Chapter Forty Seven

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Karlie's P.O.V

I'm so excited, thanksgiving was last week and today Taylor is officially 20 weeks pregnant and we are going to find out the gender of the baby today. I'm so excited about it because I'm a bit like Noah and hoping that the baby is a boy, so next time we can have a girl and then our family will go boy, girl, boy, girl. But of course there is no designated target of kids that we want to have but I'm just so excited about it. Our honeymoon to Paris was full of us just lying in bed and thinking about all the possibilities when we have another child in the house. I've lost count as to the number of times I've thanked Taylor for doing it without me because in all honestly it's been on my mind since before the wedding but I didn't want to apply anymore stress so I left it. "Mama?" Noah questions from next to me, I turn to him and he looks slightly confused. "Yeah buddy, what's up?" I question.
"Well I uhm have a question about mom, and I don't want to seem rude...but yeah..." he trails off looking slightly awkward. "What is it, I won't be offended and mom is bathing Aubree so I doubt she will be too, what is it? You can ask questions." He sighs and then says,
"How exactly is mom pregnant, I mean I get the sperm donor thing but how did she manage to time it to New York?" I laugh and he looks at me before pouting and turning away, and it hits me right then that it's where Aubree gets the pout, she spends too much time with Noah outside his school and swimming. "That's the same pout as your sister for one, and as to the pregnancy, I'm guessing mom marked it out and took a test similar to a pregnancy test, called an ovulation test and when it comes back positive it means that it's the right time to get pregnant. Loads of couples use them, I think your mom got the idea from TV." I state not really knowing all I know is one day a security man came home and gave me the bag before walking away shaking his head. I remember we laughed about it afterwards but then realised that for us this was our first step. We had already decided Taylor would carry first and then me, I don't know why it was decided to be that way but I know Taylor definitely played the 'I'm older than you, so I'm first...' card and like always I essentially bowed down to her. "Well mom always gets what she wants...and it's not my fault Aubree copies me." I laugh as we talk back in forward mostly about his swimming which is where he's going while we have the appointment this afternoon, our doctor out here in L.A is the brother practice of where Taylor was implanted in New York, it's called Hills Centre Clinic and our doctor is Dr Lacy Moore. She's lovely and we've seen her once for an ultrasound at 14 weeks once we were back from Paris and we got on well with her so decided to stick with her.

Our appointment is for 1.30pm and it's only 11.00am when Noah leaves for midday training and then a gym session and because our parents are out here right now someone will pick Noah up later, he knows he just has to text either Andrea or my mom and someone will come and get him. Everyone is currently out here so they know the gender and then everyone is returning home until later in the pregnancy when our parents intend to come out and stay with us to provide support. "Bye mama," Noah shouts as he walks past me with his training bag over his shoulder and a pair of sliders on his feet. "Bye bud, say bye to your mom before you go." I say back as I busy myself making sandwiches for lunch. "Already did. I'll text you guys later if I beat you home." I nod and he says bye to the grandparents before the door slams shut making Aubree who is over by Taylor in the laundry come out and start crying, "oh baby, did mean Noah forget you?" I question scooping her up into my arms as big ugly tears roll down her chubby cheeks. "No he did, I told her off for trying to eat the cat food in the bowls outside the laundry." Taylor states walking past and continuing with the sandwiches, "Are these done?" I nod and she walks off, I watch her walk and then picture what she will look like heavily pregnant and waddling if the baby books are any indication.

The next few hours fly by as we talk to our parents and tell them about Paris and I follow Aubree around playing and tickling her, I can see Taylor out the corner of my eye with her hand on her stomach that has a bump but it's not that big yet but the doctors have assured us that she is in perfect health and I'm hoping we can tell the sex this time, the little bruiser was facing towards Taylor's back the at the last ultrasound and we couldn't get a clear image and so we are hopeful today. "Hey babe, we've got to go." I state looking at the time and seeing it's nearly 1.00pm and we don't want to be stuck in traffic despite the clinic being 15 minutes away. "Okay, I'm coming." She states hugging everyone and when she gets to her mom, her mom hugs her for a long time, and I have no idea why, when they break away both women are looking upset but both our moms pat the baby and Taylor smiles and holds their hands in place hoping for a movement that the baby has been into recently. But nothing happens, "come on." I say as she nods and we both leave the house. It doesn't take us long to get situated in the car and to make it to the clinic, as there is next to no traffic considering its California traffic, "ready to see our baby?" I question as our fingers naturally intertwine as we walk towards the front doors. I watch Taylor rub the baby and nod, "yes, I want to know if it's pink or blue. I'm so glad we decided to not do a gender reveal party because I just want to know and I couldn't handle the stress." I find myself nodding knowing how impatient we can both be at times, it's no wonder Aubree gets sick of waiting to be noticed and sometimes throws temper tantrums which like any good parent we ignore, only Noah ever gets suckered in and we tease him all the time. As we walk in the nurse smiles at us and I look at Taylor who looks nervous, "it's okay babe. You go sit." I watch her go and then I turn to the nurse who looks at me and says,
"Mrs Swift-Kloss, I know who you are go and join her." I grin and follow my wife who has decided to sit on the red chairs, they look comfortable so I sit next to her and let her curl into me, she's pretty nervous about today but it's because she's nervous to find out if it's a boy or a girl.

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