Chapter 31

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Author's Note: I love the last chapter because it was extremely awkward to write, and just plain funny to. So I'm going to go down the line of the characters and get everyone's perspective, and some of them will be short. Just wanted to let you know, so you guys won't get confuzzled. Also something you should know, this is all happening at the same time, the conversation and thoughts and stuff. All right, ENJOY!

Chapter 31

Nellie's POV:

          Nate was slowly wrapping his arms around me, which I didn't mind. But Sarah! Attempting to get Niall and Michaelann back together! She's so annoying! But I could only imagine how awkward Michaelann was feeling, because they 'broke' up.

Nate's POV:

          God, I hate Michaelann's suggestions! Greer was awkwardly behind me, and her arms were avoiding touching me, which I completely understand.

          I really need to talk to Nellie to see if this was a relationship or a fling or something.

Greer's POV:

          How embarrassing! Harry 'reserving' a spot for me. But he's just so perfect, he is all I ever want in life. I felt his arms wrap around me, but I also felt something hard on my butt.

          "Harry... I can feel that." I whispered awkwardly.

          "Um... What?" He acted dumb.

          "Uh, your thing." I smiled a bit.

          "Oh, uh, sorry?" He said, embarrassed. Oh my God, Harry, how... disturbing?

Harry's POV:

          I acted as if I didn't know what Greer was talking about, but of course I knew. I tried to resist it as much as possible, but I couldn't help it. For some reason, I don't think I need anymore one night stands, cougars, or any other girl in general. Greer is perfect for me.

Michaelann's POV:

          JESUS, SARAH! Really, did you have to go and make everything awkward? Now, Niall probably feels me tense up just thinking about our arguements. Now that I was so uptight, how was I going to sleep?

          "Michaelann, are you okay?" Niall asked, a question I was regretting, hoping he wouldn't ask it.

          "Yeah, sure I am." I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

          "Liar." Niall laughed, attempting to hug me, I tried to resist him, but his arms are so welcoming.

Niall's POV:

          "Yeah, sure, I am." She stuttered, but I could tell she was lying. She was such a bad liar.

          I don't want to get back 'together' with her. How the hell would we keep a relationship when we live in two different countries? On top of that, I'm like always busy. How does Liam, Louis, and Zayn keep up their relationships?

Sarah's POV:

          How awkward is this? A single guy in front of me and an unavailable guy behind me, I feel like such a rebel!

          But I can't even consider Louis though. I don't want to be considered some bitch who stole Louis from Eleanor. I'm fine with people who are normal, not engulfed in publicity, thank you very much.

Louis's POV:

          I should've let someone go betweemn me and Sarah, it's extremely awkward.

          I miss El. I wonder what she's doing right now. Probably getting ready for her next year at college. I just can't wait to see her.

Liam's POV:

          I hope Paul is okay and that they call soon. I suddenly remembered that Danielle had a performance today, I pray that'll she do an amazing job just like she normally does.

Zayn's POV:

          I love Perrie. I miss her. I wish our touring was so crazy.

Liam's POV:

          Everyone was asleep when my cell phone rang. I quickly got up, making sure not to awake Louis and Zayn. 

          "Hello?" I  answered the phone as quicly as possible.

          "Excuse me for such the early hour, but is this Liam Payne?" A calm, deep voice came through the phone.

          "Yes, sir, it is." I responded eagerly, to know what he was going to say.

          "I have some bad news." The man said.

Author's Note: I am going to leave on a cliffhanger...  For like ten minutes. Okay? Okay. All right, come read more in a while!

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