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For the rest of the week I didn't see or bump into Chang. He kept his promise and I was happy. But I kind of miss him. Chan was busy following me around. I tried my best not to bump into him as much as possible. It was hard since he's the school president. He could find me anywhere I'd hide.

He'd kissed me a few times. Even when I told him to stop he'd just pin me to the wall. Like his brother. I feel like they are the same person but a bit different. I do feel the difference when Chan kisses me. Even if he kisses like Chang. But I have to admit it, I miss him.

Friday night, I got a call from an unknown number from last time. "What?" I answered the phone.

"Whoa, what's up with the attitude?"

"You're not keeping your end of the deal."

"But the week is over."

"No it's not. What about the weekend?"

"I said week, not weekend."

"You didn't specify."

"You didn't ask for specificity."

"Whatever, what do you want?"


"Ugh, just stop."

"I'll stop if you come outside."

"I'm sorry, I'm busy."

"No you're not. You're just reading a book."

"What? How'd you know?"

"Just please come. You know my car." He hung up before I could refuse. I went downstairs with my phone in my hand.

Dad was downstairs with Tim, watching TV. "Where're you going?" He asked before I could open the door.

"Uh- my friend wants me to come outside for a little talk." I lied. Tim raised his left eyebrow with a smile. He could definitely tell I was lying.

"Okay then. Don't stay too long outside. You'll catch a cold."

"Got it dad." I quickly rushed out. I heard them talking.

"What are you laughing at?" Dad asked.

"Oh nothing. You are just so easy to fool."

"Ey, are you calling me a fool?" Tim started laughing and crying "No!"

I went into the black car and found him on his phone. He put it down when I got in. He smiled, "Thank you."

"Whatever." He pulled my face to him and softly pressed his lips onto mine. I missed this 😳. I smiled into the the kiss. He pulled me closer when he felt my smile, deepening the kiss. He smiled after our lips parted.

"Are you ready to go or you want to go take something?"

"What do you mean 'go'?"

"To the cabin."

"Oh no. I'm not going there with you anymore."


"Don't you remember what you did to me last time?"

"I wouldn't say I did it to you. It's more like we did it."

"Ugh, not that. You left me alone in that cabin and went to buy food."

"Don't you remember what you said to me?"

"Uh- don't change the subject. You still left me alone in the woods."

"Okay, I promise not to leave you ever again. Until death."

"Don't say it like that. It sounds like we're getting married."

"Aren't we?"

"No. You're crazy."

"Come on. Don't make me go alone."

I thought for a second. "Wait here." I went back into the house. They were still watching TV. "Dad,can I go sleep over to a friend's place for the weekend?"

"Huh? Which friend?"

"The one I was with last time."

"Can I know him?"

"Dad no."


"Dad. You'll know him in time"

He looked at Tim with a smile. They both smiled weirdly. "Oh, now I get why you were calling me a fool."


"Fine. Go ahead."

"Thanks dad." I went upstairs and found Ben in the hallway. "Hey Ben." I smiled at him. He looked at me like he was disappointed them passed me like I was nothing. Weird. He's never looked at me like that before. It's worrying me.

Before getting into my room he called again. "I'm coming. Wait."

"Don't bring clothes. I already bought some for you."

"What?" He hung up. I turned back and went out. "See ya guys." I said before going out. After I got into the car we drove off. We sat in comfortable silence until we got into the woods. The car stopped. We got in. I sat on the couch while he went to the bedroom. I never realised this place is so vintage. You could tell he has good taste. He came back after a couple of seconds and sat next to me. He took my hand into his and looked at me with a smile. "What?" I asked.

"How was your week?" He asked while still smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"How am I lookin at you?"

"Weird." He came closer to me.

"How weird?" He came even closer.

My Not Exactly Bully Boyfriend(bxb)Where stories live. Discover now