Chapter 32

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"Yo! Bro, I need your help with something."


"Its Mackenzie."

"What's going on? Is she okay?"

"Uh sorta, I guess. She hasn't been doing the best, but I think she could use someone here to make her happier."

"Dude, I'm all the way in London, I have my own career to worry about here. Besides, I need to pay for a plane ticket, a hotel room-"

"Done. I paid for everything. All you need to do is get on the plane. I'll pick you up and take you to your hotel, please."

"This is for Mackenzie? Just Mackenzie?"

"Just Mackenzie."

"Okay, when's my flight?"

"Tomorrow at 3am British time."

"How many times do I have to tell you is not British time!"

"Eh, I say tomato you say tea."

"Now that's just a stereotype."

"Whatever. Hurry up and pack."

"Okay. You're a good brother Logan."

"Yea, I know. I'll see you tomorrow bro."

"Yup, see ya later mate." I hang up and flop on the couch. I hope I'm doing the right thing bringing him back into her life.

*end of flashback*

I head out to pick up *Anonymous* from the airport. He moved to London a while back with some of his friends after the situation with Mackenzie. He said it'd be better for him and her. He became a YouTuber, but never told Mackenzie or anyone else. Of course Jake still hates him, but Chance, Anthony, and I forgave him after realizing he was only trying to do the right thing and help Mackenzie. I don't think Jake even knows the full story. If he knew some guy was abusing her I think he'd go off.

I pull up to the airport to pick up *Anonymous*. I see a brown haired guy with a vlog camera and I'm guessing that was him. He turns towards me and waves. He puts away his vlogging camera and smiles over to me.

"Hey mate."

"Sup bro. How was the flight?"

"Uh good. There was a business man beside me yelling at some intern for about 2 hours before he gave up or she hung up. . ." I laugh.

"That's nice? Are you excited?" I ask as we head towards the exit.

"Yea. I haven't seen Mackenzie since I was 17. I missed her so much."

"She misses you too."

"Wasn't she dating some Martinez guy?"

"Uh yea, Ivan Martinez, he cheated on her."*Anonymous* looks down "They're okay now. Mackenzie still loves him though. I don't know why." He looks up at me and lifts an eyebrow "This doesn't have to do with you guys' relationship."

"Yea I know. I was such an idiot."

"Are you and Steph still friends?"

"Nah, Stephanie moved here around the time Mackenzie did. She was the definition of a hoe. Did Mackenzie ever talk about her?"

"Nope. After that night she refused to talk to Steph. Well she didn't talk to anyone. She forgave you in a heartbeat, but no one else. Mackenzie really loved you bro."

Mackenzie PaulWhere stories live. Discover now