Chapter 44

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Author's Note: i was going to say something but I forgot--- Oh, yeah, I just wanted to apologize for any mistakes I made with the UK and US's versions of driving, I have never been there before so I might've confused them. Just tell me if I screwed up and I'll fix it for you guys! Also, sorry in advance for the lack of conversation in the chapter.

Chapter 44

Michaelann's POV:

            When the man came into the store, I knew he was suspicious. He was eyeing me the entire time as he waited on the line.

            "Excuse me, ma'am, but could I have some help over here?" The man said, beckoning me over to a table where he had seated himself which was weird, because we don't service to tables. I walked over anyway.

            "What would you like help with?" I asked, trying not to sound irritated, but there was an obvious line.

            "Come here." He said, getting up and moving towards the door. I didn't follow him because of his odd behaviour, so he swiftly grabbed my finger that was outstretched, pulled me towards the door, putting me in a head lock and dragging me outside as quickly as possible. As much as I resisted, I couldn't break free.

            When I saw Niall running towards my scream, I felt as if it was surreal, Niall James Horan, my lifetime idol, was trying to save me. 

          When he threw me into the backseat of his truck, I tried to analyze the man, why he would take me from my becoming life? I knew that I wouldn't be captured for long, but just a threat of it scares the daylights out of me. I never though kidnappers had reasons for their stealing. Do they just randomly select innocent people to take away from their families, friends, and lifes purposely just for fun? As my mind tried to make sense of what was happenind, the man quickly jumped into the driver's side and sped off towards the highway. I looked out the back window to watch my house disappear in the distance. I watched a blonde, buff figure run into the house and out of my car. Niall was going to drive?

Niall's POV:

          When I grabbed the keys and ran outto the car, I realized that I rarely drove in America, or in the UK for that matter. There is no time for thinking, so I jumped in the driver's side and quickly jammed the  keys in the ignition. I stepped on the gas and forgot to put in reverse, so I almost hit the fence surrounding the perimeter of the house. I quickly shifted gears to reverse and whizzed out of the driveway. I sped down the road, driving like a madman. I could see the man's truck swirve onto the highway, oh boy, not the highway. There are so many obstacles to steer away from, but that I was going to attempt anyway.

          When I got on, I decided that I should get on the man's tail, so I switched lanes multiple times to snake up towards him, who was already almost fifteen cars ahead of me. All three lanes started to merge into one, so I cut off loads of people to get right behind the kidnapper. When we were all single file in the lane, I told myself Iwas doing pretty good driving. Just as that thought finished, the kidnapper decided to get aggressive. He stepped on the brakes, causing me to go crashing into his bumper. I got whiplash, but thankfully I caught myself before I whacked my head on the dashboard. I stepped on the brakes and he continued on his way and so did I. We drove like this for two hours, within those I called the police, which I completely forgot to do. I told them my rough location and what my car looked like, they said they would send help and they said I should stay on his tail 'til they came, which I was fine with. I finally heard the wailing sirens of their cars behind me causing people to pull over to let them pass. There happened to be three police cars, one pulled me over the other two tried to pull over the kidnapper but he turned off the nearest exit off the highway, and the two police cars followed him and Michaelann.

          Where was he taking her? Not only did she make my year, she made my year last time too. There was something abut her that attracted me to her. Even though her life was shitty. I just kept screwing everything up, like not responding to her texts throughout the ten years we were apart. I just didn't want to get more attached to a girl who lived in the States. So much for that idea...

          The policemen got out of his car and walked over to my now open window.

          "So, could you tell me what you saw." He asked get out a notepad and a pen. I heard the two other police cars' s

          "Well, I was just standing with some fans and some man ran out with her in a headlock and threw in the truck, so I went out after her." I said matter-of-factly.

          "Do you have any assumptions of who this man is?" He asked as he scribbled on the page.

          "I have no absolute clue." I chuckled, since I had only seen Michaelann for almost three days.

          "All right," He said as he shoved the paper and pen back into his pocket, "I would like you to remain calm through this complicated process of chasing down the kidnapper." I shook my head with shook. What process? There wasn't really a process, they were already following him. I was about to ask him what he meant by process, but then we heard some muffled static and talking from the radio in his car.

          "Hold on." He said quickly going back to car and listening in, responding, then he came back. "My other officers said that they lost the truck with the kidnapper and the hostage a little ways down. But we will keep the search up. I want to advice you that you should keep calm and stay where ever you staying and we will let you know if we get any clues." He warned.

          "What? I can't go look?" I snapped, furiated.

          "No, sir, please, it's for your safety." He reasoned. I contemplated this, and decided it wouldn't be good to fight with an officer, especially since I don't live in this country.

          "All right, officer, thank you." I said, as he walked towards his car and I turned onto the highway, unsure of where I was going.

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