Chapter Eleven

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Karlie's P.O.V:

I was more than a little shocked at Taylor's outburst at me before fleeing but I couldn't really blame her and I couldn't face her months ago because I was never certain as to why I even turned my head. I couldn't get it out of my head, the way her lips moved when she talked to when she applied lipstick and even as she moved to peck my cheek in that game. But to have felt what many people would die to feel was exhilarating. Those red lips haunt my dreams and make me feel more guilty than I should but as Taylor said to me I have Josh and I am engaged to marry Josh in less than a weeks' time but it makes me a little curious as to why she was so keen to talk to me in the months that followed and maybe that was why I never answered her messages but I knew that I had to talk to Lily the minute she got home and luckily for me she wasn't far off arriving home at 4.00pm. "Hello? I'm back." I watch Dixie bolt up and out of the lounge towards the front door and I hear a bag drop and Dixie squeal in laughter as Lily showers her in kisses. I stand and flip the TV off as I make my way towards the kitchen with a pile of dirty dishes. "How was she?" I turn to see Lily holding Dixie on her hip and I smile. "She was excellent, no worries. Never is." I watch Lily smile at her daughter and it makes me want what she has but Josh doesn't want children, not now and not ever which means to be his wife I am giving up everything that I want in life, but for some reason my mom made me feel like it's the right thing to do. "..arlie...Karlie..." a hand waving in front of my face draws me from my mind as I look up and face Lily. "Did anyone drop by?" she questions almost holding her face, I smile and nod. "Yeah actually Taylor dropped in. It was weird though, she brought Aubree with her but seemed shocked to see me, almost as shocked as I was to see her. I mean imagine that..." I state acting dumb as Lily looks embarrassed. "Well you two haven't talked in a long time so I just thought, I'm sorry. I guess I just want to see my favourite two people talking again." Lily's honestly blows me away, "what do you mean?" I question shocked.
"You and Taylor, when you two are together it's like no one else matters to you. The conversations about your jobs just flow and you are supportive of each other like no other friends. A lot of us have become like your fans, your 'Kaylor' fans." She states emphasising on the 'Kaylor'. I look at Lily and take notice of what she is saying, many of our friends are almost encouraging a relationship that is non-existent. "Well that's never going to happen Lily, because a.) I'm about to get married, b.) Taylor defiantly is not lesbian and c.) what would the world think?" Lily laughs,
"You totally like her in a more than friend way if you're thinking about her career as well as your own. Not once did you add in the fact that you don't like her that way." I stare at her and try to prevent my mouth dropping open but I know she is right. Of all the things that I could have said I went with, I'm not available, she's not lesbian and careers but nothing about the fact that I don't like her. But would that be a lie? I have no idea. I spend another hour with Lily doing a final catch up before leaving to fly to L.A I only flew in because I was in New York and Nashville was en-route to L.A. and Lily claimed to really need a sitter so I complied but now that I realise that it was a set up I'm relaxed about it because at least now I know where I stand with Taylor, I'm aware that I hurt her feelings and that our friendship will not last but I can't do anything about the choices I made in the past.

Taylor's P.O.V

I was seething mad at Lily but I managed to control myself so I wasn't freaking out whilst holding Aubree. So instead by the time I had managed to put Aubree in the car seat and calm myself down enough to drive home to my parents I was okay. I never expected Lily to do something like that but I suppose I should have thought of the possibility because she will be at the wedding so I don't know why she couldn't wait a few days but now I understand that this was pre-planned by her and if I wasn't so mad about seeing Karlie then I would have been able to laugh about it, but I can't right now because the last thing that I ever expected was to be blindsided by Lily and see Karlie before the wedding but such is life. The rest of the trip in Nashville worked out with spending lots of time with my mom and dad and taking Aubree out and about, we even went and brought a mountain buggy stroller so we could take a hike which was a lot of fun and I took Aubree to see Scott at Big Machine Records for an afternoon as we chatted about the new album and all the things that I was planning for tour so he would know in advance and not be shocked. I was pretty lucky that my label had allowed me to be myself ever since they signed me but I honestly don't think for one minute that I would have made it on a major label and it's a well-known motto at Big Machine Records that we like to be the underdog and feel like everyone and everything is against us. It makes us feel like we surprise people and go past their expectations.

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