Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Michaelann's POV:

          We finally found a way to Nellie's place by taking a taxi. It took us eternity to find the number for the  taxi service because Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Liam had assure everyone we came across that they were, in fact, One Direction.

          "Where would you like to go?" The driver asked as we all piled into the minivan.

          Nellie told the man the address.

          "Nellie, how big is this place?" Liam asked, basically asking for the rest of us too because that's exactly what I was thinking.

          "Um... I was hoping you wouldn't ask." She said nervously. "It's like the size of two hotel rooms." She stammered. All of our faces dropped and looked at her with disbelief.

          "What are these people who are living in this 'house'? Hermits?" Louis said sarcastically.

          "No, they travel a lot." Nellie defended them.

         "Okay.. How many beds?" Liam continued, hoping there would be something good.    

         "Um... One. She said. She looked at all our shocked faces and added, "They're a couple, okay? They sleep in the same bed."

         "I'm fine with that, we can all fit if we spoon." Harry suggested.

        "I hope you're joking." I said, hoping he was.

        "No, I'm not, and if it gets cold, we could all get naked." He smirked.

        "Cold? In Miami? It's never cold in Miami." I informed them.

        "That's disappointing." Harry faked a frown.

        "Um, does anyone actually want to sleep on the floor?" Liam asked, and saw us all slowly shake our heads. "Well, I guess Harry's suggestion will actually happen, but we'll have to, uh, spoon with someone we're comfortable with." He hesitated before saying 'spoon'. We heard the driver snicker at our conversation.

         "Who is going to be comfortable with me?" Liam volunteered himself first.

        "Um, I will." Niall offered.

        "What about Zayn?" We continued to auction each other off until we got to the house.

        When we got to the house, we raided the fridge of its contents. We all awkwardly eventually gathered in the bedroom and looked at each other, waiting for . I couldn't help myself from laughing. I love how we had to plan our sleeping arrangements. I mean, it was going to be awkward either way! They all looked at me like I was crazy, which I was.

          "Okay, you guys don't think this is at all funny? Imagine how ridiculous we sounded in the cab." I laughed but nobody caught my drift. "Fine, I'll stop," I said as I controlled my laughter once more. "Who wants to get in first?"

          "Um, I will." Niall Offered.

          "Well, why don't we all just jump in and see who we end up with? I don't think it could get more awkward." I suggested.

          "I think us taken guys will just pick up the end after everyone else gets situated." Zayn patted Louis and Liam on the back.

         "All right." I said, jumping in middle of the bed.

          "Um, I call in front of her!" Harry claimed jumping in front of me. "This is reserved for Greer." He patted the space in front of him, causing Greer to blush. She climbed onto the bed in front of us.

          "I guess I'll take the spot in front of Greer." Nate shrugged, getting awkwardly into the spot he claimed.

          "I'll feel more comfortable in front of Nate." She said, shooting a look towards me.

          "I'll go behind Niall." Sarah quickly smiled in my direction. I quietly groaned and Harry attempted to what I thought was comforting me by patting me on the thigh, but it could be a careless effort to feel me up. Niall made his way towards the bed and slowly came up behind me. I felt Harry laughing but I ignored it.

          "All right. Here we come!" Louis shouted, jumping in behind Sarah, followed by Liam and Zayn.

Author's Note: I love this chapter. It's so fun to write this stuff. Especially when people don't comment and crap like that. It's great. PLEASE tell me what you think of it. Love you all! AH! So excited for 'Take Me Home' album! BAH!

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