Chapter 20

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You guys seem to forget about all the others characters that were in the character chart. . .

"I love you."

"I love you too Mackenzie."

Corbyn has always been the one there for me. He has always been my bestfriend. I knew I could count on him when anything happened or even if I was just sad. But that all soon changed. Christina decided to move out to L.A. Her decision ruptured everything Corbyn and I had. All of our movie nights, cancelled. All our sleep overs, over. Christina was taking up all of Corbyn's time. Yes, she is his girlfriend, but I wish he'd try and spend a little time with me. I may sound petty, but I feel like Christina doesn't even like me. She's always glaring at me and rolling her eyes anytime I try to talk to Corbyn. Does she really think I'm trying to steal him away from her?

I always felt lonely, even though I had so many friends in L.A. I had grown attached to Corbyn. Have you ever felt like someone could be your perfect soulmate, but in a friend way? That's how I felt about Corbyn. But Christina doesn't seem to care. 

I was feeling down one day and one of my friends decided to check on me. That person was. . .

(You guys are going to hate me, like honestly. . .)

Grayson Dolan. Gray has been there for me through everything. He's listened to my rants about Christina and all my other relationship problems with Ivan. I had thought for a while that Ivan might be cheating on me, but Grayson always reassured me that he wasn't. Grayson always made me smile when I was down and he can make me feel better even when I'm drowning in my own tears. I've had feelings for Grayson, but I thought they were just like the ones for Corbyn, but kissing him, it made me feel happy.

"Thank you Gray...for dealing with my problems." Grayson and I were laying in my bedroom watching Riverdale. I had my head on his shoulder and his arm was around my torso.

"I'm happy to help. I care about you a lot, Mackenzie. I hate seeing you upset."


"Why do I hate seeing you upset?"

"Why do you care about me so much?"

"You're my friend, aren't I supposed to care about you?"

"I know what a friend is and that kiss...that was not a friend kiss." Grayson turned towards me resting on one arm. 

"Listen Mackenzie. I-I like you. . . ? I don't know. I've always kind of had feeling for you, but Ivan was there and I didn't want to mess with your relationship. I tried pushing them aside, but it didn't work and kissing you today just maximized my feelings even more." I smash my lips into Grayson's and he immediately kisses back.  I place one of my hands on his side, and that's when everything goes down hill.

Logan had come home and I didn't hear the door open.


"L-Logan, what are you doing home?"

"Nonono. What are you doing here. With Grayson?!"

"Logan just listen."

"Grayson get out."

"Okay. I'll call you later, Mackenzie."

"The hell you will." Grayson waved goodbye and left. Logan slammed my bedroom door and leaned against the frame "Do you want to tell me why you're here with him when you have a boyfriend?"

"Logan I-"

"Don't talk back to me young lady." Is he serious right now? "How do you think Ivan would feel if he found out about this?" He wouldn't care. "You know that that is wrong Mackenzie." So it's okay for him to cheat on me? "I am very disappointed in you right n-"

"Ivan cheated on me. . ." I say in low tone almost a whisper.

"What was that?"

"I said, Ivan cheated on me!!  He's the one who ruined our relationship! Not me Logan! You can give me the dad speech about how it's wrong even though he cheated on me first it's not right to do it back, but honestly I don't care. Grayson has always been there to listen to me when you weren't, when Jake wasn't, even when Tessa wasn't! He cared about me and he actually understands me. You don't know anything about what's been happening because you can't even stop for one fxcking second to listen to what I have to say! I just cried my eyes out because I walked in on some girl straddling Ivan, and he was letting her! And the person who I thought was my bestfriend who was actually supposed to be there? He was trying to protect Ivan and his damn secret! So come at me like I'm the bad person see if I care, but I don't regret anything that happened or anything that you saw." Tear were flooding down my face. Logan comes over to me and hugs me tightly. I wrap my arms around him and cry into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Mackenzie."

"Sorry isn't going to take back what he did. And it sure as hell won't make me feel better." I pull away from Logan and wipe my tears "I-I actually loved him Logan. And I still do! I really really love him. . .but I can't get what I said out of my head." (Ooh Bars)

"What did you say?"

"I said Kade was a bad excuse for a friend and I told Ivan to fxck off and make out with his slut girlfriend. I was just so mad I didn't know what to say, I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind."

"You were hurt. It's not your fault."

"But it is I just- I don't know what to do Logan. Should I take him back? He said he still loved me.."

"Fxck no! That douche doesn't deserve you."

"But that douche was my boyfriend and- and maybe I want him back."

"So he can break your heart again? I don't think so. I'm sorry, but if I see him anywhere near you, I can't allow you to see him ever again."

"Logan! This is my choice. You can't just push him out of my life. Not like Lance."

"We do not say that name in this house."

"It's an apartment."

"Don't get smart with me, Mackenzie."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not an over protective brother who doesn't care about his own sister's feelings." I stand up abruptly and quickly walk out slamming the door.

"MACKENZIE!!" Logan barges out of my room. I quickly grab my phone and swing open the door "You are not going anywhere except for back to your room." Logan grabs my arm and firmly grips it.



"I SAID NO! I'm not staying locked up in this- this apartment! I need to do something before I tear myself apart inside, okay Logan? I'm not like you. Okay? I'm not just going to forget someone that was close to me. I need to do something. Even if it may be the last time I see him. Now LET GO." Logan looks at me, his eyes glossed over. He lets go and lets his arm fall.

"Fine. Go. Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Fine." I slam the door and rush out my apartment and onto the L.A streets. Was I making the right choice?


You guys have no idea how many versions of this chapter I made with all the why don't we boys and Emilio and Tristan. I really wanted to change it to match the comments, but I also wanted it to be something no one guessed so Grayson was the answer. 

Thing will go your way soon. In chapter 22 there will be some quality drama going on so be ready for that on Thursday!!

Anyways I hope you guys liked that chapter, and until the next one I'd like to say Merry Everything!

Bye Guys!

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now