Chapter 49 : its coming !

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(I don't know anything about pregnancy so don't come at me 🤷🏼‍♀️😂😂😂)

Neymar's POV

"Can someone come to the bathroom ?" We heard someone scream.
I realized that Charlotte was scream because she went to the bathroom.
"Oh god Charlotte is scream from the bathroom" I said and quickly went to the bathroom.
Antonella was right next to me and went inside.
"What's going on ?" We both said.
"Take me to the hospital. I think the baby is coming !" And with that, I realized that our baby is coming, even though the due date is in two weeks.
"I'll pick you up and you Anto go get our car !"

I tried to pick her up as carefully as possible.
"You're okay babe ?" Of course not what a stupid question to ask.
"It's okay. It just hurts really really bad" she said.

We got into the car, Leo also cane with us.
"I can't believe my nephew is coming !" He said excited.
"How can you be so excited, my girlfriend is almost dying from pain here"
"It's okay Leo, even though it hurts, I'm excited to finally meet him" Charlotte said.
"Oh gosh, it hurts so badly"
"Don't worry amor, we're almost there" I tried to reassure her.

We got to the hospital. I picked her up and we went inside.
"My girlfriend is giving birth" I said almost yelling.
"Don't worry everything will be fine. We'll take her to a room and you can put her in this wheelchair"

We got into the room, and they put some machines on her and now we're waiting for the doctor.
"Gosh this reminds me of Matteo's birth. I'm so excited" Antonella exclaimed.
"We're going to have a new nephew !!" Leo also said.
They are literally like little children.
"You guys act like children" I said.
"We're just excited to see him !" Hey both said.
"Hey Ney, did you call Lia ? To tell her that we're not coming home ?" Charlotte asked.
"No, I'm going to do it, and I also call my parents and our mom"
She smiled at me and I went outside.

I called my sister first because that's what I always do when I'm stressed or something.
"Hello ?" She answered.
"Hey Rafa, we have a little problem going on here"
"Gosh Ney, what have you done ?"
"Well, the baby is coming earlier than expected !"
"OMG we're taking the next plane to Barcelona ! See you later" and with that she hung up and I called Lia.
"Hey Neymar ! What's up ?" She asked.
"Hey, we have a little problem here. Charlotte is labor"
"OMG, I'm coming !!"
"Can you even drive here ?" I asked laughing
"Oh shit right I forgot about that and also the kids"
"I'll ask Leo to come pick you up when it's calmer here because Davi would freak out"
"Okay no problem ! See you later"

Now I still have to call her mom.
"Hello ?" She said.
"Hello, it's Neymar. I just wanted to tell you to the baby is coming a little bit earlier"
"Omg I'm coming directly to Barcelona ! I have to tell everyone !"
"I'll ask someone to pick you up from the airport, we don't know how long it's going to take"
"Okay see you soon"

I went back into the room and we waited for the doctor to come.

Charlotte's POV

The doctor came and checked everything.
"So, we still need to wait because you're not ready yet, but you wanted to give a natural birth right ?" She asked.
"Okay, so we'll get back to you soon. If anything happens, just press the button" she said an left that room.

"Rafa just texted me, they were in London when I called her, they just went into the plane"
"Okay, well I don't know if my mom is going to make it on time, but at least we have your parents and Rafa"
"And us !!" Anto and leo said at the same time.
"And you" I added and laughed.
"I'm thirsty, can you gat me anything ?" I asked Ney.
"Yes of course, what do you want ?"
"Just some water or something like that"
"Okay I'll go and get it for you"

Ney left and the doctor came to check on me.
"So, we still need to wait. We'll get everything ready for your epidural delivery"
"Okay, thanks" I said and they went away.
"I think I'm going to drive to the airport to pick Rafa and Ney's parents up, they will land soon" Leo said.
"Okay, I still have Anto and Ney here"

1 hour later

It's been an hour and they pain is getting worse and worse. Another doctor came into the room.

"Hello miss Martinez, I'm doctor Lynn. I'm going to get everything ready for your delivery"
They injected me the anesthetic and the pain slowly went away.
Suddenly the door opened and Rafa, Nadine and Ney's dad came inside.
"Omg, hi !! Are you already giving birth ?" Rafa said.
"Not yet you came at the right time !" Ney said and went to say hi.
"Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be fine" Nadine said to me.

"So, everything is ready ! I'm just going to call the other nurse and we can go" the doctor said.
"I'm scared" I said.
"Everything will be alright amor" Ney said and took my hand and squeezed it gently.
"I gave birth to these to crazy kids, you can do it too" Nadine said.
"I'm so excited to meet my new little nephew !!" Rafa said.
"Me too but you don't have to give birth to him !" I said laughing.

The doctor came back with two other nurses and they got me ready.
"Okay, let's go. Now, you have to push"
I pushed and pushed blocking the pain out of my mind.
"I see the head keep pushing"
I pushed again until o heard a little baby crying.
"Here's your little son" the doctor said and gave my the baby.
"Omg" I started crying.
"You did it amor" Ney said and kissed my forehead.
"Say hello to our son"

|| Hey guys !! New chapter ! I really hope you like it ❤️ don't forget to like and comment !||

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