Chapter 41

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Author's Note: I think I make Harry so funny, you'll see. Also, please be expecting me to post it around 5 p.m. EST on the  weekdays because my school has started so that's what time I get home... Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my family had a party to go to. All righty, just thought I'd let you guys know. Also, I have decided to use reverse psychology with the commenting since barely any of you have, so DON'T ( ;) ) comment!!! :)

Chapter 41

Niall's POV:

         Last night, I had a wonderful time with Michaelann. I tried to make her dream love story come true and apparently it worked because here I am, with her lying on my shoulder completely naked. Harry's going to be 'so' proud. I kissed her on the forehead to wake her up.

           "Good morning, beautiful." I said, when she looked up at me. She paused for a second.

         "Your eyes are gorgeous." She commented, caressing my face. I laughed at her, what a random thing to say. 

         "Hey, looks like last night went well." Harry snickered as he barged in.

         "Harry! What the hell?" Michaelann jumped at his voice.

         "Sorry, but, Niall, you missed your flight." Harry said.

         "What, really? Um, what am I going to do?" I said, grabbing a blanket to cover myself and stood up.

         "Um, we didn't, uh, exactly book you another flight. Why don't you, um, stay a little bit longer?" Harry said in his slow manner like he does. This offer was tempting, to stick around a little with Michaelann. She gave me a puppy-dog look, begging me to stay.

         "Sure." I said, quickly pulling on some boxers. I knew Harry was pulling me into something, I just didn't know what.

         "Great! Your stuff is already by Michaelann's car. You can leave when you're ready." He said, smiling, as he shut the door before any objections.

         "All right... Is that okay? I could book a flight in a few seconds if it's not..." I asked, shocked Harry would just kick us both out. 

         "Yeah, but I must warn you, I live with some people. Sort of like a duplex." She said, getting up to get dressed with me.

         "That's all right." I said heading towards the door because I was all dressed.

         "Okie-dokie." She said, sounding like she was hiding something. She finished getting dressed and we went downstairs to say our farewells to Greer and Harry. Then we walked out to the car.

         "Cute." I said sarcastically under my breath. I piled my suitcase on top of Michaelann's in the back seat, then I started to walked towards the European passenger side.

         "Uh, Niall, the passenger seat is on the other side." She informed me. I laughed at myself, how stupid, Niall. I walked around to the other side and got in. This is going to be a long drive.

           We sat there a while in silence, listening to the quiet music in the background.

         "So... I have to also warn you that my apartment is a dumpsite. I don't really have many people over." She said, as she turned unto the highway.

         "Are you sure you're comfortable with me coming over?" I asked. She sounded like she was trying to get me out of coming.

         "Yeah, of course." She said, followed by another section of silence.

         "Hey, how long is this drive?" I asked hoping it wouldn't go on any longer.

         "Right now, it looks like another two and half hours." She sighed, looking ahead at the long line of traffic.

         "So, who are these people you live with?" I asked, trying to start conversation.

         "Um, my... Parents. But I live in a separate building." She said nervously like I was going to be mad, disapproving, or something.

           "Well, can I meet them? I mean, if they made you, they must be some nice people." I said, making a joke.

         She laughed, "I don't think there is anyway you could avoid it. They look out the window until I come home, so..."

         "Great! Now I'm excited!" I said euthiastically.

         "Haha, well, you... They might... They are going to embarrass me, so don't take anything literally." 

         "What's there to be nervous about?" I laughed. All parents embarrass their children at any age. Why would hers be any different? She laughed with me. I love the sound of her laugh, her voice, and her whisper. We sat in traffic for an hour. She told stories of the weirdest interviews she had been in and I told stories some obnoxious fan stories, so the two and half hours flew by.

         "Are we there yet?" I asked as a little child would say as she drove up to a house with a small barn shack sort of thing next to it.

         "Yep." She said as she parked and opened the door to get out. I got out wit hher and grabbed both of our suitcases.

         "Honey, who's this?" A little old lady said, peeking her head out of the front door of the house.

         "This is Niall. A friend I met at Greer's. Niall, this is my mom, Annie." She introduced us to each other.

         "Honey, is this the Niall who you used to fantastize about?" Annie asked her as she gestured us into the house so we followed. Michaelann blushed at the question.

         "Yes." She said softly. I smiled. When we walked in there was a tubby man with a massive gray beard and little gray afro.

         "Niall, this is my dad, Mike." She said as Mike put out his hand to shake it. So I did.

Talk to You (A Niall Horan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now