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Fred's POV.

He came back the next day, and the next, and the next. Basically, he came back everyday even during the weekend. He came until my birthday. I was kinda sad that Jer isn't here and super sad that mom also couldn't make it but I'm glad I'm with Ben. At least I have 1 person I love next to me during my special day.

He brought me a little cake. I appreciate the thought. It brought a smile on my face. The most happiest smile I've ever had. "Happy Born Day to you. Happy Born Day to you. Happy Born Day dear Freddy. Happy Born Day to you."

"I keep on telling you that it's Birthday." I laughed.

He smiled. "It doesn't matter. Come on, blow out your candles." For some reason he had turned the lights off and turned on a candle since it was now dark. I blew them out. "Yay!" He screamed like a toddler.

"You're so stupid."

"What did you wish for?"

"Nope. I'm not telling."

"But why?"

"If I tell you it won't come true."

"Come on. That's just a myth. Spill the beans." He put his hands on me and started shaking me.

"Nope. Let's just eat the cake."

"Come on Freddykins."

"Freddy what?" I laughed. He kept on shaking me and ended up tickling me. "N-No s-stop!" I laughed out. My phone starting ringing, making him stop.

"Who's calling you?" He tried picking the phone, I snatched it quick.

"You're not answering my call again." It's Jer. "Hey babe." Right after I said that I felt a huge glare at me. The atmosphere became very thick. I went to the backyard.

"Hi. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear my love. Happy Birthday to you!"

"Thanks." I laughed.

"How was your day?"

"It was pretty good. And yours?"

"Well, it was something."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind that. Are you with Ben?"

"Uh- yeah. He brought me cake so."

"I wish I was there with you, instead I gotta take care of my father."

"Yeah. Wait, didn't you say your mom was sick?"

"Uh- yeah. It's my mom. I'm so tired I can't think straight. I've been on my feet the whole day."

"Oh, okay." I heard a loud bang in the background. Like a gun or something. "What was that?" I got curious.

"Uh- dad dropped something. I gotta go. Bye!"

"Wai-" he hung up. "What was that? Is he in a gun fight or something?" I went back inside. Ben had already reached halfway through my cake. "Ben! What the heck!?"

"Thossy(sorry). You were taking tho(so) long."

"And you go ahead and eat my cake?"

"Thon'd (don't) worry. I yiyin'd(didn't) finish it. I just stopped hathway(halfway)."

"But you're still eating." I took his spoon away." He dipped his face into the cake. He got cake all over his face. He looked even more like a toddler making my heart melt over how cute he is.

I tried pulling him away from the cake. He fought back. "Come on. Let me have a small piece."

"No. Stop it." He took some and splurged it on my face. I gasped. "Ben!" He laughed. I took some and put it on his face too. In the end Ben was the one covered with a lot of cake since he kept on eating it. "I'm beat." I sighed wiping my face.

"Me thoo(too)."

"Would you stop eating for a second."

"But it's so good."

"Whatever. I'm gonna take a shower." I walked out.

"Wait, let me shower with you."

"No. You're crazy."

"Come on. Just let me take a shower with you." He jumped onto me.

"Ben, let me go."

"If I can shower with you."

"Just let go." I pushed him off of me. I ran upstairs and locked my door. He kept on yelling for me to let him in. "Go away Ben. You're not showering with me."

"Ugh! Fine!" He went back downstairs. Finally. I think I should start listening to mom. Maybe Ben does like me.


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