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Ben's POV.

Finally! I get to tell my side of the story!

(A/N Whatever😒 Ben.)

After Freddy ran away from the kiss I was left confused. What did I just do!?! Why did I kiss him?!?! And why do I feel like I'm burning inside!!! I need something to clear my head!! Bummer there's no party today.

I took my car keys and headed out. I drove around until I found a strip club. This should clear my head, is what I told myself. The club was packed as usual. I walked to an empty table and sat down. A girl came and stripped for me. I wasn't even paying attention.  All that was in my head was Freddy. His cute face, his soft heart and lips. And the.....ugh! Why am I thinking like this?!!! I feel like my heart is gonna explode.

A waiter wearing a very short leather dress came and gave me a drink, I didn't even order yet. I downed all of it. After a couple more drinks, she came back and sat next to me. "Hey sweety." She spoke through her lipstick covered teeth. "You look kinda down. Want some help?" She smirked. I didn't say anything, I just stared at her. I could feel the alcohol effect now. She gave me something wrapped in a small paper. "It's a " special kind" of Crystal Meth. It should help." I made at least, 3 lines and sniffed it in. "That was quick." I covered my eyes while it took effect. "Now, how about some fun." She pulled me with her to the toilets. Roughly crushing lips after we go into one of the stalls, she sat me down and without waisting time my d sprung out.

She took it in her mouth. I was already excited. She's pretty good. But all that I could think about, was Freddy's sad face. When I looked at her, I didn't see her face anymore. I saw Freddy, crying. I pushed her back. "Stop." I managed to say.

"Ugh!" She cried when she hit the floor. "What the fuck!?" I pushed her aside and got out of the stall. I washed my face, but I still couldn't see well. I ran out of the club and went into my car. I waited for a second to calm down, but I couldn't. I want Freddy. I want to see him. I drove to his house even though I couldn't see clearly. I forced to get there no matter what.

I got there later at night since I was driving slow to not cause any accidents. My eyelids felt very heavy. I barged in and went straight to his room. I pushed open the door and fell onto the floor crying, "Freddy. Sorry." Repeatedly.

I was shaking, I could feel my eyes and nose hurting.

(A/N I don't know what it does to a person. I just wrote shit, so let's go with it, okrrrrrrrrrr😁. But this one is special though😛.)

He put me onto the bed. He took off my clothes and wiped my face. Then tucked me in. I definitely need some help. I keep on bothering Freddy and it's not right. He's my friend not my mother.

I fell asleep right after he got in next to me. As usual, I pulled him into my arms at night.


When I woke up he wasn't in bed. He was in the bathroom. My clothes were on the floor, I only had on boxers and a warm wet cloth on my forehead. He came out looking really angry. "You're awake. Good." He took the cloth and dunked it into some hot water to make it warm again. Then put it back on my head again.

He used another one to wipe my face and body. I kept on staring at him. "Don't look at me." he spoke softly but angrily.

I held his hand to stop him from wiping me for a second. I sat up. "I'm sorry."

"Ben, stop."

"Please hear me out." He sighed.


"I want you to know that I am truly sorry. I didn't mean a downfall for your relationship or anything. And I didn't mean to, to kiss you last night. It just happened."

"Ben, you're toying with my feelings here."

"I know, and that's why I'm trying to apologise. I've never....uhg. I really am sorry Fred. I really appreciate our friendship. I don't want to loose you. What I did was stupid and I admit that. But I promise it won't happen again. Please forgive me."

"What did you take yesterday?"


"The drug. What did you take?"

"I think she said something about C-crystal Meth or something."

"Ben, are you crazy!? That thing can kill you."

"I wasn't aware of that, I was drunk."

"Why in the first place did you go to a club or wherever you went?"

"I-I can't tell you."


"I can't tell you because I also don't know."

"Whatever, just hurry up and get your stuff. I have somewhere to be today."

"You mean you have plans with Jeremy?"

"Does it matter?" He asked sarcastically.

"Right. I'll get out of your hair." I forced to stand even though I had no energy. I put on only my pants and took other stuff in my arms. Before I left he stopped me.

"Ben." I turned back. "Drive safely." He showed a small smile. I nodded then left. My head is killing me. I called dad but Tim picked up.

"Hello, Ben?"

"Hey, uh- can you come pick me up."

"Sure. Where are you?"

"I'll send you the details."

"Okay." I sent him the address and he came after 15 minutes. He drove while I laid in the back. When we got home, he helped me to my room.

"Thank you." I thanked him after he got me into bed.

"No problem. Don't worry, I won't tell your father." He smiled then left.

I fucked up.

(A/N It was at this moment that he knew😑...he fu...)

I already said that!

(A/N Whatever 😒)

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