Chapter Nine

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Karlie's P.O.V

For at least five minutes after reading Taylors text I was shocked, shocked that she had only text me back saying that but also shocked that I had included her in the group text given what happened in Nashville. Looking down at my phone I can still see the words, 'Congratulations from Taylor and Aubree.' It was gutting me but I couldn't really do anything about it now that I had sent it. What could I do, text back saying, 'Hey I'm back, want to catch up?' I knew that she would be hurting, because I've been ignoring her for starters, not telling her where I was and I think that it is honestly the longest that we have gone since becoming friends without talking or texting. I decide that I can't dwell on what has happened so I decide to go for a run.

Taylor's P.O.V

I was shocked, no I was devastated by the text that Karlie had sent via group message but as I watched people text in their congratulations I realised how weird it would look if Karlie's supposed best friend didn't congratulate her also so instead of making it about just me I text in 'Congratulations from Taylor and Aubree.' If Karlie was smart she would see through the text and question me about it but as days flew past and I received nothing from her questioning my behaviour I began to realise that she really didn't care and for some reason despite the fact that we kissed in Nashville and I had more or less stated to Lena that it could have been love, I wasn't upset. There were no tears shed and as pictures lined up front covers of magazines I realised that I had gone for a month without Karlie in my life, and despite relying on her heavily when I first moved I decided that I really didn't need her and after sorting out childcare for the day I headed out for a day out starting with a spa retreat day with Lily who also happened to be in New York and was also one of the few people that remembered the kiss at the party in Nashville. "So what are you going to do about it?" Lily questioned as we lay side by side on massage tables as women worked our legs. I looked at her sideways, "nothing." I stated wishing that I really felt that way. "Right..." Lily groaned out as she turned over and less than five minutes later when the masseuses left she turned to me, "right, now truth time. What are you going to do?" I looked at her and laughed, but it was oddly forced. "Nothing Lily, I'm not doing anything because there is nothing to do. She is getting married to her long term boyfriend, probably next month or something..." I stated sarcastically. "Yeah right, as if Karlie would do that." Lily stated as I turned to her. "Yeah right Lily, this is the same person who took a picture of her engagement ring and sent it via a group message stating she was engaged, let's face it. He's changed her." Lily did nod her head and agree despite always wanting to see the good in people. "You're right and I can't believe that you still haven't heard from her about your remark but I guess she's probably on cloud nine about now so it's really up to her." I nod and we move to get dressed as I head to Lena and Jack's to collect Aubree who was there with Jack while he polished a tune for the album so he offered to have her since Lena was busy and I would have to hear the song anyway.

The trip to collect Aubree was silent as the security men chatted amongst themselves and talked about different things that they would need to watch out for. I listened but never added into their conversation and the minute that I knocked at Jack's door I felt calmer and the reason for it was when he answered Aubree was in his arms crying and the minute she laid eyes on me she stopped. "Hi Taylor, she just woke up. Grumpy might I add." Jack stated handing her to me.
"Aww, is my precious little girl grumpy. What have you got to be so grumpy about?" I questioned patting her bottom as I sit down in the lounge where Jack was working so he could watch Aubree at the same time. She only grizzled at me and attempted to curl her head into me but I had to hold her out because she was about to get her bottle once Jack was back. "Here Tay," Jack stated walking past me with a bib, bottle and burp cloth to which I took all of them and set Aubree in the right position before letting her feed contently as Jack got back to fine polishing and as Aubree was lying content in my arms he began to play it from start to finish and as soon as the song had ended he looked at me. I blinked a few times, never expecting the final cut to be so good but it was amazing and I said that to Jack as he said that it could be better but I demanded he send it like that because I loved it. He looked at me and I nodded. "I love it. Keep it like that." It wasn't long after that I got an email from Scott saying that the album was complete and I was completely free until October when press release would begin. I had emailed back saying that I would be back in Nashville in September because I had a video to shoot and then I said goodbye to Jack and headed home with Aubree.

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