Chapter 35

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Once Brendan leave I flop back on my bed. A love Hexagon, just my luck.

--about two hors ago--

Ding! My phone goes off and I lazily pick it up. I had gotten a text...from Grayson. I quickly sit up and open the text.

Gray<3: hey
Kenz: Care to explain yourself?
Gray<3: i'm really sorry babe
Kenz: I said explain not apologize. Where were you last night I called you twice and left three text messages. You said you were going to come over and you never did.
Gray: yes, i know and i'm really sorry. i wasn't paying attention and my phone died and i got caught up with other stuff.
Kenz: What other stuff?
Kenz: Were you with someone?
Gray: can you come over?
Kenz: Grayson answer my question.
Gray: can you come over first?
Kenz: Sure I'll be there in like 2 hours.
Gray: K.

K? Did he seriously reply with K? I'm just getting ahead of myself. Maybe it's a cute surprise, but what if he really was with someone else? I take a deep breath a turn on some soothing music. I needed to calm down and music helped a lot with that.


I had asked Brendan to give me a ride to the twins' apartment so I wouldn't feel as anxious. I was twiddling with my fingers and looking out the window letting my thought wander "It's okay Mackenzie. Calm down."

"I am calm what are you talking about?"

"I've known you long enough to know you're not fine. Just breathe. Everything is going to be fine." I take a deep breath and close my eyes "Better?" Brendan asks as I open my eyes.

"Much." I reply with a wide smile.

Brendan and I get to the twins apartment and I feel my breath quicken.

"Kenzi calm down. He didn't cheat on you. He's a good guy."

"But what if he did?!"

"Then he doesn't deserve your love, but you need to calm down." I look at Brendan and nod "Do you want me to wait out here?"

"Uh yea, please. I'll text you if everything is okay."

"Okay." I hop out the car and make my way to the twins' apartment. I was anxious the entire way up. I knock on the door and Ethan answers.

"K-Kenzi hey."

"Hey? Is Gray here?"

"Yea he's in the recording room." Ethan moves out the way and lets me in. I walk to the recording room and I see someone standing by a window facing away from me. I didn't think it was Gray because their hair was blonde.

"Gray?" He turns around and it was Grayson. I cover my mouth to hide a laugh "Baby what did you do?"

"Stuff." I run my hands through Grayson's hair and smile up at him.

"Now why did you do this?"

"Lost a bet."

"You and Ethan and your bets." I say laughing a little. I slide my hands from Grayson's chest to around his neck. As I do I push back his shirt revealing a small bruise. I grab Grayson's collar and pull aside his shirt. Grayson's breath hitches.

"Grayson?" I say as I feel my eyes tear up.


"Grayson, is this a hickey? Were you...cheating on me?"


"Don't baby me! Answer the question. Were you with someone else last night?"

"I'm sorry."

"Seriously?! If you didn't love me anymore you could've just told me!"

"But I do love you Mackenzie. I love you so so much."

"Because those hickeys sure show how much you loved me." I say with tears running down my eyes. I turn around and head towards the door. I hear shuffling the Grayson grabs my hand. I stay facing away from him.

"Mackenzie, please it was a one time thing, give me another chance."

"A One Time Thing?! Just because that was a one time thing I should give you another chance? Another chance to shatter my heart? I'm done. I'm just done. Every time I try to have a good relationship I get my heart broken. I end up being left behind to pick up the pieces."


"Just don't Grayson. I'm leaving." I rush out of their recording studio with tears in my eyes. Ethan was at the table eating some cereal. He sees me and comes over to.

"Hey hey, Kenzi what's wrong." Ethan hugs me and start to cry harder. I hear Grayson run out of the recording studio. I look over and I feel my tears quicken.

"Just ask you cheating bastard of a brother." I get out of Ethan's grip and head out the door.

"Mackenzie!" I hear Grayson shout. I look back to see Ethan in the way of Grayson.

"Bro just leave her alone. I don't think she needs anymore heartbreak." I wipe my eyes and head into the elevator.

I get outside and I get in the car with Brendan "Kenzi, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Can we just go home? Please?"

"Yea." Brendan pulls out and we head home in silence. Once we get home I rush out of the car and into the house. Logan was vlogging so I try to rush up the stairs.

"Hey little sis! Where you running to?"

"Just leave me alone Logan."

"Come on don't be like that Mackenzie." I feel Logan grab my arm and I loose it.

"Just leave me the fxck alone Logan! Can't you see that I am not in the mood? God! You can't put your camera down for one damn second to notice the real world! Not everything is some stupid joke or something that you can clickbait for your dumb vlog!" I scream. Logan's eyes were wide and his mouth hanging open. One half of me felt bad for yelling at him and the other felt it was what he deserved. I turn and quickly run to my room. 

I slam my door and sit on the edge of my bed. I don't cry or scream or do anything. I just sit there.

After a while I start to not care. I don't care that Grayson cheated on me. I don't care that he left me for some other girl. Because I started to realize that I didn't love Grayson as much as I thought I did. He was a rebound. As much as I didn't want to admit it he was. The day I broke up with Ivan, I was broken, upset, and torn and Grayson was there. He made me feel happy he made me feel like there was still someone there.

Maybe this is better for the both of us...


#Grenzi is Over

Sorry for you guys who shipped them.

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now