Chapter Twenty One

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Karlie's P.O.V

The rest of Aubree's birthday party passes really slowly, every time one of the trays is emptied I resist the urge to go and refill it because I know that's not my job. It never really was. Deep down I know that what Taylor and I had was never anything more than friendship and even though I really wanted something more and I thought that she did too, I know that it can never happen. Not now anyway. I watch her move around the room, greeting people and falling into her 'nice girl' routine. The routine she always falls back on no matter what she's feeling. We avoid each other and I know that people are noticing how distant we are but I can't be near her. Every time I feel her come closer I feel less than five seconds away from crying my heart out over what we could have been. Karlie, Taylor and Aubree a winning combination like no other, never again would we have to be alone or lonely at night after a long day. I could have come home and there they would have been, Taylor probably writing another hit song and Aubree waddling around because she would have learnt to walk. But I'm forced to shake my head, there's no way I can torment myself like that. So without telling anyone I'm off towards the door, pausing I stop and at the last minute I say to Cara who I near the door. "I'm leaving, if anyone wants to know." She looks at me and I can tell that she knows that something is wrong. "You alright?" she questions her eyes moving over me, and if I didn't know her better I would swear she was checking me out. "I'm fine, I've got to go though." I watch Cara nod and then look around the room as she says, "you know, it's not Taylor that will miss out if you leave right now..." I pause and look at her.
"What do you mean?" Cara turns to me and gestures towards a crawling purple figure moving straight towards me. "It's that little crawling monster who will miss out. You and Taylor will get over whatever little spit you're having but right now if you leave. It's Aubree who will suffer." I think about what Cara has said and as I do that I know my window of opportunity has closed as Aubree latches onto me and pulls herself upright. I look down at her as she smiles at me and babbles away. I look around the room and see Taylor looking at me and as I smile at her and gesture to Aubree I see a small smile cross her face and then she turns away. I can feel my heart constrict in my body but I have no time to think about it anymore as Aubree decides that she has had enough standing and sits on my feet making Cara laugh. I look at Cara who says to me in a low voice, "we'll talk later." I nod and reach down to pick up Aubree as we migrate back into the party once more.

Finding Andrea and Scott I hand Aubree off but Aubree is having none of that as her tiny hands latch onto whatever she can get her hands on, which happens to be my necklace. I stop mid exchange and stand up which makes her release her hold but the minute I attempt it again she latches on making Andrea and Scott howl with laughter, attracting many people. I huff at Aubree who grins and plays with the necklace as I sit down next to Andrea and Scott but Aubree pays no attention to anything except the 'K' necklace around my neck. I find it funny that she has so much attraction to me but at the same time I know that it's probably caused by me being around her so much. Andrea and I soon become engrossed in a conversation as Scott goes off to talk to people that he's met over time. "The show was amazing tonight Karlie," Andrea gushes which makes me blush.
"Thank-you, I didn't notice you backstage." I state as Andrea states that both her and Scott were in the audience and they loved it. I make a cheeky joke about Scott, underwear and women which has Andrea laughing and stating that Scott didn't know where to look, if he looked at the stage he was being weird but look either side and he looked weird too. I questioned why as Andrea chortled with laughter and stated that he was surrounded by women old enough to be his daughters and he felt uncomfortable so he left as soon as Style was finished. I had to admire Scott leaving and not being a pervert although many people know Scott Swift so I'm sure it wouldn't have been bad for him to stay. I hardly notice it when the crowd goes quiet and Tree walks into the room with other people but it's when Andrea states, "why are they here?" that I turn and see both Selena Gomez and Ellie Goulding inside the room that is meant to be a celebration of a little girl who they told Taylor would ruin her life. I look at Andrea who covers her mouth, "god don't tell anyone I said that." She states as I smile. "I think the same thing."
"Well fancy saying that this little cutie pie was a mistake." I watch Andrea lean over and attempt to tickle Aubree but nothing happens and when I look down I see Aubree has fallen asleep and I look at Andrea. "She's asleep,"
"That's a compliment." Andrea states as I look at her funny, "It means she is comfortable with you Karlie. It's a compliment." I nod and notice that she is still holding the necklace like she's afraid I'll take it from her. I smile and caress her tiny hands as I feel a presence beside me, looking to my left I see Ellie has taken a seat next to me. "Hi Karlie," she states as I smile at her but continue to play with Aubree who is still sleeping. "So you're too good to talk to me now?" She snarls at me, I turn to face her. "No I'm not but I've got a sleeping baby here so unless you want to wake her up I suggest you quit your attitude towards me." Ellie looks shocked and continues to sit as I stand with Aubree,
"Come on baby, let's go find you mommy." Ellie looks up and says,
"I can take her." I look at Aubree and then look at Ellie before Andrea says that she will be here. I unhook Aubree's fingers and carefully hand her to Ellie who holds her exactly the same but the minute that I stand up and walk away to get a bottle of water I can hear cries coming from the room.

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