Chapter 17

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Ivan and I head back to LA and to one of my favorite restaurants, Tender Greens. It is a place that is famous for it's sandwiches and salads. Ivan ordered a chicken sandwich, while I had a garden salad.

"I'll be right back. I have to pee."

"Okay, I'll be here." I place my phone in my pocket and head inside the restaurant and to the bathroom. Before I leave I fix my makeup and check my teeth. I head out and I see Ivan outside taking pictures with a fan. I slow my walking once I get out the door. Our table was a little ways away from the front door. As I walk I feel someone grip my wrist. I immediately feel my heart drop.

"Ay Shorty, wait up." I slowly turn around and look at my wrist. I look up to see a guy a little taller than Ivan. He had brown eyes and brown hair. 

"L-Let go of my wrist." He chuckled.

"Why? You seem like a girl who likes having some fun." He put his hand in my hair and pushed it behind my ear.

"I s-said let go. Now."

"Aww, you think you're intimidating." He wraps his arm around my torso and pulls me into his body. I try to push myself away, but he had a strong grip "Come on, let's go back to my place."

"No!! Let go of me!!" I scream, getting attention from people walking by, but they continue walking. I hear the quick pace of someone running. The guys put his hand over my mouth muffling my screams and starts to pull me along. I feel tears start to fall down my face.

"Let go of her!" The guy's grip is loosened off my wrist and waist and I felt someone push me behind them. I finally open my eyes and Ivan was standing there.

"What the fxck?" The guy rubs his jaw. He finally sees who it is and his face twists "You wanna go bro?"

"You can try." The other guy threw a punch and Ivan dodged it. . .barely. Ivan punched him in this nose then kicked him in his ribcage. He was down.

"Are you okay, Mac? I'm so sorry." Ivan engulfed me in a hug and pulled my head into his shoulder as my breathing steadies.

"I-I was so scared."

"It's okay. I've got you. Calm down."

"I'm o-okay. . ."

"Are you sure? Do you want to go back to the Team 10 House?"

"Then everyone's going to bother me."

"No one's there remember?"

"Oh okay."

"Come on. Hop on." I hop on Ivan's back and stuff my face into his shoulder. He kisses the side of my head and I soon drift to sleep.


It's been an hour since Jake and I saw Mackenzie and Ivan. My phone has been blowing up with notifications, but I chose to ignore them. I get a call from Chance and I answer.

"Sup bro."

"Have you seen Mackenzie or Ivan at all?"

"No why?"

"Check your twitter bro. I think Mackenzie's hurt." I keep Chance on speaker and open up my twitter. People were tagging me on a video. I open it and I heard talking. The camera zooms in and it was Mackenzie. Some random guy had their hand around her. I see Ivan a little ways away taking a picture with a fan. He freezes as he looks at the picture and quickly turns around as Mackenzie starts screaming. No one wanted to help her even though she as yelling for help.

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now