Chapter 27

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Author’s Note: I’m going to put a small disaster into this story, nothing-serious…Just a little filler chapter, but you can't trust me that everyone will be okay. This is my one of my many favorite chapters because I am going to make Michaelann really stupid and sorta an airhead in this chapter, even though she was probably really dumb in the rest, too.

Chapter 28

Michaelann’s POV:

            I was awakened with a loud wailing sound from the fire alarm. I coughed, being surrounded by smoke coming in from the bottom of the door leading towards the hall.

            “Niall.” I looked over at him, but he was still sleeping. “Niall! NIALL!” I got up to shake him awake. “Niall!”

            “What?” He mumbled as he turned over away from me.

            “There’s a fire, come on, let’s go!” I yelled, as I yanked him off the bed.

            “Geez…I’m up.” He said looking around. “Get down, heat rises. “ He informed me, as he put his hand on my head to push me down. We both crawled to the door.

            “Wait! MY PHONE!” I yelled, getting off the ground. I heard Niall groan as he yelled at me, “MICHAELANN! COME ON, SERIOUSLY?” I nodded, even though he probably didn’t see. I swiped my phone of the side table, got back on my knees and crawled back over Niall.

            He pushed the door open and looks down the hall, he shouted, “I think we have to go down the stairs!” He guided me all the way down the hall towards the staircase. He got up and pushed the door.

            “GO!” He urged me as I walked through. I walked until I came to a huge line of people, who were all there, the same reason we were. I glanced over the railing to find the twisting of the staircases were all filling with people all the way down to the bottom. After looking for a while, I grew nauseous and quickly stepped back, losing my footing.  Niall caught me before I tumbled into the person in front of me. I put my head on his chest and closing my eyes.

            “ATTENTION! WE ARE THE MIAMI FIRE DEPARTMENT, HERE TO GET YOU ALL OUT SAFELY. PLEASE THOSE CAPABLE OF KNEELING PLEASE DO. THOSE WHO ARE NOT, PLEASE COVER YOUR FACE WITH YOUR CLOTHING. WE ARE GOING TO START MOVING PEOPLE OUT NOW, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT.” The firefighter informed us through a megaphone from the bottom of the staircase. Niall and I both kneeled down on the stairs. The line had slowly started moving. Niall was constantly looking around to the other people, searching their faces.

            “Michaelann. I am going to leave you here, I need to go search for Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry. I wanna see if they’re okay.” He said getting up.

            “You’re just going to leave me here?” I said, my eyes tearing up, not because of him leaving, but because of the smoke.

            “Yeah, you’re okay here.” He said patting me on the head, like as if I was a dog.

            “Whatever. Make sure you get out alive. Half of the female population will be in tears for ages.” I joked.

            “I know.” He sighed, as he started running passed all the people to get to their floor. The line had started progressing downwards, and I moved along with it. I had finally got to the bottom and led out, where there were dozens of medics awaiting the victims to check their vital signs. One waved me over to him. I stood there as he took my blood pressure, heart rate, and their breathing. After a minute or two, he cleared me to go stand with the others across the street.

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