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Hey guys,

So you may or may not be aware that i'm a university student in New Zealand and i'm about to start my end of year exams in about a weeks time. I've been putting lots of effort into writing lately and doing almost daily uploads for the one-shots and every 3 or so days for this book but i've just heard back from a job i applied for, to work during the New Zealand summer and i was accepted so i start the middle of November. The bad news is that this place that i'll be living at has no internet and so i will have to go to the library to upload new material. Sadly this means that the updates will be few and far between but i will most likely post 3 or 4 at a time. It means that the probability of making 100 parts by the end of the year is not possible but i will try my best.

This story will be taking priority over the one-shots as i want to get this finished before i leave. That way i can have all summer to plan a part two to Protecting Leah which i have decided to do in February/March 2017. If you havent read Protecting Leah and you are interested, check it out. It's on my page. I want to thank you all for the reads this story has so far and incase i don't say it enough, you are all true superstars and i love you all

- Hannah XX

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