Chapter 30

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The movie was over and we were all heading out. I grabbed Daniel's arm and pull him back as everyone keeps walking. I tried looking Daniel in the eyes but he refused to make eye contact with me.

"Will you please just look at me?"

"Last time I did, I made you cry. And the time before that and the time before. . .that."

"Daniel non of those were your fault!"

"Yes they were Mackenzie. I was the one being a douche and I was the one who was jealous."

"But this time it wasn't you. I just- Only Ivan called me that and hearing you say it, I just lost it. I don't know. I just miss him a lot. I didn't mean to blow up at you and I wanted to say that I was sorry." Daniel still refused to look at me. I wrap my arms around Daniel's waist and pull his body into mine and look up at him. He looks down at me and frowns. I smile up at Daniel and I could see Daniel's cheeks turning pink and a smile creep onto his lips.

"Come on you know you want to smile." Daniel laughs and wraps his arms around my waist. In that moment I felt my heart start beating faster and faster. I loved being in Daniel's arms. His warmth and comfort-


I quickly let go and step back "What? What's wrong?" Daniel slowly removed his hands and looked at me.

"Uhm, n-nothing. L-Let's go, they're almost to the car." Daniel nods and we head over to the car. I get in the first seat with Corbyn and Daniel sat with Zach and Brooke. As Corbyn drove back to the guys' house I feel my phone vibrate.

Brother Jake- Incoming Call- Ignore.

After I hang up my phone starts buzzing again.

Tesla- Incoming Call- I answer.

"Hey Tesla whatcha need?"

"Uhm, where are you?" Tessa sounded tense and scared.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's Kade..." My heart drops.

"What's wrong with Kade?" My breathing starts getting heavy and the car went quiet.

"He- um. . .just come over. We need your help."

"O-Okay." Tessa hangs up and I tell Corbyn to drop me off at the Team 10 house.

- Skip Ride -

I get to the house and I run up to the door. Tessa and Jake were standing at the door when I swing it open.

"Where is he?"

"In his room." Jake says. As I walk up the stairs Jake grabs my arm "Don't panic okay?" I nod and take a deep breath. I run up the stairs. Once I get to Kade's door it's locked. I knock lightly and put my ear to the door.

"Kade? It's Kenzi. Can you please let me in?" I hear shuffling then a click. I slowly open the door and my heart drops. Kade was standing there in a gray hoodie. There were blood stains coming through the sleeve and dripping onto the floor "K-Kade?"

"I'm sorry. I-I. . ." Tears started to fall from Kade's eyes as tears fell from mine. I walk up to Kade and grab his arm lightly. He winces and I let go. He looks at me and looks down. Kade puts out his arm for me and I lightly roll up his sleeve to reveal several scars and some fresh cuts that were still bleeding.

"Why. . .?" I ask looking up at Kade. He shrugs still refusing to make eye contact "Kade look at me and tell me why."

"Because, I didn't know what else to do! Mackenzie I care about you. . .so much. I love being with you and being there for you. And- And the one time I was supposed to be there. . .I-I wasn't. Now you won't even look at me and you'll barely talk to me. I-I. . .couldn't handle it."

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now