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"Allie!" Ellie calls as she walks into the house with FP.

"Hi sweetheart," Alice greets, chuckling when she sees the girl. "You got chocolate all over your face, did you and daddy stop for donuts?"

"No, aunt Hermie brought a box of chocolates to daddy's work and he let me have some when he picked me up from daycare!"

"Well that was nice of him!"

"Ellie, come here honey, let me wipe your face." FP wipes the chocolate off of her cheeks with a washcloth.

"Can I have another chocolate?" Ellie questions.

"Not right now, El, you'll get a bellyache. Maybe after dinner."


"How was your day?" FP directs the question to Alice as he joins her at the table.

"Boring. Not having my laptop for a while meant I had a lot of stuff to catch up on, don't know what I was expecting."

"Want a chocolate?" He offers, holding out a small bag filled with chocolates.

"Sure," she pulls one out. "Thank you."

"Figured chocolate could help make up for the boring day you've had."

"It did, it really did."

He chuckles and puts away the bag as soon as Ellie comes back into the room. "Allie- Hey! Why does Allie get to have a chocolate and not me? That's not nice, daddy."

He lifts her up onto his lap and she crosses her arms in a huff. "Sorry, El. Allie just had a busy day so I gave her a chocolate to make her happier."

"Oh. I guess that's okay then. Chocolate always makes me happy!"

"We know." Alice and FP say in unison, smiling at each other after they do.

"Allie will you play dollies with me?"

"Yeah, for sure. I told you I would this morning."

"Just checking!" Ellie hops off of FP's lap and drags him with her to her room.

"Daddy can you help me build a princess tower? You're the bestest at building them!"

"Yeah sure, honey. Your blocks are in the living room though, I'll go get them for you."

She plops herself down in Alice's lap and hands her a doll to play with. FP comes back in and smiles at the two of them playing.

He gets to work on building Ellie's desired princess tower, Both Ellie and Alice helping him out.

"See, Allie? I told you daddy was the bestest builder!"

"You were right!"

The three of them play for a bit until FP checks the time. "I should probably get started on dinner, what does everyone want?"

"Chicken nuggets!" Ellie exclaims immediately.

"Alice?" FP questions.

"I'm fine with anything, really. I'm not picky."

"Well alright then, it'll be a surprise considering I don't know what I want."

Alice stands up to follow him but Ellie catches her hand. "Allie will you stay and play dollies?"

Alice looks towards FP. "Do you need help with dinner?"

"Nah, it's alright. You can stay and play with the kiddo." He smiles and walks out of the room to get started on dinner.

The sounds of Ellie's laughter fills the house and he can't help but smile. He's glad that Alice and Ellie get along so well.


"Daddy, can I have another chocolate now?" Ellie asks.

"No, baby, you've had enough already."

"Please? Just one?"

"Sweetie I said no." She pouts and walks into the living room, sitting down on the couch beside Alice.

"Why the sad face?" She asks the little girl.

"Daddy said no more chocolate."

"He did, huh?" She nods.

"I just want one more but daddy says no!"

"Well how about I teach you a little secret, I can guarantee you it will get you anything you want." She nods excitedly. "Okay, put your hands like this," Alice says, putting her hands together. "stick out your bottom lip and widen your eyes, if you can get a little bit of tears in there that's even better."

"Like this?" Ellie asks as she practices the look.

"Pffft, you're a natural kiddo." Alice tells her, making her smile. "Quick, he's coming!"

"What are you two talking about in there?" FP teases from the dining table.

"Oh, nothing just girl talk." Alice tells him. When he's not paying attention Alice nudges Ellie and gestures to her to put on the face she taught her.

"Daddy, can I please have another chocolate?" Ellie asks him as he's setting the table.

"Ellie, honey I already told you-" he turns around and sees her giving him a puppy dog look. "How can I say no to that face, I'll be right back, but this is the last one, okay?"

"Okay, daddy. Thank you!"

"You're welcome, princess."

As soon as he's out of sight Alice turns to the little girl and puts up her hand for a high five. "Nice one!"


"Alright, Ellie-belly is out for the night." FP says, plopping down on the couch beside Alice. "Sugar crash is real."

"She loves her sweets."

"That she does." His phone starts ringing and he reaches for it on the coffee-table. He doesn't recognize the number and excuses himself from the room to go answer it. "I'll be right back."

Alice watches the tv, though her mind is racing with the thought of him coming back into the room to sit with her. She knows it probably won't become anything but she can't help but think about if it did.

He's handsome, that's blatantly obvious. He's charming, funny, smart and perhaps the most endearing quality about him is how good of a father he is.

Her thoughts are interrupted when FP comes back into the room.

"What's wrong?" Alice asks him when she sees his troubled expression.

"Gladys called." FP swallows hard. "She wants to see Ellie."

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