Chapter 26

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Once Grayson starts driving I look over at him and smirk. I see him glance over at me and smile.

"What are you smiling at?"


"And why would that be?"

"You got jealous." I taunt. Grayson cheeks turn a faint shade of pink.

"Me jealous? No!"

"You totally got jealous!" I say laughing. Grayson looks over at me and smiles.

"Okay, I may have gotten a tiny bit jealous, but. . ." We had gotten to a red light and Grayson grabs my hand and we intertwine our fingers " it doesn't matter. I've got you and I'm never letting you go." I smile and squeeze Grayson's hand. He turn back to the road as the light turns green.

Grayson and I had been driving for a while and I started to get worried "Gray, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" Grayson smiles widely as he glances over to me "Don't worry, you're okay. I'm not going to put you in any danger." We drive for about 10 more minutes before we're at Long Beach. Grayson blindfolded me and I gripped onto his hand tightly. We start walking slowly and soon the concrete ground turns to sand. 

"Are you ready?" I nod slowly. Grayson unties the blindfold and we were on the beach. He had set up a small date. He had set out a blanket on the  ground and there was a box of pineapple pizza sitting there. (Oh no I can feel the hate comments. . .) "Oh my god. . .Gray, this is amazing."

"You like?"

"I love!" Grayson and I sit down and start eating. Grayson is honestly the best. I wouldn't say the best boyfriend. I still really miss Ivan. We still talk but it's not the same. There's that awkward tension between us and our fans have been asking about us, but we haven't said anything. My heart and mind is = set on Daniel, but something is blocking my brain from believing it too. All my mind wants to focus on is Grayson and my heart wants to focus on Ivan. The hardest love triangle in the world and I'm in the middle of it.



"Are you okay? You're zoning out a lot."

"Yea. I'm great, just thinking about stuff."

"What are you thinking about? You can talk to me about anything."

"Yea, anything. . ." I whisper to myself "It's really nothing."

"Okay, just talk to me if something is bothering you, okay?"

"Of course babe. Now come on, get up." I jump up and I reach down and pull Grayson up "Let's Dance!!" Grayson turns up the music and we start dancing around. The place where he set up was secluded so no one could see us. As I was dancing I heard Grayson speak up.

"You're so weird! I guess that's why I love you." I freeze and turn to him.

"W-What did you say?"

"I love you, Mackenzie." A smile is plastered on my face as I run and jump into Grayson's arms. I connect my lips with his. But of course something has to ruin the moment. My phone started buzzing. I disconnect my lips and sigh. 

"It's always something isn't it?" Grayson says setting me down. My phone stopped buzzing then started again.

Big Blonde Choch- Incoming Call. I answer.



"Wait what?"

"We. Got. A. House."

"Omg! Really?!"


"So we can stop getting evicted and moving from apartment to apartment?!"

"YES. Finally. We need to start packing tomorrow though. And I need you to come home, I have a surprise for you!"

"What kind of surprise?"

"A small surprise."

"Okay? I'll be there in 30." I hang up and smile widely.

"What? What happened?"

"LOGAN GOT A HOUSE!! Now we can finally stop getting evicted!"

"That's great." Grayson sighs.

"Oh. . .our date."

"No no, it's fine. Come on I'll take you home." Grayson and I pack up and head back to the apartment. Once we get to my door Grayson pecks my lips before leaving. I notice a paper on our door.

Eviction Notice:

Because of multiple noise complaints addressed to your apartment you and other residents are required to move out. You have 60 days to move out or we will be forced to move you out ourselves. Thank you for your cooperation.

Well good thing we're moving. I open the door and Logan was seated on the cough with Brendan and someone else with long brown hair. Lydia was sweeping in the kitchen, most likely cleaning up a plate.

"Logey, what did you need me for." All three boys turn around and I realize one of them is Evan "EVAN! Omg!" I run up to Evan and engulf him in a hug "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Hey Kenzi!"

"Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?"

"And that's what I wanted to talk to you about sis."

"What?" Logan and Brendan stand up and smile. Evan stands beside them with a smile equally as wide "Is someone going to say something or??"

"You know how we're moving?"

"Yea, into an actual house!"

"More or less." I scrunch my face in confusion "Well, I convinced Evan to drop out of college."

"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard."

"Just wait, and I convinced Brendan to move out of his apartment."

"Also really stupid decision."

"And they're going to be moving in with us!!"

"Wait really?"


"What about Lydia?"

"I offered her and she wouldn't accept."

"I wouldn't either." I say rolling my eyes causing Lydia to laugh.

"Whatever. Are you excited?!"

"Of course I'm excited! We're moving into an actual HOUSE. Plus we just got evicted for the third time this month." I say handing Logan the paper.

"Hm...Welp." Logan balls up the paper and throws it on the floor "You need to get some sleep because tomorrow the boys are coming over to help us pack."

"Can Tessa and Amber come too?"


"New friend."

"Yea sure."

"Thanks. Goodnight Logey! And goodnight Evan." I say hugging Evan tightly. Brendan and I do our handshake before I head to my room.


Okay, so this chapter was kind of Crap, if I'm being honest. But I still hope you guys liked it. The next two "chapters" will be another character chart and an Instagram Posts, since I haven't done that in a while. Sorry this is a little late, I got side tracked with some stuff.

And before I go, I am making a new Story, but this one is about Pretty Much. They are a boyband if you guys haven't heard of them. I have the first chapter ready so comment if you want me to release it or not.

And special guest star in the new book  @Itzel_hdz93 

So Until the next Chapter. . .

Bye Guys!

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now