Chapter Two

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Taylor's P.O.V

Pacing back and forward in the small room in the police station in downtown New York I suddenly feel like a criminal despite the fact that I was doing a good deed. I guess I've seen too many episodes of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation to take my situation for less than I am. I know that there is no one watching me from a secret window, for god's sake I can see people moving outside the door but here I am with the baby in the capsule at my feet. Moving once more I bend down and lift the capsule onto the small table and push the visor back so I can see more of the baby that is so adorable. The pale blue onesie looks like it is doing nothing to protect this baby from the harsh weather outside, considering it's now almost 7.30pm at night I'm surprised that Karlie hasn't called me asking me where I am, considering we were supposed to have dinner together at hers tonight. Her boyfriend Josh is travelling again so she invited me over. I decided I should really let her know that I won't make it, but the minute I move I manage to knock the capsule making the baby squirm and begin to cry. Tom looks at me from the chair he is perched on as if to say, "you getting that." I smile at him before bending back and trying to sooth the baby but failing as Tom walks over and unclips the baby before pulling him out and soothing him through rubbing his back it stops the crying noise as it turns into tiny whimpers, Tom hands him to me and then retreats back to his chair once more as I cradle this tiny baby. I have no idea when he was last fed or how old he is so instead I sit myself on the only other available seat which is a couch that practically eats me and I stare into his eyes. Taking his fingers I let him hold mine but his attention soon changes to my dangly necklace that hangs down within his grasp as I cradle him close. "No, no, no, no, no..." I state trying to detach his delicate fingers from the chain whilst hoping he doesn't get hurt, I'm holding him tight trying to remove his fingers.

I sit there and finally as my stomach starts to grumble an officer arrives, "I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting, there was an issue downtown on the subway. How can I help you folks tonight?" He questions and I can tell straight away he's not from New York, my guess is Texas due to the way he said 'folks' but I can't be sure so instead I start to explain what happened. He sits at the desk in the small room and begins to type and after five minutes the baby falls asleep holding onto my necklace. The Officer, Officer Parks mentions that there are no missing reports so no one is missing the baby, he reports a call from the café so my story checks out. I raise an eyebrow but he looks at me, "you have no idea how often people bring in babies that turn out to be their own, it happens." This makes me laugh and he looks at me, "I'm sorry, but I think that if I had a child someone would know." Tom smirks and Officer Parks laughs and agrees with me. "You're right Miss Swift but we need to ensure you're telling the truth, part of this procedure." I nod and he continues to explain what will happen now and to be honest it sounds terrible, due to having no family the baby will go into foster care and hopefully he gets a good set of parents. The Officer stands as I do the same and attempt to get the baby back into the capsule as it's evident that Officer Parks wants him, but the minute I try to detach his hands he wakes and must sense what I'm doing as he begins to scream. It takes ten minutes and still he screams, despite being in his capsule and warm. Officer Parks looks at us and says, "Do never mind." I turn and look at him, "What?" Officer Parks looks taken back as I look at Tom and then at Officer Parks. "What were you going to say?" I question again. Officer Parks looks down at the screaming baby and says. "Why don't you take him to the hospital to be checked out, he clearly likes you so if you wanted to you could do that?" I smile and look at Tom who rolls his eyes as if there was any possible answer other than yes to that question. I nod and pick up the capsule preparing to leave.

Half an hour later the baby is being tested and monitored as Tom sits now on a waiting room couch and I'm nursing his phone in between my ear and shoulder as I play with my fingers while talking to Karlie. "...and that's how we ended up here." Tom coughs and I look at him. "Okay, it's how I got here and dragged Tom with me."
"Poor Tom, he will be exhausted. Why didn't you call earlier, I was worried." Karlie states through the phone. "I know but now is literally the only time I've had since the police station and as I went to call you there the officer arrived to talk to me. I hope I didn't put your night on hold, I bet there are millions of other things a model like yourself could be doing." I state looking towards the nurse's station. "Nope, you know I love to hang with you." I hear something dropping and Karlie swearing. "What was that?" I question as she tells me nothing, but I don't believe her. I think she is up to something. "So how was the coffee shop today? Rhonda and Chloe good?" I pause in my place unaware that I tell Karlie practically everything that I do in a day, and I probably shouldn't do that but she is quickly becoming one of my best friends besides Selena so I don't see the harm in it. "It was good until this situation appeared, they are always nice in there and the strawberry custard muffin was amazing today, well I actually ate two of the giant suckers but still. Good food, good coffee and good people. It was nice, how was the gym?" I question shuddering as I hear Karlie laugh, 'her laugh is so loud and boisterous' I decide. "It was good, I just did some strengthening. You should come again." I laugh, "Yeah I don't think so Kloss, last time you told me that it would be easy stuff and it was planks, extreme stretching before at least an hour on that damn treadmill and you knew how much I hated cardio." I stress as I look at Tom while he's chilling and I see someone walking towards us, I get excited but he walks past. " time you'll enjoy the workout plus I got an awesome massage today so that was good." I nod my head agreeing with her as we talk for another ten minutes before the doctor for real comes up to me so I hang up. Tom sits up with interest as I start to question the doctor. "How's the health? Is he going to be okay? When can I see him?" The doctor looks at me like I've grown an extra head before saying, "he? I was told to talk to Taylor Swift about a baby that she brought in for examination." I look at the doctor. "Well I'm Taylor Swift and I brought a baby boy in for an examination a few hours ago. How is he?" I stress again. The doctor walks towards the nurses station as I groan out and then he walks back. "Okay so here's the thing, you thought that you brought in a boy correct?" I nod and he nods, "well it's a good think you didn't take the baby home without checking, the baby is a girl. A little over a month old and in very good health in terms of what we would expect. She's not very happy considering she has been poked and prodded and she is crying a lot right now but I presume she is hungry and unhappy. If you would like to see her, she is this way." I nod and walk behind him, "So she's a girl?" He nods and begins to explain her condition but I fail to listen the minute that I see her, walking towards her I offer my finger and begin to talk to the doctor softly and she stops crying, I offer her my finger and she latches her tiny hand around it. "Wow, that's amazing." The doctor comments as she calms and begins to doze off. I nod in amazement no longer focused on the doctor but on the little girl in front of me, hanging onto my finger. Sitting in a chair beside her crib I watch her until the social worker arrives.

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