Chapter 34

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--Two Days Later--

I was at the airport waiting for my mom. I hadn't told Logan or Jake, because I wanted it to be a surprise for them. I see a blonde haired woman walk out of the gates and start walking towards me. I run at her and engulf her in a hug "Oh well hi sweetie!"

"Hey mom..." I say sighing. She lets go and places her hand on my cheek.

"What's going on sweetie?"

"I don't know exactly. Everything? I'm in the middle of a love triangle which I think it is turning into a love square, Kade hasn't been doing to well, and I think Corbyn has a thing for me, Jake is a huge dick wad, sorry for my language, and. . .it's just too much to deal with."

"Well that is a lot."

"Yea, and on top of all of that. My anxiety. I always feel overwhelmed with everything and I always think of the absolute worst things that could happen."

"It's going to be okay sweetie. Maybe you just need a few days to yourself."

"Can we have a mother-daughter day?" My mom smiles and nods.

"Of course we can baby." I smile.

--Time Skip--

We made it to the house after helping my mom to her hotel. I see Logan through the door vlogging. I tell my mom to hide outside while I go get Logan. I walk in and Logan turns to me and smiles "And there's my favorite sibling!" I laugh as Logan engulfs me in a hug "Where've you been?"

" know...places."

"Okay what are you hiding?"

"Go outside and find out."

"Oh, Logang we got ourselves a mystery. What's outside...?" Logan walks outside and looks around before yelling "MOOOOOM!" He hands me his camera as he wraps our mom in a hug lifting her in the air "What are you doing here?"

"Did Mackenzie not tell you?"


"You did this sis?" I nod. Logan gives me a tight hug "This is why you are my favorite sibling."

"Heh thanks Logey. Don't tell Jake, but you're my favorite brother." I whisper purposely into the mic

"Ha! Here that Jake? Fxck you!" Logan says grabbing the camera and laughing.

"I'm kidding! I love both of you equally. Sorta..." Logan laughs again. He turn the camera off and takes my mom inside. I forgot she's never seen the house so she was surprised when she walked in.

"Wow! This house is way bigger than it looks on camera!"

"I know right?" Logan starts showing mom around and I head to my room.

--Time Skip--

There was a knock on my door. I pause my music and shut my laptop "Come in!" Brendan opens the door and smiles.

"Mr. North, what has brought you to my humble abode?" He laughs before walking in.

"Uh Logan went out with Pam, so they'll be out for the day." I sigh.

"Great." I mumble.

"What's wrong?"

"Ugh, nothing. Just guy stuff." Brandan sits beside me and twiddles with his fingers.

"Want to talk about it?"

"You honestly want to talk to me about guy issues?" He shrugs.

"Sure, why not?" I take breath and turn towards Brendan.

"Okay...Well my first guy issue is there are too many of them." Brendan lifts an eyebrow "What I mean is there are too many to choose one. I with- I mean, I broke up with Ivan, but I still really like him. Then there's Daniel. I've liked him for the longest time, but I don't want to ruin our relationship. Like what if we end up hating each other once we start dating? Then there's another guy who shall not be named, that I like a lot, but I don't think I like him the way I like Ivan or Daniel. And lastly there's Lance. He was my boyfriend of one year. We started dating when I was 15 and he was 16. He did something and it broke my heart. I forgave him because it wasn't his fault. He moved away and I thought I had gotten over him, but now that he's back, I'm falling for him again. Plus apparently Kade has been in love with me for years and never told me. I don't know what to do."

"Wow. Okay that is a lot. Well about the love square, I think you should go with Daniel. When you guys first met he couldn't stop staring at you and when you got "hurt" he was so worried about you. He loves you a lot Kenz."

"What about our relationship?"

"It's worth it Kenzi. You've been close friends for this long and he hasn't gotten sick of you, so I think it's going to be okay. Plus the only thing that will change is that you guys can kiss and hold hands. Because you already have one of his hoodies, and you go to their house a lot."

"I have one of each of their hoodies."

"That just verifies my point even more. Oh and I know you're with Grayson. It wasn't hard to notice and not to rain on your parade, I think you guys are a good couple honestly, but you'd be better as friends."

"Yea...I think so too, but I don't want to break his heart."

"You never know. He may already know."

"Yea sure, I doubt that. . .Thanks Brendan."

"For what?"

"For listening. Not many people actually want to listen to me and my rants."

"No problem. I like talking to you Kenzi."

"I like talking to you too Brendan." Brendan starts to stare at me and I stare right back. He coughs looking down and I feel my face heat up as I look the other way.

"Well, I gotta go."

"Uh, yea. I need to get ready to go somewhere." I say standing walking towards my closet. Brendan walks towards the door.

"Yea, I'm- yea... bye Kenzi."

"Bye Brendan..." What was I about to do? No! No. I don't like Brendan, he's my brother's friend and my roommate. I definitely don't like him. We just got caught up in the moment. Yea. That's all, we got caught up in the moment.

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