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Hey guys so as you all know i've been trying to decide on my next full length Kaylor book and i've finally decided and posted the first part of it. It's just the prologue but check it out for me.

Its called OUR LIFE and it will start coming out in March 2017. So put it in your libraries, on your reading lists or just simply keep an eye out. More updates for it will come closer to the release of the chapters.

A big thing i need you guys to decide is, when you want updates. I'm going to list several options and just pick one.

1. Once the chapter is done post it, which could mean multiple (up to four) new chapters a week or maybe two. Depends on how much time i have and what i write.

2. One Chapter - Once a week, most likely will be a Saturday in NZ

3. Two Chapters - Once a week, again a Saturday in NZ

4. Updates on a Wednesday and Saturday

5. Updates on a Monday and Friday.

I know that this is a change considering i've never had a schedule for posting but i see alot of writers doing it now so we can change and do what they are doing or i keep my old style. Totally up to you guys, so comment below your choice, (1,2,3,4 or 5).

Cheers and have a great day!

New York Surprise!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora