Chapter 9

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"Okay, 1, 2, 3!" I swing open the door and almost fall to my knees.

The two people who I loved so much stood there. They had helped me through so much in life. My anxiety, my depression when Logan and Jake left, everything.

"Chance! Anthony!" I run at them with full speed. I jump into Anthony's arms and he holds onto me by my thighs. I hold onto him tightly, not wanting to let go. Before I know it I'm crying.

"Happy Birthday Kenz."

"We missed you." I was crying into Anthony's shoulder as Chance rubbed my back.

"I missed you guys too!" I say turning my body towards Chance. Anthony hands me to Chance and I wrap my arms around him "What are you guys doing here?!"

"You didn't think we'd miss your birthday, did you??"

"We wouldn't miss our baby sister's birthday."

"Omg. I'm so glad you guys are here. How long are you staying?!" Chance had let me down and I was gripping onto their hands.

"That was Jake's next surprise. Jake would you like to tell her?"

"Well, Mackenzie, you know how you told me that Chance and Anthony had a YouTube channel?" I nod "And Team 10 is a house for upcoming YouTubers. . .so I checked out their channel and they're doing really well."


"Chance and Anthony, Welcome to Team 10!! This is your new home!"

"Seriously?! They're moving in?!" Jake had a huge smile on his face as he nods. He opens his arms and I run at him, full speed. I jump into Jake's arms and he holds onto me tightly.

"This is the best gift ever! Thank you so much Jake!"

"Maybe not the best gift ever, but it's pretty good." Logan says crossing his arms and smirking.

"What did you buy me a car?" I say in a sarcastic manner. Logan's smile gets even wider " You didn't. Logan Alexander Paul I swear."

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't. You'll know sometime tonight. Your favorite color is still blue right?"

"Yea! Omg. I'm dying. . .I'm gonna faint." Jake had put me down and everyone was surrounding us in the hall. Kade, Tessa, and Tristan were vlogging. Emilio and Ivan were stood behind me and Chance and Anthony were in front of me. I noticed Chance looking at the Twins a lot. As I wobbled from being lightheaded Ivan wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me with his body. I leaned into his body and he rested his head on mine. Chance's eyebrow lifted and he crossed his arms.

"Change your mind yet about birthdays being dumb?"

"Maybe. . ."

"Hey Kenzi, twist your arms again." I do, revealing my tattoos that I had on each wrist "Chance, Anthony, Logan, Jake do the same." All the guys do so revealing our matching tattoos "Omg, I never realized you guys had matching tattoos."

"I just wondered where the third one was at." I put each of my wrist out and Logan, Jake, Chance, and Anthony place their wrist beside mine.

"Omg that's so cute you guys!" All the guys awkwardly laughed and scratched their necks. I hadn't noticed, but Ivan had his cheek up against mine and he had pulled me even closer to his body. I see a flash and a camera click. Ivan and I both look behind us to see that Tessa had taken a picture.

"Don't Post That."

"To late." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Is there something going on between you two?" Chance asks looking at Ivan sternly. Ivan seemed frozen.

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