Chapter Five

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Karlie's P.O.V

Rushing around my apartment getting ready for the group meet up at Taylor's makes me excited, so far lately the only time I've spent with my friends was at least a month ago and even then it was only at an event and I only saw Gigi and Martha. "Babe, I'm back." I turn to face Josh who is coming through the door, sweaty and slightly out of breath. "Oh I'm about to go out, uhm are you staying here?" I question looking at Josh who looks surprised that I'm going out. "Yeah I was going to, I thought that we were going to spend time together?" He questioned making me feel guilty when I know I shouldn't really. "Oh well the girls are in town so we are going to catch up properly before we all jet off again." He nods but I can tell that it's fake and that he really wants me to be with him. "Is that okay?" I ask as he nods and wanders into the kitchen coming back with a bottle of my favourite water despite the fact that I also buy his favourite. "So you'll be back in like an hour or so?" He questions although it sounds like a statement of that I should be home. "No, I'll be back later. I'm not going to be rude and run out of there." Josh looks at me and huffs, "Well I guess I could meet Jackson for a beer at the bar downtown while you're socialising." I nod but inside I'm pretty annoyed because Josh always does this, he goes on a trip for work and doesn't call me or text me but the minute that he's back in New York he thinks that I should drop all my plans in order to hang out with him but that just isn't going to happen this time. "Well I'll text you as I leave and maybe we can catch up or something." I state hoping to pacify him, he nods as I grab my handbag and leave, noticing that I'm already running late but I don't stress considering I told Taylor I'd be there early so I should still be there a good ten to fifteen minutes before the others arrive. Shaking my head I look at the amazing winter day we are having, the sun is out, it's above freezing and it feels so nice. I tuck my coat around me tighter and begin the ten minute walk to Taylor's on my approach I text her security so they know I'm coming and by the time I get there Tom is there to let me in. I don't bother with the elevator knowing that it's probably not working right again so I opt for the stairs and wearing my converse I practically jump up them. Pausing at the top I take a breath because it's still work to rush upstairs before I walk over and knock on the door. Less than ten seconds pass before it's opened and Taylor is standing there smiling at me. "Hey Karlie." She states hugging me and letting me in, taking my coat I then move towards the lounge area where we usually always catch up and notice that you can't even tell she has a baby here. I turn to face her to talk but before we begin there's a knock on the door and Taylor smiles before rushing off to answer it. I spot her recently made M&M cookies and go in for the kill on one before turning to greet whatever friend of Taylor's just arrived because I don't believe she only invited the model friends like Gigi, Lily, Martha and me.

Taylor's P.O.V

It feels really natural looking around Aubree's nursery trying to figure out if I have forgotten some stickers and what not but it seems like I got them all. Aubree is currently asleep in my room in her bassinet while I finish off her nursery that Austin and Dad had been working on since they had arrived earlier in the week. I knew it was just a case of sticking some stickers on but it felt final to have it done and completed and to now have a nursery in my apartment that no one knew about. Smiling I check the baby monitor that also has video as I walk downstairs to plate up the cookies my mom helped me make before she left this morning. I notice that it's nearly 2.00pm and Karlie mentioned she would try and arrive earlier than the others would which was supposed to be 3.00pm but Ellie text me and told me she will be getting here early because her meeting just finished. I breathe in and out attempting to calm myself as the clock strikes 2.35pm and a knock at the door jumps me out of my funk as I walk and open it to see Karlie standing there all bundled up in a coat that looks chic, I welcome her in but before I can speak to her properly the door goes again and this time it's Ellie who comes in and is grumbling about how sunny and cold it is outside. I smile and let her come in as she walks into the living room and greets Karlie. I walk away to get some glasses and things and I check the monitor at the same time and see Aubree still sleeping. Ever since I started doing the hot water bottle in her bed she always goes down and straight to sleep. I find it cute and I'm hoping she wakes up soon so I can show her off to everyone but before that I need to tell them all.

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