Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Michaelann's POV:

         We all sat down and just looked at each other until my mom spoke up.

         "Honey, dear, could you help me with dinner?" She said, getting up. I shot Niall a are-you-going-to-be-okay look, but he nodded.

          "Sure." I answered, following her.

Mike's POV:

        "So, Niall, what do you do now, that all of your fans have grown?" I asked, remembering my daughter's earlier obsession with One Direction. They were all she talked about, until she came back from the sweepstakes she won. She never had since, she never told me what happened, that made her stop her love for them so abruptly.

         "Well, I have been doing gigs around UK, we still have some fans." He defended his self.

         "Interesting... What are the rest of the boys doing? There are other members, right?" I asked sarcastically, knowing there was.

         "Yeah, there is. Since Harry moved to the States, the boys and I have been doing our own gigs." He explained. I was impatiently waiting for my wife to call us for dinner, but it wasn't working having small talk. "So, how have you been doing? Have you been working?" He attempted at conversation. At least, I am not the only one that senses this is awkward.

         "No, I have been a construction worker forever, but apparently construction workers have to stay in shape." I chuckled, patting my beer belly. He laughed nervously, peeking into the kitchen waiting for their call, just as I am. "Well, that's get to the point. You are going to sleep in Michaelann's apartment and she'll sleep in here. I do not want anything happening, if you know what I mean."

         His face dropped, but quickly regained strength. "Yessir." I smiled at his reaction.

         "Dinner is ready!" I heard Michaelann call to us. Niall left before I had even gotten up. So then we had dinner. After we finished, Michaelann walked Niall out to where he was sleeping.

Niall's POV:

         "I'm sorry about my dad, I hope you don't mind." Michaelann apologized as she carried some linens and a pillow out to the apartment.

         "No, no, it's fine. I don't mind." I reassured her for the thousandth time, I am a bit disappointed that Mike sent me out alone, but I can't complain since one of my best friends just kicked me out of his house.

         "Are you sure?" She asks again, as she got out the key, opened the door, and walked in. "Um, let me clean up a bit." She said, as she threw the pillow and sheets unto the bed. She picked up papers scattered throughout the room and shoved them in a random drawer. She picked up the random clothes as I set my suitcase at the foot of the bed. "All right."

         "Okay." I said, looking around the now tidy room. Michaelann walked up to me, because I was blocking the door.

         "If you need anything, you just text or call me." She told me. I stepped closer to her and she didn't budge. I leaned in and down, because she was thankfully shorter than me, and kissed her.

         "All right, Michaelann, are you coming in?" We heard Mike shout out from the open window. Michaelann jumped at the sound of his voice.

         "I hate when he does that..." She said quietly, "Good Night, Niall!" She called to me as she walked quickly to the house.

Michaelann's POV:

         When I walked back into the house, my spot on the couch was already set up for my slumber. 

         "I think I know how to get you a job..." My dad said nonchalant, while reading a newspaper, I looked at the date, November 12, 2011. 

         "First of all, get a recent newspaper, and how do you think that?" I said sitting down at the couch across him.

         "Well, we could say that he needs to repay us for staying here, so we'll convince him to put on a concert..." He ventured. I started to catch his drift, my family had always wanted to start a ice cream shop, but everytime we started it, no one would come.  Which was weird, because all our ice cream was homemade, so they just didn't know. We even had a building for it across the street.

         "So, you're saying, is to make him do a concert to get the business running? Don't you think it's sort of using him?" I said, knowing that if Niall thought we were using him, he'd leave, just like he did ten years ago.

         "Yeah, but it's not like you're going to lie. Just tell him you need him." He said, not worried about anything.

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