Chapter Thirty Nine

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Taylor's P.O.V

I watch from the opposite seat in the waiting room as Karlie jiggles Aubree up and down on her knee and they giggle like a pair of small kids. "What are you staring at Taylor?" Tracy questions as she sits down next to me. I lean over, "look at the pair of them." I state pointing at Karlie and Aubree. Tracy laughs and says, "I know, it's like they were born to be together." Tracy states as she too watches Karlie and Aubree. I look down at my new ring and then glance at Tracy, "Well it looks like you'll be getting what you want Tracy," I state making Tracy look at me.
"What do you mean?"
"Aubree, will be your grandchild. You're now a nana, if you want to be." I state as Tracy blinks and then hugs me tight. "Thank you Taylor, I was certain you wouldn't let me but thank-you." I blink at her in shock. "Of course I would let you Tracy. You're Karlie's mom and that makes you special to me because you've given me Karlie. The best version of her too." Tracy blushes and looks away from me. "You know its true Tracy."
"I guess, but it's your daughter who has kept her happy these past months. I thank you for that." I look at the pair of troublemakers in the corner and laugh as I see Aubree climbing all over Karlie. "I'm glad Karlie was able to think of us." Tracy hugs onto my side,
"Me too." She states.

"Karlie Kloss..." I turn my head to see a brunette haired nurse looking at Karlie who glances up. "...the doctor will see you now." She nods and stands before moving over to me with Aubree. I'm certain she is about to pass Aubree to me but she hands her to Tracy. I look at Karlie then at Aubree who is playing with Tracy's necklace. "I thought you might want to come in with me?" she shyly questions as I look at Kurt who gestures for me to go, the twins were getting coffee so I nod and allow Karlie to pull me upwards and through the doors towards the doctor's office. "Don't be nervous Tay," Karlie states as she pulls me towards her and presses her lips to my forehead. "I can't help it." I whisper back. "I'm really nervous." She smiles at me and drags me with her. "I know you are nervous but you can't be, you have to relax." I find myself nodding into her neck as she pulls me into a hug. "Miss Kloss," I turn at the sound of a woman and find myself face to face with a red haired doctor who reminds me of Tree. She quickly stands and moves towards me holding out her hand, "hi, you must be Taylor. Karlie's girl. I'm Dr Walsh. Karlie's oncologist."
"Yes I'm Taylor, Karlie's fiancée as at this morning." I watch as the doctor smiles at me,
"Congratulations then. That's amazing, shall I make your day then?" I nod my head as we sit and Karlie starts to caress her hands nervously, making me reach over and grab them, but Karlie instead pulls me up and over to her and makes me sit down on her lap. "Karlie, let me go!" I cry out as Dr Walsh laughs and says that it's fine. "Please babe..." she pleads making me think and then I decide that I will indulge her. I nod at her, and together we turn to face Dr Walsh. "Do you want the good news or the good news?" she questions making my heart race.
"Good news," Karlie states quickly making me smile at her eagerness.
"Well the good news is that you're clear Karlie. No signs of cancer to be found anywhere on your body. So no more chemotherapy and your hair should begin to grow back soon." I nod as the doctor continues to talk about the things that Karlie should be doing now to ensure that she stays healthy. "So the main thing that you need to remember to do Karlie is to take care of your health, I know that you already keep good health but you need to make sure that you keep it up." I watch Karlie nod and before I now it the appointment is over and we are walking back out to the family. Before we get there though Karlie stops me and pushes me against the wall. "What?" I question as she looks at me with such love and affection. "Nothing, I just want you to know that I love you."
"I love you too." I whisper as I grab Karlie and pull her towards me and whisper, "kiss me." She smiles at me and without waiting she leans over and pushes me into the wall as her lips meet mine, we fight for dominance but she ultimately wins as she moves her hands to my sides and ensures that she pours all her love and devotion into the kiss. I appreciate it and I love it. "Wow!" I state as she pulls away and nods at me. "Wanna go to the zoo?" Karlie questions as I nod. "Yeah, that sounds perfect."

Karlie's P.O.V

Arriving at the St Louis Zoo I watch Aubree squeal in delight at seeing the animals painted on the side of the entrance. "Tay, do you have a camera?" I question as Taylor straps Aubree into the stroller and for once Aubree allows her to strap her in. I know that she loved hanging with her new grandparents and aunts at the hospital but she is probably almost ready for a nap so at the end of the day I can probably carry her if she wants. "Yeah, we can use my phone." I nod and we leave for the entrance, no one else wanted to come so it's just the three of us. After walking around for nearly an hour Aubree is beginning to get tired and sick of it. The initial joy of seeing the animals has worn off and she's now just cranky. "Let's get going." I say to Taylor who nods and we begin to leave. Just outside the gate though we see a gang of boys who look no older than 15 all huddled around a boy of the same age, he's fighting them all off as they try to attack him. "Hey Tay, check that out." Taylor glances over and when the group sees that there is an audience they scram leaving the other kid all alone and so without even waiting for Taylor's input I dart over and help the poor kid at least sit up. "Hey there buddy, just chill for a second." But the kid is impatient and forces himself to his feet, stumbling as he does making me reach out and steady him. "You okay?" he looks at me and then at Taylor near the car. "Yeap I'm fine. Wanna let me go?" he questions.
"Where are you headed? We can drop you off," I state. The boy looks down, mumbles then looks away. "Sorry, I didn't catch that."
"I'm headed nowhere, I have no one and I live wherever I can." My heart instantly breaks for him. "What's you name then?" I question.
"Noah." I look at him and offer my hand to help him.
"Well Noah, maybe I can help." I state as he look at me but takes the offered hand. I lead him over to Taylor and without waiting a minute I take Aubree as Noah stands there looking awkward but Taylor wastes no time in saying, "I'm Taylor, that's Aubree." She states pointing at the cranky toddler. He nods and says, "Noah." I finish and gesture for him to hop in too, he looks suspicious but he does it anyway and within ten minutes we are headed back to my parents I have no idea how the will react but hopefully they won't be rude.

Walking into the house, Noah is a little nervous, the twins come up and take Aubree but Taylor tells them Aubree needs a nap. So they decide to go catch up with friends. "Come in," I say to Noah who gingerly steps in, but by the time he's had something to eat he is willing to open up about his life. Taylor had to walk away because she couldn't handle it but I sit and listen so does my dad and mom comes in after checking Taylor. We invite him to stay for dinner since we still have no idea where he lives.

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