your tongue." Which makes me laugh but I know that after how I told her that it could have been possible for Karlie and I to be together I guess it makes sense that she is looking out for me and I appreciate it because honestly with Karlie gone Lena has become a god send taking care of Aubree for me. Quickly texting back that I intend to hold my tongue and that could they refrain from reminding me about Karlie and I think that I am set for the day ahead but I'm hoping that its over quickly. But with Aubree ready and waiting to go I quickly find myself getting the diaper bag ready to go and everything else too. My fingers are crossed for a quick wedding so I can go home with my baby.

Karlie's P.O.V

The day of the wedding looked bright outside but for some reason I was still in bed. I could hear my family mucking around outside the door but I was reluctant to open it. I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen at some point today. I hadn't had thoughts like these in months and it was freaking me out so I reached out to grab my phone and punched in the number I wanted to call but before calling I looked down. So stressed out over today I hadn't even thought about who I was calling, I should have been about to call my fiancé but instead I was set to call my best friend, who believes that we are not friends. Cancelling the call and putting the phone down I'm aware of just how close I came to calling Taylor which confused me. 'Why would I for to call Taylor, knowing how she feels about me?' I couldn't stop thinking about it and it wasn't until someone pounded on my door that I actually got out of bed. Crossing the delicate carpet that my feet sink into I open the door a fraction and see my dad standing there, his arms are folded as he smiles knowingly. "Hey dad," I state opening the door to him, he quickly crosses while saying good morning before settling himself down in the chair in the corner of the room. "How are you feeling Karlie?" He questions looking at me. I shrug, "I feel fine, not nervous or anything." I state one hundred percent sure that I am totally fine. But I see dad frown before changing his face to a normal expression. "Good, good. Don't want you nervous because then your mom will be hell to deal with." He chuckles, "guess you've got that to look forward to huh?" he jokes as I start to laugh but stop halfway, I guess he's right. After today it will be just Josh and I for the rest of our lives, here in L.A living life with only each other. I gulp realising the highlight of my life will be today and I'm not even that excited for it. I know that every girl dreams of a large wedding where everything is run smoothly but I'm realising just how little I had to do with my own wedding as mom took over and did everything. I don't even know who's been invited to the wedding and reception. My dad must see my face despite the fact that I turned around. "What's the matter Karlie?" He questions, I turn and see his kind eyes, he has always questioned me about Josh and I got the impression that he didn't like him but Josh and mom got on so well that I forgot about it. "Just thinking,"
"Don't think too much, can't have your head exploding." He laughs and I smile. He always knows what to say to make me laugh. "That's true." I comment as he stands to leave as mom bursts in throwing a robe at me and dragging me out to the lounge for hair and make-up to begin. I sit there knowing that the torture of my mother is only just beginning.

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