Chapter 37 : it goes down

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(To help you understand: she's 3 months pregnant now and Ney plays in Coppa América)

Neymar's POV

We had a Coppa América match against Peru, we lost and we're out of the competition. I'm so angry at myself, I need to go and get drunk.

Charlotte's POV

Neymar lost his game, I know he was sad and probably angry at himself. That also means that we're going back to France tomorrow.


"Where on earth is he ?" I asked myself.
Davi was sleeping and I was tired too and I fell like I'm going to throw up because I'm so stressed.

After midnight

It's 12:30am and I ears a door open.
"Finally" I muted.

I went downstairs to find a drink Neymar in the living room.
"Neymar, where on earth where you ?"
"Why do care ? You don't care about me anyways"
"Of course I care ! I stayed up and waited for you for 5 hours ! I feel like shit because of this pregnancy but I still try to do everything I can and you think I don't care about you ?!"
This is not the Neymar I know, this is not the person I fell in love with.
"You don't love me, don't don't love Davi. All you want is some attention"
My eyes started tear up but I don't want to show that to Ney.
"Of course I love you and Davi. I try to be the best mother I can for Davi. But it's not always easy because Davi isn't my child"
"You're not his mother and you'll never be his mother, good luck with raising this child"
"That's it Neymar, we're over. If you want to raise YOUR child alone than do it. But don't come after me when you don't know what to do. I'm done with you"
"Stupid bitch"
I slapped his cheek and went upstairs to get my stuff and say goodbye to Davi. I went into his room and saw that he was awake.
"Mãe, why is pai shouting?" He was confused.
"Don't worry about that. I'll be gone for a while, but I'll come back to see you in every free time I have. Davi I love you don't forget that"
"I love you too mãe"
Tears started running down my cheeks as I hugged Davi and kissed his forehead.
Then I went downstairs, Neymar was gone, I wrote a letter for him.
Then I left, I send Rafa a message that I'll take the first flight back to Europe that I'll find and that everything will be fine...

The next morning

Neymar's POV

"Papai !!! Papaiiiii !!!" I woke up and heard Davi scream.
I ran to his room and saw him crying in his bed.
"What's going on ?" I said and took him in my arms.
"Mãe is gone !"
What ? I don't remember anything from last night...
"Where did she go pai ?"
"I don't know Davi"
My memory from last night cane back and that's when it hit me, the argument last night, the drinking, the crying and then she left...
"Let's call tia Rafa and ask if she wants to come over"
"Okay pai" He said snubbing.
I dialed Rafa's number and she immediately answered.
"Who do you think you are ?! Calling Charlotte a bitch and let her go ?!"
Great, she knows too.
"Rafa I was drunk and I almost remembered nothing from yesterday"
"That's not an excuse ! She left Neymar, she LEFT !"
"I know Rafa, it's all my fault" tears started to fill my eyes.
"Do you know where she went ?" I asked her.
"She told me she's taking the first flight she found for Europe. How stupid can you be Jùnior ?! Now she alone and pregnant ! She's PREGNANT !"
"I know I screwed up, can you come over ?"
"Is Davi there ?"
"Yes, he woke me up crying because Charlotte left"
"I'll come for Davi. Imbecil" she's mad
"I know Rafa. Thanks"

I went downstairs and saw a letter, I picked it up and saw Charlotte's handwriting.
"Neymar, I left because I couldn't take what you said to me. All these arguments are too much. I know I'm not Davi's Mom, but I tried every day to make him happy. I knew that this baby would change a lot of things, but I never imagined that it would change this much. But this baby is also the best gift you gave me and I'll always be thankful for that. Now I need some time to think about everything, I'll stay in touch with Rafa for the baby.
I love you and always will.

I read the letter again and the tears just ran down my cheeks.

Rafaella's POV

I only saw the message Charlotte sent me this morning, I couldn't do anything to let her stay in Brazil...
I dialed her number and hoped that she picked up.

C : hello ?
R : Charlotte ! Where are you ? I only saw your message this morning  !
C : I'm in London, I couldn't stay at the house, so I took te first flight back to Europe.
R : what happened between you two ?
C : we had another argument but this time he took it too far.
R : what did he say ?
C : First he gave back a 12:30am I was so worried something happened to him, then he came back, drunk, I asked him where he was and then he started shouting at me, said that I'll never be a good mother for Davi and the baby, that I'll never loved him or Davi and he called me a bitch.
R : he so stupid ! But why did you left so soon ?
C : i need some time to think about everything, don't get me wrong Rafa, I love Neymar and I always will love him.
R : Okay, is everything okay with the baby ?
C : the baby is fine, I just need some rest.
R : Okay, call me every day, I'll let you speak with Davi. Neymar said he woke up and found Davi crying in his bed.
C : I didn't want to leave Davi behind... tell him I love him and that I miss him. And nothing is his fault.
R : Okay I will, love you
C : love you too Rafa

Then the call ended and I went to my stupid brother's house.

Neymar's POV

Where the hell his she ? I asked myself.
This's is all my fault, now she alone and pregnant somewhere I don't know !
I need to talk to her, I need to know where she is, where my baby is !
I hope she'll pick up.
"Hello ?" She picked up !
"Charlotte ! Where are you ?"
"Somewhere on this earth. Now goodbye Neymar"
"No wait ! Please Charlotte I love you, tell me where you are, where my baby is. !" I begged her.
"I thought you don't care about the baby Neymar, now bye"
"Just tell me where on earth you are ! You have my baby"
"It's MY baby Neymar. I'm somewhere in Europe that's all you need to know. Have a good life"
Then she hung up, I couldn't hold my tears back.
"Pai ?" I heard a little voice say.
"I'm so sorry Davi, I'm such a bad dad"
"Pai, you're the best dad in the world !" I smiled a little bit and he hugged me.
"I miss Cha"
"I miss her too Davi, so much"

|| Sorry guys but a bit of drama is needed 😂 I still hope you like this chapter ! Don't forget to comment and vote ❤️ ||

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