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We went to his house on the morning and chilled there the whole day. We played with his Xbox and I kept on winning at every game we played. I've never played video games before so it's safe to say he let me win. All of them.

When it turned dark we sat by the pool. "Where's Ted?" I asked while dipping my foot into the pool.

"With his friend."


"That's what he said. He always goes to his "friend's" every weekend now."

"O-kay. Seems like more than friend to me."

"Me too." He said under his breath.



"O-kay." We sat in comfortable silence. Our feet were in the pool, playing with the water. He kept on staring at me though. "What?" I asked still with a smile on my face. He didn't answer me, instead he leaned in closer to me. My smile went away. Not after long our lips connected. His are so soft.

He pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. He played with my tongue the softly bit my lower lip. He is such a good kisser. Slowly our lips departed, our eyes connecting. I didn't see disgust in his eyes. But I saw warmth. I backed away from him.

What did we just do?! What did I just do!!!? I stood up and started running. "Wait, Freddy!" He yelled our for me to stop. I continued running, never looking back. After a couple of minutes of running I reached home since his house isn't far from mine.

After closing the door I heard screams, moans. Coming from upstairs. Then they stopped when I reached the stairs. Mom came out of her room, wearing her sleeping gown, looking sweaty and her hair messed up. The atmosphere became very awkward. She looked surprised when she saw me. "Uh- Freddy. You're back."

"Uh- yeah, mom. I'm back." I smiled from the corner of my lips.

"I thought you'd sleep at Ben's house."

"Something happened." She ran out of things to say, I could read that her face was nervous. "Well, uh- goodnight."

She nodded awkwardly, "Goodnight." She awkwardly pulled me into a hug. Before she could give me a kiss on the cheek I dodged it.

I smiled. "That's fine. Bye." I ain't touching that mouth after what I've heard. I went into my room. After closing the door I heard her curse.

"Fuck!" She went back into her room.

(A/N I wrote this while laughing😂😂😂)

After getting in bed all I could think about was how this would affect my relationship with both Ben and Jeremy.

Speaking of the devil, Ben called. I didn't pick up. Then Jeremy called too right after Ben. I picked up. "Hi."

"Hi? Are you alright? You've never said hi with a babe at the end."

"Uh- I'm good. I'm just tired."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. No need to worry."

"Okay then. I was just checking on you. Tomorrow I'll come pick you up, okay?"

"Uh- sure."

"Are you sure you're alright? I have a gut feeling."

"Yes, I'm fine. Would you stop with the million questions!"

"O-kay. Sorry. I was just worried."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I'm just really tired. Can we talk tomorrow?"

"Sure. No problem. Just take it easy, okay?"

"I will. Bye."

"Bye. Lov-" I hung up. I couldn't take it anymore. I don't feel the same as before about Jeremy anymore.

After a while Ben came, looking terrible. His whole face was flushed, he was shaking nonstop, his face was covered with red lipstick and he was crying. He was crying my name and sorry.


The following day Jeremy came and we went to McDonald's. I kept on dodging his eyes and spacing out. Thinking about Ben. Even the following days I couldn't stand standing next to Jeremy. When he'd touch me I'd feel weird and somehow remove his hands off of me.

My Not Exactly Bully Boyfriend(bxb)Where stories live. Discover now