Chapter Forty One

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Karlie's P.O.V

We've been driving for about an hour when I take a quick peak in the rear view mirror and find that both Noah and Aubree are sound asleep, peering next to me I see Taylor is still wide awake and so instead of talking to her I simply reach over and grab her hand, hoping to just hold her hand like we've always done in the car. I know that it's not much of a gesture but driving to Nashville at 11pm at night isn't my idea of the perfect family vacation. "Do you think we're good parents Kar?" Taylor questions jerking my thoughts away from thinking about her and I. "Well, you definitely a great parent to Aubree, and I guess with Noah we will just have to wait and see. Does it make you nervous to have two kids now?" I question. Taylor shrugs her shoulders.
"It will be different now with a new kid, new house and new terminology to learn but I think we are hip enough to learn it." She jokes making me smirk at her and even let out a low laugh because I don't want to wake the kids. "I think you're right babe. So have you given our house any thought because I was thinking that it would be awesome to have a real family home in Nashville because I know that's where you always planned on raising Aubree and I think it should be our base." I turn as I finish since we are stopped at a red light entering Nashville and I see the look on Taylor's face. "That sounds perfect Karlie." She states leaning over and kissing my lips. "Just perfect." I smile at her as I cockily say, "just trying to keep you satisfied." As I finish my sentence I hear a fake gag from the back and I know that Noah is awake now. "Hey sleepyhead," Taylor comments as I focus on the road again. "Sleep okay?" I question as Noah stretches and nods his head before turning to look out the window. He answers Taylor's questions like his favourite food and such and favourite colour which is blue. I laughed at how typical it sounded for a boy to like blue but then he said it was because of his swim cap that he liked the blue and I thought that sounded cool.

We drive for roughly 40 minutes through Nashville outskirts until we reach the apartment block that Taylor has her apartment in. I've only been here five or six times but I know Taylor has been since Aubree was born so hopefully there's a crib and everything set up. Noah can take a guest room while we take the master bedroom that's near Aubree. Chances are Noah will take downstairs and that way we won't hear him and he won't hear us or Aubree should she decide to be difficult and not sleep through the night as she's been doing lately. "Okay we're here guys. I'll get Aubree." I state as Taylor nods and moves to the back of the Range Rover to get our bags Noah helps since his clothing is all over the car. He has all his electronics in a backpack that he slings over his shoulder and then helps Taylor with the bags while I grab a very sleepy Aubree and tuck her into my arm, she curls into my neck seeking warmth and I let her if it means she will stay asleep for longer since it's nearly midnight. The traffic is still flowing outside and as we move towards where the elevators are I turn and beep the alarm on the Range Rover as Taylor laughs at me. "Yes, that car is my baby." I state as Taylor holds her hands up as if in mock surrender but I know that she doesn't really mean it because she's smirking at me. "Plus you don't mind riding in my car." She shakes her head and Noah laughs at us as Taylor hits the button for floor 15 which is the top floor that has only two apartments so it's split into two. Taylor has one half and another couple has the other side although I know from what Taylor's said before they now have children so maybe they will be at the age for Aubree to play with them but I'm unsure. "How you doing there Noah?" I question as I watch him lie his head against the wall of the elevator as Taylor ruffles his hair. "Tired." He states, just a one word answer but I can't expect too much it is midnight after all or close to it. "Hang in there for another ten minutes and we'll have you sorted in bed." Taylor says as he nods and leans his head on Taylor's shoulder and it makes me smile. It's such a mom thing to let your kids lie all over you so that makes me feel all warm inside as they have a moment together.

Within five minutes we are all standing in the Alice in Wonderland themed kitchen and as Noah looks around Taylor states quickly. "In my defence I was 20 when I designed this." Noah laughs and turns to face her, "compared to what 25?" he questions making me laugh as Taylor realises that what she just said sounded extremely dumb. "Aww babe, it's okay all kids zing their parents at some point. How did that feel?" I question as Noah watches us and also looks around too. Taylor looks at Noah and laughs. "Weird, I feel like a mom to a teenager now." This makes us all laugh because it's true. Taylor and I are now parents to two kids, one a toddler and the other a teenager about to start high school when we find one for him. We all calm down and I take Aubree upstairs to the nursery next to our master bedroom while Taylor gets Noah set in the guest room downstairs. He chose the one with the larger bathroom and the walk in closet. I smile as Taylor comes in to double check on Aubree and I waste no time in latching my arms around her waist and pulling her to me to kiss her properly as I haven't had the chance to do that lately. "Noah okay?" I question as Taylor nods and then pulls me out of the nursery and towards the master bedroom. "Oooh a little frisky tonight?" I question and Taylor smirks and shuts the door, flicking on the baby monitor and then moving towards me. "Do I have to do everything myself?" She questions.
"Of course not. I'll make you happy tonight." I state as I switch the roles and I push Taylor down with a squeal making me smile. "I'm about to make you fly away with pleasure." I state kissing her pressure point.

Taylor's P.O.V

The sunshine pouring through the windows wakes me, and as I roll over and glance at the clock seeing it's now only 6.30am. I groan but know that I won't fall back asleep with the sun streaming in. I turn and see Karlie lying on her stomach, her head buried under her pillow and I know that she isn't getting up for a while. I pull myself into a sitting position and I move towards the closet so I can grab some clothing before showering. I take a long steamy shower, loving the way the water hits my back and eases the pressure that I get when I sit in a car for a long time. After checking Aubree on my way downstairs I notice that she's worked herself out of the bed and I know that before long she will be up and grumbling because she will be cold. As I move into the kitchen I move towards the cupboard that holds all of Aubree's stuff for her bottle and as I plug in her bottle warmer and let the water run so I can make her bottle and then keep it warm for her. I'm walking around and I hear a noise behind me but I don't bother to turn around because I know that Karlie and Aubree are still sleeping. I put bread in the toaster and before I can even turn towards the pantry to retrieve the jam I notice someone behind me. 'Oh shit' I think as I freeze and then the person speaks. "What are you doing?" my shoulders automatically relax as I hear Noah's voice and I turn around holding my chest. "Don't do that to me." I state as he looks at me sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I thought that you would notice me." He states and I automatically feel bad. "No I knew that you were here but Aubree and Karlie both sleep in late and I guess I just assumed that you would sleep late too. How did you sleep?" I question moving around the counter and sitting next to Noah. He shrugs his shoulders and I instantly know, "new place, bed's not right and it smells different right." I say as he looks up a little shocked that I would even know that. "Yeah, how did you know?" He questions.
"I've stayed in countless hotels across the world and I know what it's like when you have to sleep somewhere different at night. It's okay though. Hopefully you'll become more comfortable. Karlie and I don't expect you to be comfortable right away. We do expect that you will need to adjust." I say. He nods and looks around the kitchen. "So what do you want to eat?" I question as he turns to look at me. "What, no I'll make my own it's fine." I laugh and he looks at me weirdly.  "Look Noah. I know that you can take care of yourself but at the end of the day you've been taking care of yourself for the past few years. Let us take care of you now." I say as he nods at me. "So what would you like for breakfast, pancakes or waffles or eggs?" I question. He looks at me and then towards the kitchen. "I'd really love some scrambled eggs and toast." I nod and hop up and move towards the fridge and get out all the supplies. "Sounds awesome." I say over my shoulder and Noah continues to sit there. Together we share scrambled eggs and toast and then sit down and watch T.V it turns out that we both love watching Law and Order: SVU which is exactly where Karlie and Aubree find us about an hour later and together we all have a family day on the couch. Chilling out and enjoying life.

Personal Update:

Hey guys, so I'm back from Australia. Had an amazing 10 days there. It was great so I decided to write and update New York Surprise! So i'm hoping that you're all in good health. I head back to Uni in a few days since my cast is now off my leg so i'm begining physiotherapy at the end of the week.

See you all soon

Love Hannah xx

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