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Fred's POV.

After Jer took me home he suggested going out but I didn't feel like it so I refused. He also suggested hanging out here but I preferred to be alone at the moment. He left. Mom was at work so I was home alone. She usually returns at 8pm.

I laid on my bed, now wet because of my tears, the whole time. How could he kiss me? And why did he? Maybe he is pranking me. But he usually doesn't prank me to this point. What does this even mean? I can't even tell if I like him or Jer anymore. This situation is gonna make our friendship awkward and complicated.

I asked myself all kinds of question, while crying. "Freddy, honey. I'm home." Mom yelled from down the hall. I went to the kitchen to greet her.

"Hey mom." I said as I walked into the kitchen. She was putting away the groceries.

"Hey swee-, wait. Were you crying?" She came over to me.

"Uh- no."

"I can see that you were crying. Your eyes and nose are red." Damn! "What's wrong? Did Jeremy hurt you?"

"No mom. He didn't. Nothings wrong."

"So why were you crying.?"

"It's nothing mom. I'm sorry I didn't get started on dinner today."

"Oh that's okay. I bought pizza." She gave me the pizza box. I put it on the kitchen counter, took out two plates and glasses, and prepared. We ate sitting in the dining room. After eating she went to bed. I stayed here for a couple hours until someone knocked on the door, at 11pm. Late night!

It was Ben. I didn't want to open but if he came this late at night it means it's important. I opened the door. He pulled me into his arms before I could say anything. "Please let me." He whispered. I just let him hug me. He seems to be blue.

After, what I think, a couple of minutes he came in and sat with me in my room. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He looks really pissed off.

"It's,  it's my dad. He...."

"Wants to marry Tim?"

"How'd you know?"

"I can tell by the look in your eyes. How do you feel about this?"

"It, I'm happy for the man, that he's found happiness again. But this is wrong. He can't just marry a boy. No offense by the way."

"Non taken. But this is totally understandable. I would also get angry if mom marries a woman. But have you thought about how your dad feels about your reaction?

"I-" he paused.

"I know it hurts that your dad is gay but just be glad you still have a dad. And this might make him happy. Sometimes in life we just have to be happy for the ones we care about even if it hurts us." He started to calm down.

"You're right. I shouldn't have said all those bad things about him. Thanks." He brought up a smile. Dang! How can he be so cute and handsome at the same time. Agh! I hate him! And like him! AGH! "Can I stay here for tonight?"

"Sure. Plus it's Saturday tomorrow."


"You can sleep in my room."

"But with you right?" He smirked.

I face palmed him and laughed "Idiot. Of course with me. Where did you think I was gonna sleep."

"Well, with Jeremy."

AWKWARD!!!!!🤐😕 I froze thinking of what to say.

"I'm kidding. Of course you're gonna sleep with me. If not I was gonna follow you and sleep where you sleep." He laughed. Phew! "Even if you sleep at his house."

"That's just crazy." We sat here watching TV for a little while. He fall asleep on my lap. He looks so peaceful. I wish I could just kiss him for once. Remember, he kissed me. I just wish he'd tell me why he kissed me.

I slowly leaned down to his face. Dang! He's so freaking hot. I just want to kiss him once. I was stuck starring at him. "If you want to do something just do it already." He said. I quickly backed up with a gaps. He sat up straight laughing.

"You were awake?"

"Of course."

"Agh! You're so funny.(sarcasm) Come on. Let's go to bed."

"But I'm not tired. Let's go to a party."


"Yeah." I pulled him upstairs. "But I'm not tired."

"Just get to bed."

"Agh, fine mom." He got in. I turned the light off and got in next to him but making sure that I'm far from him as possible. I don't want Jer thinking I'm cheating on him. With my crush. Or let him know that I like Ben. But everyday he makes my crush on him bigger and bigger.

He shifted close to me and pulled me into his arms.

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