Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Sarah’s POV:

            When we walked down our hall, we saw a cleaning cart and a cleaning outfit hanging on the side at the side of one of the hotel rooms. Nate had decided to go and see if the boys were coming back, so it was just Michaelann and I. Michaelann exchanged glances with me, and we were both on the same wavelength.

            We looked into the hotel room that the cleaning lady was in to see if she was looking and rolled the cart out of her sight and around a corner. I changed in the outfit, because it was too small for her.

            “Where are am I going to go?” She said, dumbfounded. I lifted up a curtain attached to the cart.

            “Under there.” I pointed. She laughed. “No, I’m serious.”

            “All right…” She said unconvincing. She crouched under it, and I covered it up.

            “Comfy?”  I asked sarcastically.

            “As I’ll ever be.” She muttered. I started rolled the cart towards the elevator and pressed the farthest floor. Thud. “Are you okay?” I asked.

            “Yeah, I was just moving a spray bottle that was jabbing my back. I’m all good.” She reassured me.

            When the elevator doors open, there were two security guards.

            “Excuse me, where are you going?” One of them asked.

            “Uh, to clean room.” I said in a random accent. I looked down at myself. I don’t even look foreign.

            “Ah. What language do you speak?” The other one questioned, giving me a ‘really?’ look.

            “Uh… Finnish.” I said trying to sound as Finnish as I could, even though I had no idea what they sounded like.

            “Ah, nice country. You know, that the boys aren’t leaving until the 27th, right?” He informed me.

            “Yes, but messy boys.” I said stepping off the elevator. I heard Michaelann’s muffled laugh.

            They laughed, “All right,” one of them unlocked the door, “There you go.”

            “Thank you.” I said pushing the cart very fast, I saw Michaelann’s head pop out of the front and go back in. I tried to hold in a laugh while I was within earshot of the security guards. I burst out laughing, while I was Greer open the door.

            “Oh my God! What were you doing?” She laughed, helping Michaelann out of the cart.

            “Um, getting you.” Michaelann said and she sounding irritated.

            “You could’ve just told them you were with me!” She said waving down the hallway to the two security guards. They smiled and shouted, “So you’re not Finnish?”

            “Sorry!” I responded.

            “So, what happened?” Michaelann asked excitedly.

            “It was amazing! He is so flirtatious. Gah, so romantic. We even kissed!” She said.

            “Yeah, well he always kisses on the first date.” Michaelann said obviously.

            “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Greer shrugged it off. Michaelann and me immediately looked at each other and started to sing:

            “We were like NA NA NA,

            Then we were like YA YA YA,

            We’re always like NA NA NA,

            We can’t make up our minds,

            ‘Cause when we think we’ve got it right,”

            Then Michaelann started clapping to the beat, we both started to dance, and Greer joined in,

            “We go NA NA NA,

            NA NA NA,

            NA NA NA,

            NA NA—“

            “‘Vas Happenin’?” We heard a British accent shout from down the hall, which I recognize as Zayn. We stopped singing and started laughing.

Author's Note: I dedicate this chapter to those Directioners who just have a random 'Singing One Direction' times. 'Cause I have those a lot and it's just insane how bad I look. But, I'll do anything for our boys!!!  :) Post some more later. Follow me at:  @itsMichaelann All righty? Okay, ta ta for now. 

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