Chapter 24

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Author’s Note: DRAMA! LOL. I was to be like those authors’ who point out the obvious. Hehehe. So, Nellie is betraying her ‘friend’, Michaelann. Why is she doing this? Like, WTF? And Michaelann has a surprising back-story. Niall is getting jealous of Matt, even though Michaelann claims there is nothing going on. Mhm, tell me what you guys think should happen and crap like that. LOL.

Chapter 24

Niall’s POV:

            When we got back to the hotel, we all dispersed to our rooms, leaving Michaelann and me to get over ourselves and talk about what happened at the restaurant. How could she pretend to be Nellie to manipulate me to tell her what she doesn’t need to know?

            “Why did you pretend to be Nellie?” I said angrily.

            “Why do you have to talk behind my back about what I should know? Shouldn’t I know if someone going to emotionally hurt me?” She shot back.

            “Yeah, well, I was waiting for the right time.” I lied; I wasn’t going to tell her, if I was going to try to keep it from happening.

            “Yeah, sure,” She snorted, “Well, are you going to tell now? Since we’re on the subject?

            “No! You don’t need to know! Yeah, know what? I don’t think this was right… Just to jump into this relationship.” I retorted. This is what Nellie wanted, us to break up.

            “Are you kidding me?” She yelled. “If I know Nellie, this is exactly what she wants.” She said it as if she read my mind, “UGH! Fine.” She grabbed her phone, but before she left, she snapped, “I am coming back to sleep so don’t go and think you have this place to yourself.” And then she slammed the door closed.

Michaelann’s POV:

            After I stormed out of our room, I felt like such a drama queen. God, NELLIE!

            New message to Nellie: Congrats. You have success with breaking us up. Screw you. I thought you changed.           

            New message from Nellie: :’( Oh, no! That’s stinks. too bad Niall is fine… J actually he coming over now. So you can go back to your room if you want.

        I had wandered to the elevator and didn’t think twice about pressing the lobby button. I just need to get away for a bit. I waited as the elevator dinged that my stop was here. I got off and went to the complimentary computer room for the guests.

            I checked my twitter; it had reached 3,000 and growing as I kept checking. I then went to the Nauset high school website to check the summer reading for Matt, and possibly me. I had a lot of debating to do because I had no idea if I want to keep going to my high school if I had no friends. Nauset seemed so inviting now, with Matt… And Matt. But maybe I am only thinking this because I was sad, in need of support.

            I saw the assignment for the seniors’ and called his house. * Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. *

            “UGH!” I grunted, rather loudly, attracting all the occupants of the room towards me.

            I called his mom’s cell. * Ring, ring, ring, ri—*

            “Hello?” She said.

            I sighed with relief. “Hey, it’s Michaelann, I couldn’t’ get in touch with Matt at home, so I decided to call you to see his whereabouts.”

            “Oh, honey, he didn’t tell you? He flew out to San Francisco this morning.” She said calmly.

            “Oh.” I said. Why did he tell me to call him then? “Well…  Do you have a number I could reach him with, then?”

            “Sure… But he might be out with his cousins.” She said, and then she gave me the number to his grandparents’ house.

            “Thank you, Sue!” I thanked her.

            “Anytime. See you later.” She said, and then I heard the click of the line closing. I quickly punched in the number viciously into my phone. * ring, ring-- *

            “Hello?” A deep, kind voice came through.

            “Hello. This is—” I got cut off.

            “This isn’t any of those cancer agencies? I already gave yhou guys money!” He asked, briskly.

            “Haha, no. I am Matt’s friend, Michaelann.” I laughed.

            “Oh… Let me get him. MATT!!! SOMEONE IS ON THE PHONE FOR YOU!” The man shouted, forgetting to cover the speaker.

            “‘Ello?” He said in a British accent.

            “Hey, Matt, I have your homework.” I said.

            “You told me to look it up.” He remembered.

             “I know, I know. But I was kidding. I have it now. Wait- do you already know it?”

            “No…” He says, “I was going to though.”

            “Sure… Well, you have to read a book, talk notes on it and write an essay.” I felt a presence behind me, but I ignored it, thinking it was just someone passing by.

            He groaned.  “That’s a lot… Do you have a decision? On if you’re going to come back?” He asked, quietly.

            “I am on the fence, I don’t know still. I’m sorry.” I sighed. “Well, you didn’t tell you were going to go to San Francisco today.”

            “Yeah… I thought you’d figure it out…” He thought.

            “I know… I had to ask your mother for this phone number though… You could’ve gave it to me, so I didn’t feel like a stalker.” I laughed, a hand appeared on my shoulder. Oh good. A spectator… I quickly whipped it off and continued my conversation.

            “Yep, ‘cause you are a stalker.” He said, matter-of-factly. I laughed, a little too much. Someone pulled up a chair and sat down next to me. It was Zayn. I gave him a small wave and held up my finger, indicating for him to wait, he nodded and started adjusting himself in his chair.

            “No, I am not! Whatever. So…” I stressed the ‘not’.

            “So… I got to go… My fans are calling.” He said sarcastically. “Hey, try to not to be all over the Internet.”

            “All right, bye!” I said, hanging up.

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