Chapter 20

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Author’s Note: Hold onto your hats, folks, this is going to be a couple awkward chapters! It had to get awkward sooner or later, so I decided soon AND later! I hope it's funny because I want my readers to laugh, because most fanfictions are full of drama. But I thought I would be funny first, before we get to the serious stuff. Also, Harry is going to be his perverted self, in the next couple chapters, so get ready. Tell me if you laugh!  

Chapter 20

             “What’s up?” I said, worried.

            “Nothing, I just wanted to let you know that I had an amazing time with Greer.” Harry said.

            “You better not hurt her, if you guys continue this. She is very sensitive.” I warned him.

            “Hey, and you better not hurt Niall, he is fragile. If he falls, you have to be there to catch him. Or else he’ll break.” Harry informed me.

            “Wow. That was deep.” I said, taking it all in. I couldn’t have said it better.

            “Yep.” He laughed as we got to the elevator.

            “What’s in it for you?” I asked him. He looked at me confused, “Like, what are you getting after?”

            “With Greer?” He said, still dumbfounded.

            “Yeah. Is it like a fling?” I continued.

            “I don’t think so, unless she wants it to be.” He winked.

            “You player.” I said as I elbowed him. Finally, Nellie and Nate came up in the elevator after Harry and I had a lot of small talk. They looked quite disheveled.

            “Um, they’re with us.” Harry said leading them down the hallway.

            “What’s happened? Did the elevator have a bit of bumps?” I giggled, motioning towards their messy hair and uneven sweatshirts.

            “Uh, yeah.” Nate said with a smirk, sharing a look with Nellie.

            “Ah, I know how it is.” Harry chuckled, high-fiving Nate. When we went into the room they gave Nellie and Nate looks and secretly laughed to themselves.

            “Somebody had fun in the elevator.” Zayn pointed out, breaking the silence.

            “I wish I had fun in the elevator…” Niall mumbled, but I ignored it.

“Did anybody lose anything, like a virginity, perhaps?” Louis said, pretending to hold something up.

            “Yes…” Nellie said under her breath.

            “Wow.” I said, instantly regretting it.

            “What?” Nellie shot me a death stare.

            “Oh, nothing.” I said. “Now, what does everyone want to do?” I changed the subject, again.

            “I need to clean up.” Nellie said, walking towards the bathroom. It looked as though Nate was getting up too, but Harry stopped him. We had to laugh, because we have been holding it in since they got here.

            “We don’t want her to take too long.” Harry laughed.

            “Well, I am up for just chilling.” Zayn threw a suggestion out there, trying to answer my question.

Talk to You (A Niall Horan Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя