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FP walks in to Ellie's daycare and scans the room for his daughter. He spots her sitting at a table surrounded by a few other little kids, giggling as she draws a picture. 

He smiles at the sight and one of the daycare workers notices him. "Ellie, your daddy is here!" She announces, gaining the little girl's attention.

She lifts her head and sees FP. He waves to her and she smiles wide, leaping up from her seat and running over to him. "Daddy!" She squeals as she runs into his arms.

He lifts her up and kisses her cheek. He'll never get tired of her greeting him so excitedly every day. "Hi princess!"

"I missed you, daddy! It's been so long!"

"I saw you this morning silly goose." He bops her on the nose with his finger and she giggles. "But I missed you too." He kisses her cheek again and she hugs him tighter. "What did you do today?"

"We sang songs and played with toys and drawed pictures!"

"Sounds like you had the best day!"

"I did! I drew a picture for you, daddy!"

"You did?" She nods to confirm it. "Can I see it?" She smiles and wiggles in his arms so he'll set her down.

She runs over to the table she was sitting at and he follows, kneeling down beside her. "This is you," she points to the picture. "and there's me and that's mommy!" She tells him proudly and he can't fight the smile on his face.

"It's amazing, sweetie! I love it!" He kisses the side of her head. "Are you ready to go home?" She nods affirmatively and he follows her over to her coat hook so she can grab her bag.

He helps her put on her jacket and carries her backpack on his shoulder, holding her hand as they walk out to the parking lot.

He lifts her up into the truck and buckles her in before getting in himself.

"Do you think mommy will like my picture, daddy?" Ellie asks from the backseat.

"She'll love it! You can show her when we get home!" He sees her smile in the mirror at his answer. "Didn't you say you were singing songs today in class?"

"Yeah! Miss Tina taught us a new one!"

"Can I hear it?"

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are!"

"Wow, that's a nice song, honey!"

"Thanks, daddy!"

"I used to sing you that when you were a baby."

"You did?" Her eyes gleam.

"Mhm. Uncle Fred would come sing it too, you loved it!"

"And now you sing me the sunshine song!"

"I've always sang you that one. It's the first song I ever sang to you. When you were just a little, tiny baby. And now you're a big girl!"

"I'm still little, daddy, don't worry." FP laughs and hears her giggle in the backseat. "Can you sing with me?"

"You want to sing the new one you learned?"


"Okay, you start it."

They sing songs the whole ride home and when they get inside she runs in to find Gladys and show her her drawing.

"Mommy!" She calls as she runs in. She doesn't get a response so she looks around the small house.

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