Chapter Twenty Four

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Taylor's P.O.V

The minute Karlie was inside the room I froze, unable to do anything more than respond to her kisses, foolishly I led her towards the couch and together we collapsed onto it, still kissing like a pair of teenagers but this time it was different it was as if I knew everything was about to change. Pulling back I laid my forehead on Karlie's forehead and we looked at each other. As we both to catch our breaths after being without air for several minutes, "what is this?" Karlie questions as she kisses my cheek. "I just saw Ellie and then I saw you and it was like...everything kind of made sense to me." I state as I shyly look away suddenly nervous that she actually doesn't like me at all and is here for something completely different. Without missing a beat I feel Karlie's hands on mine, as long as I live I'll never ever forget the way that Karlie's hand feels touching mine or what her breath smells like when she's just brushed her teeth. "Hey, look at me..." she softly states as I turn and face her. Her green eyes looking at me with such tenderness that I can't even believe that the colour exists. "Look at me Taylor," she states as I focus on her. "I know exactly what you mean, last night watching you ignore me would have to be one of the worst nights of my life. All I've ever gotten used to in the last seven months is seeing you and Aubree all the time and suddenly since December it's like it's hard for us to be around each other." I look at her and observe her, the stiffness in her neck and the way she is now sitting when we were all over each other minutes ago. Taking her hand I show her the same support she showed me. "I know," I state looking into her eyes as she turns to face me.
"Taylor, I came here to tell you how you make me feel and I've been worried about it but now I want to tell you." I turn and look at her as she leans even closer to me than before. "I love you, I'm in love with you, the way you talk, move and I love the way you dance. Not caring what anyone else thinks." I blush as she mentions my dancing, because everyone knows how much I suck at it. I just dance and it makes it entertaining for everyone around me. I look at Karlie and look across her face, the sincerity that crosses it makes me feel stronger. So without wasting a second I say, "Karlie," she looks at me and I breathe in and out before saying in a small voice. "I love you too."

Braving my inner fears and insecurities about how I'll never be good enough I look at her and see the levels of utmost love and passion emerging from her eyes and bursting into the room. Instantly a feeling of warmth spreads through my body as I feel myself move towards her without being able to help myself. "You love me?" she whispers as I nod and continue to move closer to her as she nods. "That's good, because I love you very much." She continues as I look at her and lay my hands on top of her own. "Good because I couldn't last another day without telling you. I love you and I can't wait until we can emerge together back home." I state excitedly. Karlie looks at me shocked, "what?" I question as she looks at me. "Are you sure that's what you want Tay?" I nod at her and peck her cheek. "I sure do. I think that we've wasted enough time in the last seven months don't you?" I question her as she nods but as she leans in to kiss me she suddenly pulls back. "What?" I look at her. "What about Aubree and our families. What happens with that?" I laugh and pull her in to kiss her lips. "Shush, you want to discuss parents right now?"
"No, but we need to discuss Aubree, your daughter." I smile at her use of the word daughter.
"Well that's easy because she loves you Karlie, maybe instead of being Auntie Karlie you can just be Kar for a while?" she nods and her eyes light up like the fourth of July.
"That sounds perfect." She states as I nod at her.
"Good, now kiss me." She leans in happily and lays a few kisses on my lips in pecks before I grab her behind the neck and smile into her kiss while ensuring that she kisses me just the way I want. Long and hard and within the hour we are seated on the couch, snuggled under several blankets and watching The Hunger Games as Karlie suddenly turns to me and says, "this is one of my favourite movies ever." I look at her with raised eyebrows as she taunts me to react and ask why, I finally give in and say, "why?" she looks at me and smiles before leaning and kissing me.
"Because my amazing, beautiful friend wrote one of the best songs on it and was that amazing that they gave her a Grammy Award."
"Really!" I state sarcastically as Karlie nods.
"Yup, you may know her. Her name is Taylor Swift." I nod and stand up, taking half the blankets with me. "Where are you off too?" she questions as I smirk and then as she goes to sit up I push her back against the couch. Praying to the gods that this doesn't backfire I look down at Karlie and then with a big breath I straddle her legs pinning her down. "W-what..." she states shocked as I lean down and kiss her lips. "What, never kissed someone like this before?" I slyly question. I love watching her look awkward but the minute that I crack and smile she laughs loudly and pulls me down to her. "That was good but let's put these lips to good use." I smile and let her take control of the kiss.

Karlie's P.O.V

Much later that night Taylor is leaning against me but I can tell she is nearly asleep. I stand and turn off the TV as she groans and lies down in my vacant space. "Mmm Karlie where are you going?" I laugh and turn to her and lean down. "I have to go Tay, it looks suspicious if I arrive and don't leave." This wakes Taylor up as she sit up. "What about a sleepover?" she questions as she rubs her eyes.
"Aww Tay, don't rub them. Your contacts...." But I don't even finish as Taylor states.
"Oh god. My contacts." I smile at her but rush to her aid. Taking her arm and helping her stand as her eyes instantly water at the rubbing contact. She jumps around as I steer her towards the bathroom so she can wash out her eyes. "Hold up, I'll grab your cleaning stuff." I disappear back to her bag and locating her toilet bag and eye cleaner I quickly move back and see her taking out the contacts. Handing it to her she quickly places two drops in each eye and then turns to face me. "Where are you Karlie, I can't see you." I smile and move back towards her outstretched arms, taking her I steer her towards the door headed towards the bedroom so she can go to sleep. I lie her down and toss her pyjama pants and t-shirt to her but before she can start undressing I move towards her and kiss her lips. "See you tomorrow." I state moving towards the door but I'm stopped by arms latching around me. I pause quickly and without turning around Taylor quickly latches tighter and I become aware that she is topless, completely naked from the waist up. Well I hope only from the waist because I'm beginning to get nervous.

Seconds pass as I breathe in and out. "Nervous?" Taylor questions as I nod my head and whisper so that only she can hear, "I've never done this before." I hear a small intake of breath, not of shock but more of the state of the relationship we find ourselves in. I turn to face Taylor, but focus only on her face. "Karlie, aren't you going to look?" She questions quietly but I shake my head making her turn away from me so I can only see her back and then without a doubt I hear small sobs. Rushing towards her I turn her and crash her into my arms. "Oh I didn't mean it like that Taylor, I just don't want to rush this."
"I know Karlie but I guess it just brought out my insecurities." I nod and continue to caress her head and without even realising it we move towards the bed and as I lie her down and help her dress into her t-shirt and she changes into her pyjama bottoms I smile. "Was this your plan?" I question lying next to her. "No, but I always get what I want." She states with a smile as I grin and pull Taylor into my arms and kiss her on the lips, "goodnight Taylor." I state as she grins and rolls over so her back is against my chest. "Goodnight Karlie." She states and the last thing that floats through my mind is me whispering to Taylor, "I love you." Before curling into her and falling asleep together.

Hey guys, I kind of feel like there hasnt been much action on Wattpad lately. Where is everyone? Writers and readers alike. Where are you all?

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