Chapter 35

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Author's Note: This might be unrealistic, but whatever. But I can see Harry doing anything for his wife though, can't you?

Chapter 35

           When I drove up their drive, it as lined with cherry blossom trees. You would think you were on a set to a perfect movie. When the drive ended, there was a perfect ranch house with a porch. It was so surreal. WhenI parked my car, grabbed my suitcase, and walked up to the porch, Greer greeted me.

           "Hello! Have I missed you!" She shouted, hugging me wqhich made my drop my suitcase.

           "Oh, hi, Michaelann. I wasn't expecting you so early." Harry said from behind the screen door. I could only see his chest, but I had to assume he was completely nude.

           "Ugh, Harry! Please! Cover yourself up! We have a guest over." Greer said pointing to me.

           "Well, if she is going to be staying here a few days, then she beter get used to it." harry did his famous wink. I laughed because he hadn't changed a bit.

           "Dear, come on. Get upstairs and change into some clothes." Greer said sweetly, kissing him through the screen.

           "Fine..." He pouted, walking away.

           "Well..." Greer giggled at her husband, "We didn't tell you, but the boys are coming for a visit as well."

           "Wait, are you serious? Are they coming today?" I stammered. I wasn't expecting this, I hadn't cleaned up, which she probably noticed.

           "yeah, I suggest that you go on upstairs and change in the guest bedroom." Then she added, "Try and fix your hiar, okay?"

           "Yeah, sure." I smiled, walking in the house with Greer following me.

           "The room is the first door on your left." Greer said as she pointed to the stairs.

           "Thanks." I said, dragging my suitcase up the stairs. I got into the bedroom and changed into the most decent clothes I packed. Then I went to the bathroom to try and get my hair out and brushed. While I was trying to rip it out, i heard thumping on the stairs, but I assumed it was Harry going back down and I decided to ignore it. So I continued to pull the elastic out of my hair, it had finally came out. My hand flew with elastic in it into a really hard object. I looked up and saw Niall was standing there. He had grown stubble on his jawline, and his hair hadn't been shaped. He was probably wearing the first clothes he saw.

          "Ow." He groaned sarcastically.

          "Oh, I'm sorry.' I joked. i stood upright and was evidently shorter than him. He actually seemed like a giant to me.

          "Greer told me to go to the first door to my left." He told me. Right then, I knew Greer was trying to set us up.

          "Really?" I said, I decided to put my hair up again since I wouldn't have time to fix it anyway.

          "Yep, she also said that this is where I was going to sleep." he informed me.

          "Well, she told that too..." I said, matter-of-factly.

          "Hm, I guess we'll have to further investigate." He said as I finished my bun quickly.

          "All right, let's go!" I said, walking out the bedroom and down the stairs, hearing Niall loudly walking behind me.

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